Features of acute appendicitis in children


Features of acute appendicitis in children
is an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane
Blindian. Features
Acute appendicitis in children can be considered high mobility of appendix
and blind intestine under the age of three years, which determines the low frequency of cases
Diseases. Kids have a worm-shaped process usually in the form of a cone that
protects it from stagnant phenomena. Pretty rare cases of the disease in this
age, more often the disease is marked in a period of 4 to 15 years, when abundant
The blood supply to the intestines and the peritoneum provides the rapid involvement of appendix in
Pathological process.

Nervously vascular
The theory, one of the concepts of pathogenesis, explains the features of appendicitis in children, tying him with violation of activities
gastrointestinal tract when the spasm of vessels and smooth muscles leads to
violation of blood supply to the wall of the process and even to its rupture. Another look by
The emergence of purulent
Apandicitis in children — This is the theory of stagnation, explains the development of acute
inflammation of the blocking of a worm-shaped process in intestinal content with further
Increased pressure in his lumen, impaired lymphatic drainage, which leads
To the edema and swelling of all layers of appendix.

Diseases depend on the duration of the inflammatory process:

  • Catarova
    stage — characterized by swelling and redness of the serous shell of the process continues
    about 6 hours.
  • Phlegmonous
    — lasts until the day and is manifested by purulent defeat of all layers of draft
    Process with ulceration and sloping of the mucous.
  • Gangrenoz
    stage continues for 3 days and is a deep
    Destructive change in the entire wall of appendix with its thickening, purulent fibrinous
    overlays and necrosis of the walls of appendix.

About features
Apandicitis in children

Features of acute appendicitis in children
Appendicitis is manifested by sudden pain at the bottom of the abdomen, usually on the right and first
they are spilled when the child is not able to clearly specify the place,
where and how pain arises. For some moment it seems to him that it hurts somewhere
under the spoon, and he shows there, and after a few minutes — Kid can determine
Already another painful point, for example, a nearby region. Feeling
increasing pain in the right lower square comes only after a few
hours when even cough or just changing body position with a turn to the left
side, cause a child and fear.

Pain attacks
accompanied by nausea and vomiting, weak exhaust of gases, sometimes delay
Chair or vice versa, diarrhea, temperature rises, the frequency increases
Pulsa. When palpation marks the muscle tension of the abdominal wall, pain in the right
iliac region during belly profits. Strengthening pain
It is noted after deep palpation with a sharp dealt with the front abdominal
Walls, the so-called symptom of brush-blubberg.

The few tragic outcomes of acute appendicitis lies in the fact that
Parents do not show enough vigilance and try to help the child
proven, as it seems to them, folk remedies, if the child's complaints
concern the gastrointestinal tract, and this is primarily the so-called
«Stomach washing». This serious mistake with the use of laxatives and
Cleasms can lead to the development of spilled peritonitis.

It is necessary to remember and understand that the child's complaints are on severe or not even very intense
abdominal pain may be related to appendicitis when qualified
Children's surgeon help need immediately. When such sensations appear
It is necessary to consult a doctor, and if the child is very concerned about pain, repeated
Vomiting and an increase in body temperature should urgently cause a brigade «Emergency
Aid». Thoughtful mom will not feed the child with sweets or poop
carbonated drinks to facilitate the state, will not apply hot heating or to give painkillers to become
a little easier, such «Pseudomer» only erase the true picture of the disease.
Competent parents even before the doctor's arrival, a child will be laid in bed, will provide him
Peace and cold on the belly in the form of a package with ice or cold water.

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