Treatment of epilepsy


  • Approaches to the treatment of epilepsy
  • Rehabilitation of patients
  • First aid

  • Approaches to the treatment of epilepsy

    Treatment is conducted in four directions:

    prevention of attacks with medicines;
    • elimination of factors (situations or substances) provoking seizures;
    • Social rehabilitation of a patient who contributes to its transformation into a full-fledged member of society;
    • Advising the family and friends of the patient in order to develop the right attitude towards him and his illness.

    Sometimes it is possible to identify specific causes of seizures that can be blocked using medicines or surgically. Most of the patients in life in need of admission of anticonvulsant (anti-epileptic) tools for the prevention of seizures.

    Medical therapy. Its opportunity was first discovered over 100 years ago, when they found the ability of bromide to prevent attacksTreatment of epilepsy. In early 20. Phenobarbital appeared, then diphenylhydantoin (phenytoin or diphenin) entered the practice. Although many other drugs appeared in the following years, Phenobarbital and Diphenylhydantoin remain among the most efficient and widely used funds. Since all anti-epileptic agents have a side effect, a doctor, assigning them, must carefully observe the sick. It is impossible to stop taking the drug without the permission of a doctor.

    In recent years, the metabolism of anti-epileptic agents and the mechanism of their actions were studied in detail, which was made possible by the development of methods for quantifying the concentration of the drug in the blood. Based on such definitions, doctors may pick up for each patient the most appropriate dose, and in addition, to identify patients who evade the reception of drugs or taking them in too large.

    Surgery. In rare cases, when the seizures fail to prevent drugs, the neurosurgical intervention is shown. It is also used in the presence of anomalies that can be eliminated without damaging the adjacent brain tissue. In uncontrolled, threatening lifests of seizures in large medical centers, more extensive and complex operations are carried out.

    Other types of treatment. Mostly, children are prescribed a special ketogenic diet, which is effective in some versions of epilepsy. Compliant diet should be under the strict observation of the doctor.

    To a certain extent, monitoring the surroundings of the patient and the prevention of emotional stresses are also effective. Another easy way to prevent seizures – Elimination of provoking factors, such as overwork, alcohol or narcotic drugs. Rule for the patient should be: «No extremes».

    Rehabilitation of patients

    Over the centuries, the myths and superstitions have been connected with epilepsy. The patient and his family it is important to understand that he can lead a normal life without excessive restrictions, get education, training, marry and maintain a family. No need to deny or hide your disease.

    Employment remains a serious problem, but the disease should not serve as a basis for refusal if the work corresponds to the physical possibilities of the patient. The statement that seizures are frequent cause of production injuries, does not have sufficient grounds.

    First aid in the attack of epilepsy

    During an attack you need to prevent possible injury. Do not physically restrain convulsions – it is dangerous.

    The patient is placed on a soft flat surface, under the head lay a pillow or rolled blanket / clothing. If the mouth is open, it is desirable to insert a broken handkerchief between the teeth or another soft object. This will prevent language boning, cheeks or teeth damage. If the jaws are closely tight, you do not have to try to open your mouth with force or insert any object between your teeth. With a strengthened salivation, the patient's head turn the side to the saliva, so that saliva could flock through the angle of the mouth and did not fall into the airways.

    It is necessary to carefully observe the development of an attack so that it is exactly possible to describe his doctor.

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