Adenoma pituitary gland: diagnosis and treatment


  • Adenoma pituitary gland
  • Diagnosis and treatment of pituitary adenoma

  • Adenoma pituitary gland

    Adenoma pituitary - a group of tumors originating from the brain department - adenogipofoff.

    The adenoma of the pituitary is up to 10% of all intracranial tumors. Most often
    They appear at the age of 30-40, equally often in men and women.

    According to the dimensions of the adenoma, the pituitary is distinguished:

    • Microenomes (less than 1 cm in maximum measurement),
    • Macroenaceans.

    By hormone function:

    • Hormonal-inactive pituitary adenoma
    • Hormonally active
      Adenoma pituitary gland (prolactinoma - produces prolactin,
      Corticotropinoma - produces adrenocorticotropic hormone,
      Somatotropinoma - produces a somatotropic hormone, thyrotropin -
      Extremely rare tumor, highlights thyrotropic hormone, gonadotropin
      produces luteinizing hormone and / or follicle-stimulating

    The manifestations of the adenoma of the pituitary gland depend on the hormonal function of the tumor. With hormonally active
    Adenomas main manifestations - specific hormonal violations.
    With hormonally inactive adenomas, patients most often appeal to complaints
    on visual impairment (most often the narrowing of fields and reduction of visual acuity) and the head
    Pain. Rare manifestation of a large pituitary adenoma - a sharp attack of headaches, a sharp narrowing of fields and a fall
    Acute view, when involving a special brain section - hypothalamus
    Disorders of consciousness.

    Diagnosis and treatment of pituitary adenoma

    Adenoma pituitary gland: diagnosis and treatment
    Diagnostics of the pituitary adenoma: thorough hormonal and ophthalmic surveys
    and neurovalization. Magnetic resonance tomography The main diagnostic method allows you to identify the adenoma
    dimensions less than 5 mm, however, even taking into account this, about 25-45% of patients
    visualize adenoma is not possible. Computer tomography apply only
    In emergency situations, if it is impossible to carry out magnetic resonance tomography to eliminate hard

    The drug therapy of the pituitary adenoma includes:

    • Dopamine Agonists (Bromocriptine, Cabbergoline)
    • Somatostatin analogues (octreotide)
    • Serotonin antagonists
    • Cortizola products inhibitors

    Operational treatment of the pituitary adenoma: options for transfenoidal (most commonly used
    Currently) and transcranial (with gigantic suprasellular adenomas)
    Removal of the tumor.

    Rauchery therapy is carried out as an auxiliary treatment.

    It should be noted that for each type of tumors there is a specific, most
    Optimal tactics of treatment.

    It must be remembered that most patients should be treated in specialized
    medical centers under the supervision of both an endocrinologist and neurosurgeon.


    • The concentration of prolactin is more than 500 ng / ml - the drug therapy is shown
    • Prolactin concentration of less than 500 ng / ml - Specific treatment is shown
    • The concentration of prolactin is more than 500 ng / ml, but the tumor does not react or not enough
      Reacts to therapy - the surgical intervention is shown followed by the continuation
      Medicinal therapy


    • In the asymptomatic course, the elderly patient is shown the drug
      Therapy (bromocriptine, octreotide)
    • In all other cases, in the absence of contraindications to surgical
      treatment shows surgical intervention
    • With a high concentration of the somatotropic hormone continuing after surgery, tumor relapse
      or after radiation therapy shows the continuation of drug therapy


    • Selection method for all «Candidates» for operational treatment - disposal of microenomes. The cure is observed in 85% of patients
    • In the presence of contraindications to surgical intervention, medicinal
      and / or radiation therapy

    Hormonian-inactive pituitary adenomes (more often than macroenomes)

    Selection method for all «Candidates» for operational treatment - tumor removal.
    The radiation therapy is carried out in the presence of inaccessible removal of the tumor residues or
    With inoperable recurrence.

    The forecast depends largely on the size of the tumor (the possibility of it
    radical removal) and its hormonal function. At prolactinum I
    Somatotropinomas «Hormonal» Recovery is observed at 20-25%
    Cases, with microcorticotropynes - in 85% of cases (with tumors
    more than 1 cm - much less often). It is believed that macroen
    The pituitary with the distribution of more than 2 cm can not be removed completely,
    Therefore, over the next 5 years after surgery, it may occur

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