5 questions about polio


  • Question # 1
  • Question # 2
  • Question number 3
  • Question number 4
  • Question number 5

  • Question # 1. What is this disease?

    - acute infectious disease that in some cases proceeds
    Without visible symptoms, in others leads to deadly
    Paralyach. After the widespread introduction of vaccination poliomyelitis almost
    disappeared from developed countries.

    Flashing polio still occur, usually in those layers of the population,
    who have not passed immunization. Most often polio disease
    in summer and autumn. Previously, the children suffered from this disease,
    Now the age of sick usually exceeds 15 years. Among the sickness
    Children Paralytic form of polio prevails in boys.

    depends on what bodies and systems are amazed. If Central
    The nervous system remains untouched, prognosis is favorable. However
    Bending the head and spinal cord infection can lead to
    paralymps and death of patients. On average mortality ranges from 5 to 10%.

    Question # 2. What are the causes of polio development?

    infections - polyoviruses of three serotypes, each of which
    Can cause poliomyelitis. These polyoviruses are common
    Everywhere and transmitted from person to man. Habitat
    Polioviruses - mucous disposal of nasopharynses and feces. Incubation
    The period can last from 5 to 35 days.

    Question number 3. What are the symptoms of the disease?

    Three main forms of infection. Inapparantant (subclinical) poliomyelitis
    observed in 95% of cases. On the share of abortive (easily flowing)
    Poliomyelitis accounts for 4 to 8% of all cases. It is characterized
    slight increase in temperature, malaise, headaches,
    pain in the throat, pharyngitis and vomiting. Usually after 72 h occurs
    recovery. Most often, inapparantant and abutting poliomyelitis
    Stay unrecognized.

    5 questions about poliobut
    The third type of infection is striking the head and spinal cord and
    divided into non-paralytic and paralytic poliomyelitis.
    Non-paralitic poliomyelitis causes moderate temperature increase,
    Headache, vomiting, decay of forces, irritability and pain in the area
    neck, back, arms, legs and in the stomach. Muscle pain and
    twitching the muscle extensors of the neck and back. Symptoms usually pass
    a week later; Approximately 2 weeks persistent.

    Poliomyelitis is usually evolving within 5-7 days after increasing
    Temperature. Symptoms are similar to non-paralytic symptoms
    Poliomyelita. Characteristic signs: asymmetric weakness of various
    muscles, loss of superficial and deep reflexes, spontaneously
    arising unpleasant feelings of numbness, tingling, burning,
    Increased sensitivity to touch, urine delay, constipation and
    Owl of belly. The degree of severity of paralysis depends on the defeat
    spinal cord (suffer from cervical, chest and lumbar).

    Rabbar polomelitis is less common. It's the hardest form
    Diseases at which bulbar motor kernel amazed
    Card nerves. Symptoms: weakening muscles managed by cranvy
    nerves; brain inflammation develops; Speech disorders are observed,,
    chewing, swallowing; There is an inverse movement of food through the nose; dyspnea,
    violation of the rhythm, frequency and depth of breathing; Possible Stop breathing,
    Lightweight and shock swelling, leading to the death of the patient.

    Danger represent complications after polio: high blood
    Pressure, urinary tract infection, urolithiasis, atelectasis,
    Pneumonia, myocarditis, pulmonary heart, skeletal deformation and
    soft tissues, paralytic intestinal obstruction. Many
    Polyomyelitis complications are developing due to long immobility
    and bad work muscles providing breathing.

    Question number 4. How poliomyelitis is diagnosed?

    diagnosis is necessary at an early stage of the disease to allocate
    polyovirus from nasooplotoric discharge, cunning fluid or
    KALOV MASS. Other viral infections should be eliminated.

    Question number 5. How to treat the disease?

    support. Pick-pool are prescribed. With poliomyelitis
    use morphine is not recommended because it increases
    Danger of oppression of breathing. The use of wet heat can reduce
    Muscular cramps and pain.

    The mode is required only for the time of pronounced symptoms. Recovery
    The period after paralytic polio can be very long.
    At this time, physiotherapy, orthopedic devices are used,
    Corrective shoes and, in some cases, orthopedic surgery.

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