What is rabies


  • Rabies
  • As the infection occurs
  • As the disease flows

  • Everyone knows that if we bite the stray dog, then do
    Forty Crosses in Belly. Actually on this knowledge of rabies
    The overwhelming majority of the population end. So what is it
    for the disease than it threatens and how to treat it?


    Rabies -
    This is a disease of viral nature that occurs after the bite of infected
    Animal characterized by severe damage to the nervous system
    and ending, as a rule, fatal. Freshness virus
    (NeuroryCetes Rabid) refers to the Lyssavirus mixer mixer group
    Rhabdoviridae family. Detected in saliva, as well as in tears
    And urine.

    Miscellanecks in the external environment - dies when heated to 56s
    in 15 minutes, when boiling in 2 minutes. Sensitive to ultraviolet
    and direct sunlight, to ethanol and many disinfectants. but
    Resistant to low temperatures, to phenol, antibiotics.

    Penetration into the body The rabies virus applies to nervous
    endings, hitting almost the entire nervous system. There are edema,
    Hemorrhage, degenerative and necrotic changes in nerve cells
    head and spinal cord.

    As the infection occurs

    rabies virus are both wild and pets. To wild
    include wolves, foxes, sacks, raccoons, badgers, skunks, bats,
    rodents, and to homemade dogs, cats, horses, pigs, small and large
    cattle. However, the greatest danger to a person represent
    Foxes and homeless dogs outside the city in the spring-summer period.

    Animals are considered 3-10 days before the appearance of signs of the disease and further
    During the entire period of the disease. Often patients with rabies animals
    can be distinguished by abundant saliva and tearing, as well as
    Observing signs of water-houses. Human infection occurs when
    bite «Beshen» Animals. And also when the patient's saliva
    Animal on damaged skin or mucous membrane.

    In the latter
    Years are described by air-drip, alimentary (eating and water)
    and transplacental (through a placenta during pregnancy) path
    Transferring virus. Many discussions cause several cases of infection
    people with rabies as a result of organ transplant operations.

    As the disease flows

    What is rabies
    the period (period from the bite before the start of the disease) is on average
    30-50 days, although it can last 10-90 days, in rare cases - more
    1 year. And the further bite from the head, the more
    Incubation period. A special danger is bites
    in the head and hands. The incubation period lasts longer when bite
    legs. 3 stages of the disease are isolated: I - initial, II - excitation, III -

    The first stage begins with general alert,
    Headache, a small increase in body temperature, muscle pain,
    dryness in the mouth, reducing appetite, throat pain, dry cough, maybe
    be sick and vomit. There is an unpleasant feeling at the bite -
    burning, redness, drawing pain, itching, increased sensitivity.
    The patient is depressed, closed, refuses to eat, he has
    inexplicable fear, longing, anxiety, depression, less often - increased
    irritability. Also insomnia, nightmares, olfactory
    and visual hallucinations.

    1-3 days in a patient with rabies
    The second stage comes - excitement. Anxiety appears,
    Anxiety, and, most characteristic of this stage, attacks of the water. At
    attempt to drink, and soon even at the sight and sound of pouring water, appears
    The feeling of horror and spasms of the muscles of the throat and larynx. Breathing becomes
    Noisy, accompanied by pain and convulsions. At this stage of the disease
    Man becomes irritable, excitable, very aggressive,
    «Beshen». During the attacks, patients shout and swarming, can break
    Furniture, showing inhuman power, throw on people. Notes
    Increased flow and salivation, the patient is difficult to swallow saliva
    And he constantly spitching her. This period usually lasts 2-3 days.

    the third stage of the disease occurs, for the beginning of which is characteristic
    Soothing - disappears fear, attacks of the waterproof, hope arises
    on recovery. After that, the body temperature is raised over
    40-42°C, there comes paralysis of the limbs, violations of consciousness, convulsions.
    Death comes from the paralysis of breathing or stopping the heart. Thus
    way, the duration of the disease rarely exceeds a week.

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