Little pathogen of serious Lyme disease


Little pathogen of serious Lyme disease
Under the beautiful at first glance, the name of the unfamiliar
infectious illness — Lyme disease — Hiding not so «Beautiful» causes
The occurrence of the disease. We are talking about ticks — small parasites that
transmit this disease through bites. Bacteria called borrelia that
Transfer insects, widespread among wild and domestic animals:
deer, rodents, birds, dogs, livestock. For the first time the disease was found in the state
Connecticut, in the city of Lime, 39 years ago. At the moment, the disease is wide
Distributed in America, Europe, Russia.

Man Lyme disease is transmitted through a tick bite — with saliva. In the form of a bite formed inflammation in the form of a red spot — Ring Erythema. Gradually, it changes, increasing in size: center
Erythema becomes pale pink, and the edges — bright red, slightly raised,
What makes it similar to a closed roller ring. The dimensions of inflammation can
reach six centimeters in diameter.

Blood and lymphs spread borrelia bacteria by
all the body, they penetrate all internal human internal organs, gradually
reaching the brain shells. When bacteria are dying, they highlight endotoxin,
which causes interruptions in the work of the immune system. Bacteria can during
ten years remain in the lymphosystem. Why is this happening — in modern
Medicine No Answer. Another point is interesting: toxin that highlights
Barrelia bacterium, brakes the protective reactions of the body, and the immune response to
infection is formed slower than the usual — with delay. This leads to,
What borreliosis — Lyme disease — has chronic character and is difficult
Treatment. Immunity after the suffering disease is poorly formed, and
The probability of secondary infection is very high, even after five to seven
years after recovery.

Lyme disease and basic symptoms

Little pathogen of serious Lyme disease
The disease begins with specific skin
rashes in the place of bite, which are called migratory erythema. They arise
70% of patients, although there is also an earthly form. Exterior signs
Lyme diseases manifest themselves in each patient differently: erythema can cause
itching, burning and pain. Localizes erythema more often on the legs — where the tag is easier
Human skin. At the initial stage can be diagnosed
Fever, Fatigue, Headache, Muscular Facing Neck. Sometimes
There is nausea, vomiting, runny nose, sense of throat, dry cough,
Urticaria, conjunctivitis. If a person has a genetic predisposition to
Diseases, they can begin inflammation of the joints, eyes, nervous and cardiac

The initial stage can last from three to thirty
days, however, with timely prior treatment, the likelihood of recovery
Very great. If the moment is missed, the disease goes into a chronic stage.

There are two forms of the disease distinguish:

  • latent
    (hidden, sluggish);
  • Manifesto.

Hidden form can be diagnosed, only passing
blood test, because the disease proceeds asymptomatic.

In the later stages of Lyme disease characteristic
Symptoms associated with brain damage: strong pulsating headaches,
nausea, periodic vomiting, light-friendly, pain in the muscles and joints, sometimes
Causes. There are also an increase in liver, soreness, vomiting after admission
food, pain in the right hypochondrium. The disease can cause bilateral
Paralysis of facial nerves. Meningitis, myelits, chores and encephalitis are possible, which
may cause memory disorders, sleep. Man is very difficult
Concentrate attention, emotional lability expressed pronounced. Maybe
Bring radiculitis of various focus, neuritis cranial nerves. About
Two months later, the cardiac pathology of heart fabrics in the form of myocarditis and pericarditis is developing. Later on the skin appear rash and benign

Lyme disease can cause various symptoms — in
depending on which body is amazed. The sequence of infection is difficult
suggest and everything is purely individually.

Lyme Treatment and Prevention

If the disease is detected on time, it can
Cure antibiotics. Improper therapy exacerbates the situation by translating
Disease in chronic form with possible relapses. In this case, treatment
Lyme disease becomes ineffective, leading to the disability of the patient, and in
Particularly severe cases — For fatal outcome.

At any stage, the reception of antibiotics do not stop,
passing out other organs and organism systems. Directional prevention
Diseases do not exist, besides proper behavior during the adhesive activity season.

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