Tuberculosis of female genital organs


  • Manifestation of genital tuberculosis
  • Diagnosis of genital tuberculosis
  • Treatment of tuberculosis of genital organs

  • Tuberculosis – Infectious disease, whose causative agent is a tuberculosis stick (Tuberculosis mycobacteria).

    In most cases, sooner or later, a person faces the causative agent of tuberculosis, but 90-93 percent of the development of the disease does not occur. At the site of introducing tuberculosis sticks in the lungs or in the gastrointestinal tract, the so-called primary focus of inflammation is formed. Most people have a process on this process, that is, the hearth is limited, and inflammation falls in it. But under such adverse conditions, as a reduced immunity, an increased aggressiveness of the pathogen, the proliferation of infection and the enhancing tuberculosis sticks with blood flow or lymph into other organs, including sexual. Here the primary focus is most often localized in individual, with good microcirculation, departments of uterine pipes, and then can be distributed to ovary, uterus and t. D.

    However, one path of the pathogen in the genitals is not enough to develop an active tuberculosis process. The infection can be maintained here for a while, and then under the influence of certain factors, activate and cause the development of the so-called secondary tuberculosis. To develop tuberculosis, certain conditions for the causative agent should be created - the overall protection of the body should decrease, that is, immunity. Such conditions can be created with defective nutrition, adverse living conditions, as a result of suffering severe infections and other diseases. The flash of tuberculosis can be triggered by hormonal restructuring during puberty, the beginning of sexual life, abortion and childbirth. Infection of the tuberculosis of the genital organs during intercourse is considered impossible.

    Manifestation of genital tuberculosis

    Tuberculosis of female genital organsTuberculosis of the genitals is not an independent disease. This is one of the manifestations of tuberculosis infection in the body. Most often, the lesion of the genital organs is combined with pulmonary tuberculosis. The most often revealed tuberculosis of genital organs in women aged 20-40 years. Its frequency among all infectious diseases of people is small, but women need to know about this disease, because in 25% of cases of infertility is a consequence of the tuberculosis of the genital organs.

    Tuberculosis stick striking predominantly uterine pipes. Less rare the urban and ovaries, and the vagina and vulva - extremely rare. Most often the disease practically does not show itself. Only 30% of patients deteriorates general well-being, the body temperature increases, weakness appears, increased fatigue, night sweating, weight loss comes. Often the only complaints of the woman with a patient tuberculosis of the genital organs are infertility and impaired menstrual function. Because of what these problems arise? One of the reasons for the development of infertility is a violation of the patency of the uterine pipes due to the development of active inflammation in them. Adhesitis at tuberculosis of genital organs is usually two-way. Inflammation covers all tissues of the pipe, it forms many tuberculous tuberculk tuberculk, spikes, both inside the pipe and outside. Spikes first loose, thin, subsequently thicken and turn into dense blows between the internal pelvic bodies, the uterus, pipes and intestines. The uterine pipes are deformed, twisted, often forming in the cavity of the pelvis large formations of inflammatory nature. Hormonal disorders contribute to the emergence of infertility, and impaired menstrual function, arising as a result of inflammation in a small pelvis. In the ovaries, the products of sex hormones, progesterone and estrogen are disturbed. Egg formation makes it difficult, ovulation sometimes does not happen. In addition, the spread of tuberculosis on the uterus sometimes makes it impossible to develop pregnancy due to rude battles that are rotating its cavity. Inflammatory process in the internal genital organs, spikes in a small pelvis sometimes appear by the appearance of stupid pulling pain at thenime of the abdomen, soreness when sex.

    Diagnosis of genital tuberculosis

    Tuberculosis of the genital organs can be detected when handling a woman to a gynecologist about other diseases. Changes in the appendages arising from the development of tuberculosis inflammation in them, especially characteristic tuberculous tuberculos on thickened and deformed uterine pipes resembling «beads» Sometimes detected with ultrasound examination. If, when examining a woman, the doctor suspects a tuberculous process in the genital organs, except for ordinary gynecological examinations, a woman is recommended to examine in a tuberculosis dispensary.

    In the anti-tuberculous dispensary woman will pass a full range of diagnostic procedures. Special skin samples will be made, allowing to conclude the presence of active tuberculous inflammation in the body. To identify tuberculosis sticks produce crops separated from sex. In addition, sowing menstrual blood and urine can be made on mycobacteria tuberculosis. PCR diagnostics also applies to detect tuberculosis.

    Tuberculosis of female genital organsTo diagnose changes arising in the uterine cavity and uterine tubes with tuberculosis, hysterosalpingography is conducted. It allows you to see the fighting, narrowing, violation of the patency of the uterine pipes, changes in the form of the uterine, the fight between its walls. In addition, with hysteroscopy, inspection and diagnostic scraping of the uterine cavity followed by histological and microbiological studies of the material. To detect tuberculosis foci in the body of a woman outside the genital organs, radiography of the lungs are required, and according to the testimony of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract. Inspect the internal organs with the eye and detect tuberculous inflammation on their surface, as well as estimate the scale of the adhesive process in the abdominal cavity and the cavity of the small pelvis allows laparoscopy. Thus, the examination with the suspicion of tuberculosis of the genital organs a long and time-consuming process, requiring patience of women and aware of the need for the proposed procedures.

    Treatment of tuberculosis of genital organs

    When a tuberculosis stick in the genitals are found in the genital organs, treatment is carried out only in the anti-tuberculous dispensary using specific chemotherapies for 6-12 months. General Principles of Treatment - Timely Start, Application of Modern Chemotherapy, Individual Selection of Dosage of Preparations, Regularity of their reception. During treatment, a drug is used to eliminate the adhesive process in a small pelvis, vitamins, physiotherapy. Sometimes patients need to use surgical intervention.

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