Music therapy as an incentive for development


  • History of Musicotherapy
  • Treatment of music
  • Physiotherapy
  • A game
  • Work with special children
  • On a note

  • History of Musicotherapy

    Music therapy as an incentive for developmentWe all be born with different capabilities.
    Sometimes restrictions are superimposed by nature itself. But this does not mean that
    chances of being happy in humans, or rather, children with limited
    opportunities, less. And this will have its own solution - music therapy.

    Remember the saying: "Patience and a little effort"? You need exactly
    it's if you have a child with limited opportunities (violation
    Musculoskeletal system, nervous diseases, oligophrenia,
    problems with hearing or vision). Still ancient knew that art
    possesses therapeutic effect, but strong impact on health,
    Of course, there is music. Already in ancient Greece Pythagoras in his
    University in Crotone began and ended the day singing: in the morning - to
    Clear mind from sleep and excite activity, in the evening - calm down and
    Tune in holiday.

    Modern neurosurgeons and psychologists believe that music has
    Magic impact on the development of the human brain. Surprisingly, that
    Specific types of nervous cells react to specific sound frequencies
    oscillations corresponding to certain musical notes. That's why
    Music therapy arose as a psychotherapeutic method based on
    Healing effects of music on the psychological condition of a person.

    Treatment of music

    Music therapy - the most ancient and natural form of correction
    emotional states that many people use to remove
    accumulated mental tension, calm down, focus.

    Music therapy as an incentive for developmentExperts distinguish the passive and active form of music therapy. IN
    first case patients offer to listen to various musical
    works corresponding to the state of their psychological health and
    Treatment. Those who at least once communicated with a child with limited
    opportunities know how difficult it is to find a path to his heart. therefore
    naturalness and accessibility that is in music is one of the reasons
    Stormy development of musical therapy in the last 2-3 decades.
    Usefulness of music therapy in working with children with limited
    The possibilities are that she:

    • It helps strengthen confidence, mutual understanding between the participants of the process;
    • Helps speed up therapy progress, since the internal experiences are easier expressed by music than when talking;
    • Music strengthens attention to feelings, serves as a material that enhances awareness;
    • Indirectly increases musical competence, there is a sense of internal control and order.

    The earlier the treatment begins, the greater the chance of success. therefore
    Already from two years of children with disabilities can be treated and
    Music therapy. In the children of the second year of life
    ideas about the outside world are very narrow, weakly developed speech as well
    Hearing and visual perceptions, weak nervous system, bad
    Coordination of movements, unsustainable attention. As a rule, these children
    There are no skills and skills in sound resistance, in the syllable and
    intonating the simplest melodies. Children do not know how to coordinate movements
    With music, subordinate to your actions with various external signals -
    Spectator, auditory. But they have one property - imitativeness, -
    which manifests itself both in musical and rhythmic movements and in
    Singing and singing.


    Music therapy as an incentive for developmentIn the study of therapeutic physical education, not only development occurs
    Physical abilities of children - movements are performed to the music that
    significantly contributes to the improvement of the coordination of the child.

    Music classes can be held in any form: Listening
    Music, sanguage. Remember only the principles of work in the music of therapy: with
    The purpose of calm is necessary to listen to quiet and quiet music, and for
    Activation - fun and loud. The possibilities of musical works,
    especially classic, widely used to transfer senses,
    experiences, child sentiment in order to change the structure of it
    Most Most. With active music therapy, children themselves participate in
    execution of musical works (singing), while applying as
    ordinary musical instruments and unusual, for example, own
    body (cotton, tapping). Main goal of musical training -
    integration of the child in the social group, as in the musical
    Creation is well practiced various communication skills,
    Empty shyness is eliminated, excerpt and
    Self Control.

    Music and motor show well affects the development of the child,
    that, firstly, causes interest and focus the attention of children on
    Tom or other subject, secondly, teaches gaming techniques, fulfilling
    movements in accordance with the text of the song.

    A game

    Visuality (illustrations, toys) helps to establish contact with
    children, makes it possible to attract their attention to classes, expands
    Presentation of kids about the world around.

    By the way, the game is the optimal form of comprehension of the whole new.
    It is best to use plot toys that are your artistic
    Brightness prompt kids to the manifestation of joyful emotions. It may
    be bunny, cockerel, bird. In addition, in the course of the game it is worth introducing
    children with habits of birds and animals, sound-cutting them, form
    Guys an idea of ​​the subjects, enrich the active dictionary and expand

    As a means of promoting music therapy, often use
    Additional techniques: breathing exercises, autotraining, hypnosis,
    Painting or dance. The method is effectively applied "Highness" - Rest under

    Work with special children

    Music therapy as an incentive for developmentWorking with children with disabilities, you need to have
    Certain skills. This, first, the ability to create an atmosphere
    psychological comfort, which will achieve positive dynamics
    rehabilitation period. Secondly - the ability to install
    Contact with a child. This is possible with the help of facial expressions, glances, smiles,
    gesture, affectionant expressive speech, and most importantly - positive
    Emotional setting.

    Also need to cause children interest in classes, teach
    Understand the simplest game situations in the signal: run away from the dog,
    birds, cats, threaten her with your finger, catch up with a doll, look for her, express
    Surprise about her disappearance. Using all these methods in
    The process of systematic work, you are comprehensively developing a child,
    enrich it with new musical impressions, help to master
    Various skills.

    Thus, art develops and raises, allows
    sort out life and understand yourself, it forms self-esteem, so
    how, regardless of the disease, it is understandable to all. The game will help
    organize and intensify children with disabilities,
    collect their attention, establish contact with them, and the presence of lively
    music in classes and holidays becomes a powerful incentive in
    Rehabilitation process.

    On a note

    List of works of classical music for regulating the psycho-emotional state of children with disabilities:

    • To reduce the feeling of anxiety and uncertainty - "Mazurka" Chopin, "Valsa" Strauss, "Melodies" Rubinstein.
    • To reduce irritability, disappointment, improving feelings
      belonging to the beautiful world of nature - "Cantata № 2" Baha, "Moon
      sonata" Beethoven.
    • For general soothing - "Symphony number 6" Beethoven, part 2, "Lullaby" Brahms, "Ave Maria" Schubert.
    • To remove symptoms of hypertension and tensions in relations with other people - "Concert Re Minor" For violin Baha.
    • To reduce the headache associated with emotional
      Voltage, - "Don Juan" Mozart, "Hungarian Rhapsody №1" Sheet,
      "Suite Masquerad" Khachaturian.
    • To raise the total life tone, improving well-being,
      Activity, mood - "Sixth symphony", Tchaikovsky, 3 part,
      "Overture Edmond" Beethoven.
    • To reduce evilness, envy to the success of other people - "Italian concert" Baha, "Symphony" Gaidna.
    • To increase the concentration of attention, focus - "Time
      of the year" Tchaikovsky, "Moonlight" Debussy, "Symphony number 5" Mendelssohn.

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