Insomnia i eat you!


  • «Sleep, tell you!..»
  • Gods turned away from you…
  • Down Tablet!
  • Do not want – no need
  • Without rear legs…
  • Insomnia i eat you!

    «Sleep, tell you!..»

  • Even in the old days, the healers claimed that the dream – Best dish on the feast of nature. In ancient Greece, one of the honorary places among the inhabitants of Olympus belonged to the God of Sleep Hynos and an ubiquitous winged morpherty – God dreams. It was believed that they faithfully serve as stupid – God of drugs.

    So what is this blessed gift – healthy sleep? It is difficult to overestimate the value of the night rest: it returns the shelted forces, has a beneficial effect on the cells of the brain, turning off the consciousness exhausted day stress. Actually, the body is important for the body, but the starvation is transferred much easier than long nights in style «Not blurred eyes». As they say, «better abundantly than untold». Remember at least notorious torture insomnia… Applying them «Specialists» They knew: forced wakefulness inflicts a crushing blow on the psyche and leads to the most severe consequences. And scientists recently made a frightening statement at all: a prolonged insomnia is capable of bringing his «Sacrifice» To suicide.

    How much to sleep to feel rested? Newborn babies «Cost forces» For almost a day – 22 hours. Children up to seven years relies «Look fairy tales Ole Lukeea» 9-10 hours at night and a couple of hours during the day. And adults on the restoration of the spirit and body should be reduced at least 5-10 hours – It all depends on the temperament. «Fiery» choleric «Prikranny» for 5-6 hours and again Bodr and cheerful. And a non-historical phlegmatic and half a day managed not to sleep.

    Gods turned away from you…

    Scientists beat the alarm: people sleep less and worse. Disssony (sleep violation) today - perhaps the most common disease. Insomnia can «Let's register» in the life of unhappy and as painful «Free app» To serious rows – oncological, cardiovascular, skin diseases, and may cause their appearance. But this is absolutely an extreme case, most often Dissenmark comes to our life as «Escort» to stress and depression. Nothing here you do not care, every day it pours out «sea» information, and we, poor people, can not abstract from what he saw-heard, so and do not wash the eyes before dawn. And there are «Night gangs» And at all for tribal reasons: an uncomfortable bed, close pajamas or a crazy disco behind the wall at the too cheerful neighbors.

    Whatever it was, the task number one – Return a full dream. Getting started «Goodbye, insomnia!»

    Down Tablet!

    It would seem that the easiest way to get into the embrace of Morpheus – drink up «Sleepy» Tablet. Stop, just with this and do not rush. Sleeping often leads to more severe dismbosny than it was before applying. No need to dedicate, believing that the attachment to these drugs is innocent - not addiction, of course, however, «Not necessary». The fact is that the sleeping pill does not solve the problem that deprived you of peace, but as if «Stuns», turns off the body, but not excited consciousness. As a result, the outfit – «Heavy» Head, Breakability, Fatigue and Wild Desire to Sleep.

    If you have time «collide» on tablets, cook «Low way». To throw out the sleeping bag forever from the bedside table and from life, it will take 4-5 weeks. In the first week, reduce the usual dose of a quarter, in the second – Lease reduced «option», So far, finally, do not come up to a tiny grain. And then her one!

    Do not want – no need

    Remember the simple truth: the bed is needed to sleep! No need to lie out aimlessly, looking at the ceiling, do not work in bed, the more way to make the tv. Add to the list «Bedding taboo» finding out relationships with loved ones «Sleeping place».

    Scientists advise reduce stay in bed: not «Float in Berlogue» immediately after dinner, and «arrive» immediately before the departure to the kingdom of dreams. And, of course, do not lie in the morning. Practice shows: principle «than less – all the better» Perfectly running! You do not need to stay in bed, if you can't fall asleep, select and do something. Contrary to popular belief, doctors do not recommend reading at night, calling. Doctors argue that by following the progress of the story, the unfortunate reader activates the work of consciousness, and as a result he gets the opposite effect. So the lyrical hero of Mandelstam was wrong, consoleted into sleepless nights reading Homer…

    Without rear legs…

    A healthy sleep has many enemies, but fortunately, there are allies. Among them darkness in the bedroom (prevents bright light of the lantern? Cop the windows with a dense curtain!), rain sound sound, soft rustle sheets, pleasant slow music, fresh cool air… Well, how not to sleep?

    Old proverbs «Without difficulty do not pull out and fish out of the pond» It is quite possible to reinstate «Sleeping topics» - «Do not eat easily». That is, if you want to sleep «How killed», We will have to actively work. Moreover, physically. Of course, pricking firewood and jump in the garden. No one forces you. For a cherished goal - to feel light fatigue - suitable: aerobics, swimming, fast walking. Only one restriction – do not overdo it! Do not get out of the strength, do not exhaust to exhaustion. Overwork – The thing is insidious: it seems to «Feet do not hold» from impotence, and sleep as it was not and no.
    After you ask yourself, it would be nice to relax.

    Relaxation – Required factor in the fight against insomnia, and, according to testimonies of experts, the best way to achieve absolute rest – yoga. It is not necessary to comprehend the sacraments of the teachings from Alpha to Omega, it is enough to learn only one pose. Her name is low-reaching – «Dead», But helps «more than alive».

    To feel like a calm yoga for some time, you need to lie down on your back, stretch your arms and legs along the body and slow down the breath. Start relaxing from the tips of the toes and finish your head. Imagine yourself a bird soaring in the blue sky. Feel your own ease and weightlessness. Let Bliss last 3-5 minutes, then follows «Ritual return». Feel warm throughout the body, stretch sweetly, and the yawning is certainly. Finally, make a few free breaths and exhale, sit down and open your eyes. Important condition: all actions do slowly and lazy – That I «Dead pose»!

    If yoga does not suit you in ideological reasons, replace it with a 20-minute lying in warm (not hot!) Bath. And so that the relaxing effect was «For all one hundred», Add 4-6 drops of chamomile oil, lavender or bergamot. Aromatic evaporations will drive away the sadness, replacing them with calm and spiritual comfort.

    Insomnia i eat you!

    Insomnia, I eat you!So, sleeping pills «Liquidated», Aza relaxation mastered. It is time to stock «Sleepy» hormones. It turns out that there are such – tryptophan, serotonin and melatonin. To no longer have to dedicately sigh: «No sleep, no rest exhausted soul!..» - It makes sense to sit on «Sleepy hormoneal» diet. Do not be afraid, no exotic and chemistry, only familiar and favorite products.

    Leader in the list «Shippy» parity – banana. This is a real sleeping pillow in the skirt. Not only is it contains serangeron and melatonin, so he also literally stuffed with relaxant substances. Put the sweet fetus preferably tea from chamomile. This is truly real «Antidote» For stress!

    About the magical properties of warm milk with honey known for a long time, but we will stop on them. Milk contains tryptophan – amino acid, excellent relaxing muscles. And if you add a couple of drops of honey to the milk, obtained «cocktail» You can boldly call «Baiushki bye». The main thing – Do not overdo it with honey. The fact is that a large amount of sugar stimulates the body, but some glucose will force our brain «Raddle».

    The next dish, giving pass to «Sleepy kingdom», - familiar from childhood oatmeal. It is even strange that the British prefer this porridge for breakfast: it is full of melatonin, and it would be much more appropriate to consume it for dinner.
    If you consider yourself to «rodents» and not indifferent to nuts, stop the choice on almond. Handful of nuts will help without problems «Flame in a hibernation» - The action of tryptophana will affect. But still, according to the content of this hormone, almonds are not able to hide with turkey. Keep in mind: more efficiently tryptophan works when the stomach is empty. So hike as it should, eat turkey, drink herbal tea and… have a nice sleep!

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