A brain tumor


A brain tumor
A brain tumor — benign or malignant intracranial
New formation provoked by anomalous and uncontrolled cell division
or as a result of moving another
tumors. Tumors are intracerebral and
Mozozh, benign and malignant, primary and secondary.
Mozroom-based neoplasms are represented by brain shell tumors, roots
Card nerves, skull bones and pressing cavities. To benign
belong pathological neoplasms in the brain of mature cells that
Do not affect other organs. Benign tumors: Glyoma of the first stage,
Meningioma, Svannoma, Hemangioblastoma. Malignant are formed from atypical
cells (or metastasis from other organs) that develop and destroy
Neighboring fabric. Primary call tumors developing immediately in the brain, and
secondary — Those that rotate in the cranial cavity, or metastases from other organs.

The borders of the neoplasm may expand and squeeze the fabrics surrounding
brain, and can germinate in them. The main reason for the development of the tumor in
The brain consider radiation. Significant negative impact is chemical
factors, heredity, age (mainly >45 years old, with the exception of children's
Meduloblastoma). In interesting facts of research refers to the role of racial
Accessories: brain tumor is more common among Europeans, for
The exception of meningioma, to a greater degree of inherent in the Negroid race. Relevant
Opinions about the pathological influence of mobile phones.

Symptoms of brain tumor

Among the oncological pathologies, the brain tumor occurs in about 1.five%
Cases. Symptoms of this pathology are diverse and directly depend on the dimensions,
Places and growth rates. The main signs of the presence of neoplasms in the brain include:

  • Headache (strong, constant, unpretentious);
  • dizziness and coordination disorders;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • convulsions;
  • auditory, visual and tactile disorders;
  • Violations of speech;
  • Weakness and paralysis of the limbs;
  • violations of normal sensitivity to cold and hot;
  • Personal changes;
  • drowsiness, disturbances of consciousness and thinking;
  • Braincom.

The causes of the development of primary brain tumors are mutations in DNA.
Brain cancer — The result of malignant tumor.

Diagnosis and treatment of brain tumor

In suspected, the presence of a brain tumor should appeal to consult
Neurologist and oncologist. A computer applied as a diagnostic methods
and magnetic resonance tomography with contrasting amplification. Also for diagnostic
Measures include a serious neurosurgical operation — Biopsy tumor.

Treatment of brain tumor is carried out in special hospitals and includes
Three main components: surgical intervention, radiotherapy and
Chemotherapy. Surgical treatment consists in removing the tumor, but complete ectomy
possible only with a small neoplary. Craneotomy is carried out through
Standard excision, laser microsurgery or ultrasound aspiration.
Radiotherapy — radiation therapy — Performed by radiosurgical
implantation, remote irradiation or brachytherapy. She has side
Actions (for example, nausea, hair loss and total fatigue). Performance
Chemotherapy is unstable due to the inability of some drugs to pass
Through the hematorecephalic barrier, but the drug can be introduced by a needle directly
in a tumor. Immunotherapy is of great importance in the complex treatment of the tumor

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