The usual living space of Legionell is the soil and natural reservoirs, but there are many cases, when this malicious bacterium loves his refuge in air conditioners or jacuzzi. What attracts her such technique and what it is dangerous for a person - find out from the article.
No need to say that in each apartment there is a plumbing system with shower plants, and in some and a bathroom with a jacuzzi. Fans of exotic can be found aquariums with goldfish or even mini fountains. There is a fairly large percentage of patients forced to enjoy special devices for respiratory therapy and.
Unfortunately, not only living conditions, but also microbes that adapt to life in new conditions are improved. In this regard, at the end of the 20th century, the concept of technogenic infections appeared (from the name it is clear that their appearance is associated with technical progress), one of which is legionellles - a disease, a conductor of which can be shower and jacuzzi, air conditioners, and sprouts, aquariums and fountains.
The fact is that Legionell causes a pretty heavy pneumonia in a person (called yet «Legionnae disease»), and the detection of an unpleasant causative agent in air conditioning systems caused shock both in the inhabitants of numerous offices and manufacturers of air conditioners. And these are reporting that Legionells are found in conventional warm tap water and jacuzzi baths in SPA salons, there have been a lot of noise. Let's try to deal with the romantic attachment of Legionella to household appliances.

Condensate accumulates in cooling systems, summer sun warms it up to 30-35°C, and here they are the most favorable conditions for breeding Legionell.
However, justice should notice that such a problem arises mainly where there are branched centralized air conditioning systems, where water is defended for some time and in contact with air ducts. First of all, these are hotels and, oddly enough, therapeutic institutions. From such Legionella systems «Calculate» And so far.
Office air conditioners operate on another principle, of which condensate is removed immediately (and often dripping directly on the heads under the windows of the office of passersby). In addition, water in such systems has too low temperatures so that Legionells began to start and multiply.
And the manufacturers of air conditioners moved after several outbreaks of the disease of the legionnaires arising from the fault of their equipment. Special bactericidal filters are embedded in modern air purification and humidification systems - from tissue to ultraviolet. In addition, air conditioners are undergoing control of the purity of the supplied air, including the maintenance of all kinds of microorganisms, at least producers regularly and loudly declare.
However, all this does not eliminate the need to contain these units clean, sometimes change filters, and at least occasionally cause masters for prophylactic inspection and repair.
After all, high humidity and temperature in baths-jacuzzi - ideal conditions for the growth of Legionell. And when the bath begins to work, air bubbles are bursting and fill the room thereby necessary for infection, aqueous aerosol consisting of bacteria and water.
Surveying 88 SPA salons, experts found bacterial pollution in 23 of them. At a minimum in one case, legionellazes is proved that the infection occurred in the SPA-salon basin, emphasize doctors. The manufacturers of SPA equipment are addicted to correct in the near future.
Often, owners of automotive air conditioners have to deal with such a problem as a terrible smell. When you turn on the auto air conditioner, together with the cooled air, the car comes «Aroma» whether overwhelmed rags, or a vegetable base. In such cases, it is usually said that the air conditioner began fungus. And the reason, most often, lies in a dirty evaporator.
However, the bad smell in the car is not the only trouble emanating from the dirty evaporator. Some types of bacteria, colonizing dirty air conditioners evaporators, represent a serious danger to human health.
And the most dangerous disease that can be infected through a dirty evaporator - this very legionelle. The conditions for the survival of Legionell in artificial structures like autoconditioners are more favorable than in natural reservoirs, which leads to the accumulation of the pathogen in significant concentrations and the real possibility of entering the human body.
Thus, air conditioning is a good campaign for Legionell. The dirty air conditioner evaporator is constantly wet, is in a closed space in the dark, over time, it is born blue-green algae on which legionells and parasitize. If your air conditioner is scored with dirty drainage, the evaporator generally floats in the water. For legionelle conditions perfect.
Of course, you should not panic and flee to doctors, but the evaporator is better maintained clean. As the saying goes, God esteem protects.