Tuberculosis can affect various organs and fabrics of a person: eyes, bones, skin, urinary system, intestine and t.D. But most often there is a tuberculosis of the lungs, about him, actually it will be.

What is tuberculosis?
It is very difficult to protect yourself from tuberculosis, since
infection is transmitted mainly by air-droplet, falling into
Respiratory organs from a sick person to healthy, so to infect
can be anywhere and not necessarily as a result of direct contact
With patients.
The causative agent is a disease
Tuberculosis mycobactercutter, or koche. With an active form
tuberculosis koche wand quickly multiplies in the lungs of the patient and,
figuratively rushing in human fabrics, destroying the lungs,
poisoning the human body with products of its livelihoods, highlighting
Toxins in it. There is a process of tuberculosis intoxication or poisoning
In the absence of treatment, mortality from
active tuberculosis reaches 50% for one to two years. IN
The remaining 50% of cases are untreated tuberculosis goes into chronic
Form. Chronic patient lives many years, continuing to allocate
mycobacteria and infect others.
amazes people regardless of their social status. Sick
Tuberculosis can be in two ways: by infection or by activating
Latent infection (dorming infection).
Koha stick
The nature of tuberculosis was proven by German scientist Robert Koh, when
He opened the causative agent of a disease belonging to the genus of mycobacteria.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is still called koche wand.
from other microbes, it is very stable in the external environment: capable
maintain their properties in the ground, in the snow, in ice, resistant to
The effects of alcohol, acid and alkali. At the same time, Koch wand
Dies under the long exposure to direct sunlight, high
Temperatures, chlorine-containing substances.
How to protect yourself from tuberculosis?
Reduce the likelihood of primary contamination of others, man, patient
The active tuberculosis should adhere to certain rules:
cover your mouth with a handkerchief or hand and turn away with cough;
burn paper handkerchiefs immediately after use;
use a separate dishes and not allow to use it to others.
The purpose of disinfection can be used by chlorine-containing solutions.
A good and simple method of disinfection is ventilating and
hanging on the sun blankets, woolen and cotton things, t.To.
Straight sunlight kills bacteria for 5 minutes (at the same time
In the dark, the bacillus retain the vitality for a long time, and therefore
The greatest spread of infection occurs in dark rooms).
Bacteria are destroyed when heated: for 20 minutes at 60°C and B
For 5 minutes – at 70°WITH.
The following factors
affect the ability of the body to resist development
active tuberculosis in case of infection and increase the likelihood
Latent Infection Activation:
nutrition quality.
There are good evidence that starvation or
Power failure reduce body resistance;
toxic products. Tobacco smoking and consumption of large quantities
Alcohol significantly reduce body protective forces. The same influence
Remote immunosuppressants used in the treatment of some
- Other diseases. Tuberculosis is also susceptible to HIV-infected patients with diabetes, leukemias or leprosy;
stress. It has been proven that stress and depression adversely affect the state of the immune system.