How to normalize blood pressure without pills


  • Hypotension — Padder of medicine
  • How to increase blood pressure?
  • Hypertension — Jokes are bad
  • How to lower the pressure without pills?

  • Cases of increasing or decreasing blood pressure are in the life of every person, while it is absolutely no need to suffer from hypertension or a long time to suffer from headaches and weakness caused by hypotension. Pressure can jump from quite healthy people, in any case that feel like most of the time. Why blood pressure changes and how to normalize it with its own means?

    Hypotension — Padder of medicine

    Why increases or decreases blood pressure? How to bring it back?Low blood pressure, or hypotension, — Pretty common phenomenon. Sometimes she is painful and accompanies a person all his life, but more often the stress, nervous and mental overvoltage, changing the weather, magnetic storms are becoming more often.

    Why pressure decreases? The whole secret in the processes occurring in the brain and violation of the work of vascular centers responsible for maintaining the peripheral tone of the vessels. Often, the cause of hypotension is the dysfunction of the vegetative centers of the nervous system and the increase in the influence of the parasympathetic part, leading to the expansion of blood vessels, blood deposition and the decrease in the venous return of blood to the heart. Dehydration and reduction of circulating blood can lead to falling.

    Often, the hypotonik feels quite satisfactory, because during the years of his life, his body adapted to reduced blood pressure. Another thing — Sudden drop in pressure in man with normal. In this case, the pressure reduction below 95/60 mm RT. Art. Manifested by symptoms of insufficient blood supply to tissues and organs.

    Stupid headache in the field of the backbone or headache of uncertain localization, nausea, sometimes vomiting, dizziness, darkening in eyes, weakness, fatigue, reduction of the ability to concentrate attention and memorization, irritability, drowsiness, heartbeat, coolness and moisture of stop and palms — All this manifestations of hypotension. They are not fatal, but strongly spoil the worldview and interfere with enjoying life, so you need to fight with it by all means.

    How to increase blood pressure?

    • In the case of reduced blood pressure, it is necessary to lie down, laying under the feet a pair of pillows to increase the influx of blood to the heart. Any physical activity and increase in muscle activity will contribute to deterioration.
    • It should provide fresh air access to increase blood saturation and cerebral oxygen.
    • Pressure drop is often accompanied by a decrease in body temperature and chills, so it is worth covering the warmer.
    • Strong sweet coffee and tea will help rebuild blood circulation and normalize vessel tone. Adding 10-15 drops of tincture of Eleutherokokka, ginseng, Aralia or Rhodiola Pink, you will increase your chances of rapid recovery.
    • Using a tonometer, control the pressure every 15 minutes within an hour. If the pressure is not normalized, but also did not decrease, continue to measure it every 30 minutes. With a worsening of well-being, call the brigade «Ambulance».

    Hypertension — Jokes are bad

    Hypertension or increased blood pressure can be a symptom of many diseases or act as independent pathology. Hypertensive, who know about their problem, take medicines constantly or at least have a pill with them, which in an emergency will help reduce pressure to safe numbers. However, often in an increase in blood pressure up to 140/90 mm RT. Art. guilty stress, excessive mental, mental and physical stress, smoking, alcohol and coffee.

    Increased blood pressure is more often caused by the reinforced work of the heart during the emission of stress hormones. Spasm of blood vessels and their reduced elasticity caused by atherosclerotic lesion exacerbate the situation. Even in a healthy person, pressure is increased during exercise, but it usually comes to normal. For those who have hidden problems of cardiovascular character, pressure «Thinks» on high numbers for a long time.

    Hypertension Unlike hypotension is a danger to a person, his heart, blood vessels, kidneys and brain. It can lead to a brain disaster, hemorrhages in organs, infarction.

    Hypertensive with experience may not feel increased blood pressure, their body adapts to «High digits» Pressure. People who are not familiar with hypertension, worrying compressing headache in the field of nape or forehead, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, noise in the ears, darkening in the eyes. In general, the symptoms are similar to hypotension, and therefore before assisting at elevated pressure, you need to make sure of its availability.

    How to lower the pressure without pills?

    Tips how to lower blood pressure without tabletsOf course, first aid with elevated pressure implies the use of hypotensive drugs, such as clofelin, captopril. The measures proposed below will help wait for a doctor, quickly come to themselves, and in some cases and cope with the situation without resorting to emergency medical care.

    • It is necessary to lie down or take a seven position, placing the legs below the body level. This will provide a blood outflow to the lower limbs, reduce its influx to the heart and cardiac output, which will contribute to the normalization of pressure.
    • To the icters of the legs and the backbone you need to attach a mustarder, which created by them will cause the reflex extension of the vessels and distract part of the blood from the heart.
    • Tested folk remedy — Apple vinegar. Moisten them to the towel and attach for 10 minutes to the feet.
    • For a minute, massaging the point with a finger, located 0.5 cm in front of the ear.

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