Lavomax, instructions for use

Winter has many associated with frosts, white fluffy snow, skiing, sledding, slides, skates. And how do you not want to hurt at this time of year! Someone for prevention eats garlic slices, onions, makes radish salads, berry fruits from currant or cranberries, inhales the aromas of essential oils - grapefruit, eucalyptus, geranium...

Some before going out into the street lubricate the nasal strokes with a cedar balm or Oxoline ointment. But what to do if the insidious influenza viruses still won?

In this article, you know more about one antiviral drug, which is called Lavomax. It often appears in commercials. How to apply it correctly, whether it can be done with everything, what side effects should be watched? About everything will tell our site to your readers.

Where does flu be baked?

Viruses, flu, laveomax, antiviral drug, tablets

Every year a new flash of flu arises and develops in Asian countries. It may be Hong Kong, China, Thailand. And this is due to the fact that in the countries listed there are favorable prerequisites and conditions to be born to new strains (options) of influenza pathogens. In these states nearby poultry farms and pig farms are located. In addition, these territories are a high population density by people, this allows the flu quickly to cover a large number of people, causing an epidemic situation. The most dangerous doctors continue to be considered the type A virus. The main spreads of influenza A are birds. The exchange of genetic material between the virus known to all type A and the virus causing bird flu, Most often happens inside the body of pigs. Cells of these animals can simultaneously be damaged by both types of influenza viruses. Part of the viruses that have arisen have the ability to infect people caring for pigs. Well, then the pathogens of influenza are very quickly affecting different sections of the population. So begins journey of influenza virus for all countries. The disease has been known for a long time, epidemics descriptions are dated XV century. Italians first dubbed the disease «influencing», That is, the consequence of supercooling. But the modern term «flu» presumably occurred from French «Gripper or Dutch «Griep». It is so in these countries called most respiratory diseases having similar signs. Fighting with viruses that penetrate the human body helps the antiviral drugs created by pharmacologists. These include Lavomax.

General information about the drug

Viruses, flu, laveomax, antiviral drug, tablets

Doctors prescribe this tool in the following cases:

  • For the treatment and prevention of influenza and ARVI;
  • in the complex therapy of hepatitis A, B, C, scarmed sclerosis, insensopalite, leicoentefalitis;
  • cytomegalovirus, herpetic infections;
  • Comprehensive approach to Treating chlamydiosis, urogenital diseases.

How to take medicine?

Viruses, flu, laveomax, antiviral drug, tablets

Dose of medication is swallowed after eating and drove to water.

If you want to warn infection with influenza (or other infectious diseases of the respiratory system), then within six weeks you should take on 125 mg of the drug once a week, this is one tablet.

If the infection has already happened, then to help the body cope with insidious viruses, such a reception scheme is used: the first and second day of the disease - 125 mg per day; Next, on one tablet is accepted every 48 hours. For the course to have 6 tablets.

To prevent the development of hepatitis like A, the course is 6 weeks, one tablet per week.

For the treatment of viral hepatitis like, it is necessary to drink twice a day on one tablet of Loveomax in the first two days. Then the reception is carried out every 48 hours on one tablet. Total will need 10 tablets.

The treatment diagram of the hepatitis of type B flowing in acute form: it is required to drink one tablet in the first two days, and then after 48 hours is still accepted by tablet. Follow 16 tablets on the course. If the disease has taken a protracted character, then in the first two days they will have to drink two pills twice per day, and after 48 hours, take another dose. And the course will require 20 tablets.

In some cases, the duration of treatment can be from three to six months, it all depends on these studies and the recommendations of the doctor.

With adenovirus and herpes, two days in a row drink one tablet, and after 48 hours they receive a subsequent tablet. Usually, 2.5 g of drug is prescribed to the course, it is 20 tablets.

When combating chlamydia and other urological infections, the reception scheme is the same, but the course consists of 10 tablets.

When identifying neuroviral infections, the doctor determines the doctor, the duration of treatment in such cases is about four weeks.

On side effects

Viruses, flu, laveomax, antiviral drug, tablets

And now our site wants to warn your readers about those unwanted effects that can appear when receiving Lavomax:

  • Allergic reactions (usually, this is a rash);
  • short-term chills;
  • Dyspepsia (i.e. disorders of digestion).

When Loveomax is impossible to apply:

  1. Lactation.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Hypersensitivity to components included in the drug.
  4. If the child is not 12 years old (although in some cases the drug is prescribed after 7 years).

Reception Lavomax is allowed to combine with other means of treatment. The drug helped many people win victory over viral diseases. But be sure to follow the recommendations that the doctor gave you.

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