

Shingles — Infectious skin disease,
The causative agent of which is herpes virus. It is believed after
The child will pass the windmill, the virus in its body goes into the latent
condition and can be activated much later during a row
adverse factors. Depending on the severity of the disease, treatment can
conducted stationary or outpatient.

Shingles — infectious disease virus
Nature, which manifests itself with grouped vesicular skin rashes
on erythematous edema background. Rashes are usually limited
Character and amaze one side of the body, located along the shields of the skin
nerve. May be accompanied by long neuralgia.

Development of sinking linga

The causative agent of the disease is VARICELLA-ZOSTER virus,
belonging to the Herpes Viridae family and capable of calling 2 pathologies with
Various clinical picture: Wind Maypan and herpes hazing. It is sensitive
To high temperatures, ultraviolet irradiation and disinfectant
funds but tolerate low temperatures well and saves viability
Even after freezing.

Development of herpes skewers

The virus is able to affect the cells of the epithelial and
connective tissue, as well as cells peripheral and central nervous
Systems. Its reactivation mechanism is not fully studied. It is believed that
a man who suffered a chickenpox in childhood, the virus penetrates
nervous cells and goes into the latent state, without showing itself. Maybe
activate after dozens of years as a result of the weakening of cellular
Immunity and get out of nerve cells, moving on their axes. Reached
The end of the nerve, the virus provokes the development of the infectious process.


There are three ways to transfer a sliding linga:

  • airborne drip;
  • contact-household;
  • Transplascent.

The disease amazes most often patients with a diagnosis «lymphogranulomatosis»
or «leukemia», patients after passing chemotherapy or long-term reception
immunosuppressants and corticosteroids. Provoke the development of conjunction
Diseases may series: Pneumonia, tuberculosis, syphilis, meningitis, flu,
Sepsis, oncological diseases and HIV infection. Risk of pathology
Also increases after poisoning arsenic, mercury or alcohol.

and complications of slaughter

In the early stages there is ailment, a little later
There is an increase in temperature and the manifestation of pain of different intensity by
the move of the branches of the affected nerve. Soon at this place are formed small
nodules that in 3-4 days are reborn into bubbles with serous contents.
About a week later they dry, turn into yellow-brown peels and
The expiration of 7-10 days is discouted, leaving the pigmentation passing over time
Skin. The disease is accompanied by stupid or burning pain, different
Duration. In the passing shooring deprived, persistent
immunity, so there is no recurrence.


Most patients fully recover through
A small lapse. But in some cases it is possible to preserve in
within a few months and even years of neuralgic symptoms depending on
Localization of rash. When herpes occurs on her head or face possible
Defeating subcutaneous nerves and the development of severe pain syndrome. Sometimes
The disease is able to provoke damage to facial nerves, eye cornea,
cause hearing impairment and one-sided paralysis. In particularly severe cases
provokes the development of meningitis, encephalitis, acute myelopathy and malignant

and the treatment of the shelter

The diagnosis is made on the basis of a clinical picture
diseases, laboratory diagnostics are usually not carried out. In some cases
It takes on the examination the contents of vesicles or pieces of affected fabrics.
Since skin diseases may be the only manifestation indicating
AIDS, patients are mandatory for HIV blood test. Under development
Inxication, strong pain and fevers are prescribed serological diagnostics.


Patients with severe disease are hospitalized in
hospital. When conducting treatment in outpatient conditions, assigned
Drugs that buy pain syndrome and antiviral drugs warning
Secondary infection through the contents of Vesicul. To remove pain apply
Nonteroidal anti-inflammatory funds, ganglioblocatofish
And Analgesica. In parallel, immunomodulatory products are prescribed for
Enhance the immune stability of the body. Methods can be used
Physiotherapeutic Treatment, Plasmapheresis, Reflexotherapy and Acupuncture.
Twice a day bubbles are lubricated with special aniline dyes, and on
The affected area is superimposed by the bandage impregnated with antiviral ointments.

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