This cunning borreliosis


Lyme disease and its prevalence

In June, each of us, and especially in lovers of forest walks, there is a risk of catching up the disease, which are far from all doctors even know.
Lyme disease is diagnosed only in 40% of cases, while incorrect treatment can lead to paralysis and even death. Vaccines from this disease do not exist, and its carrier, according to some data, is every third tick under study.

The causative agent of the disease - the bacteria of the spirochetes fall into the human body from the bowel of the tick. The prevalence of Lyme disease is even wider tick-borne encephalitis. Officially in Russia the diagnosis «tick-boring borreliosis» 7 thousand patients stand annually. In fact, the diseases are much more - because the first signs of the disease sometimes appear in 2-3 months.

How to recognize cunning disease

Corporate Disease Sign - Red Spot (Erythema), which appears on the site of suction of a tick. It gradually increases in size (up to 60 cm in diameter), the outer edge is lifted and acquires a red shade, and the central part of the spot is pale. This note is a sign that spirochetes got into the skin and began their «Subversive activities».

- It is very important to put the correct diagnosis at the stage of skin manifestations, - says the chief children's infectious doctor of Russia academician Vasily Pirikhkin. - At the initial stage of tick-borne borreliosis is quickly and successfully treated.
Symptoms of the disease, as a rule, appear after 14 days (sometimes from 2 to 42 days) after the bite of the tick: high temperature, strong headache, light, vomiting, lomotics in muscles. The main danger of Lyme disease is that in 40% of cases the disease proceeds asymptomatic. The man walks out of the office into the office with complaints of headache, weakness, fatigue, and the correct diagnosis is set when the disease became chronic, and pathological changes occurred in the internal organs and nervous system.
Lyme disease in the running form to cure is very difficult.

This cunning borreliosisThe peak of the adhesive activity falls on May - June and September - October. The number of bites increases in cloudy weather, on the eve of the rain. The most favorable weather for parasites - 20-21 «Heat» and 90% humidity.

Lyme disease symptoms:

  • headache;
  • temperature;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • lubrication in muscles;
  • Spots on the skin.

How to defend yourself from dangerous illness

To get sick, absolutely optionally go to the taiga: ticks live in short, coniferous and mixed forests - the usual surrounding the cottage of each of us. The victims they guard in high grass, along paths and pros. You can protect against them only with the help of preventive measures. Choosing on nature, you need to give preference to light closed clothes. Do not forget to capture scaring means against ticks (repellents). After return, carefully inspect yourself, children, pets and bouquets collected in nature.

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