If you have found symptoms, allowing to suspect Siringomily, do not slow and go to the doctor. After all, the treatment time and compliance with simple recommendations will help you keep health and enjoy the charms of life.

Siringomyelia arises as a result of improper development of spinal cord structures. In the spinal cord of such patients, microscopic cavities are found around which, instead of nervous, a connecting fabric, which squeezes or interrupts sensitive paths, conductive pain and temperature sensations. However, although the changes in the spinal cord are congenital, the emergence and development of Siringomyelia in most cases are associated with external impacts. It is under their influence that the internal defect manifests itself, turning into a disease. Still first researchers of Siringomyseli noted that in the overwhelming majority of cases it develops in people engaged in severe physical labor. Nowadays, when the mechanization of labor-intensive processes is universally introduced, the number of these diseases has decreased. Today, in the history of the diseases of suffering from Siringomyel, it is most often noted: suffered (or suffered) injury, bruised, worked in the cold, smokes, abuses alcohol, did not pay attention to the very first sensitivity disorders.
Patient N., 70 years old. Got 50 years ago, when for the first time began to notice that in his right hand she does not touch the touch as in the left. Several times, touching the right hand to a hot iron, a teapot with boiling water and not feeling the heat, got a burn. Then the pain appeared in his right hand, at first brittening, novaya, then sharp, which forced H. Contact doctor. Conducted treatment suspended the progression of the disease. Woman had to change jobs on easier. She was the work on the repair of railway tracks, and now became a guide. Nevertheless, she had pain. Regularly passed a course of treatment, strictly observed the recommendation of the doctor. All this and optimistic attitude to life allowed. For a long time to maintain performance. She raised children and now helps to raise grandchildren.
Patient B. At first, too, I did absolutely correctly: early, at first signs of the disease, I turned to the doctor who diagnosed with Siringomyelius. The patient was recommended to leave the work of the loader and go to the easier. The doctor strongly demanded that the patient refuses smoking and alcohol. However, he neglected by all the advice. Did not appeal to the doctor, and the increasing pain tried to drown out the packs of Analgin and vodka, which he began to drink more often, hoping for an anesthetic effect. The disease quickly progressed: the pain was joined in hand, and in five years the patient almost completely lost its performance.
Heavy physical work is not recommended, especially related to spending in the open air or in cold and raw rooms.
Even in the early stages of the disease, sports is strictly prohibited. I need to protect your hand or leg from injury. Due to the fact that the nutrition of the tissues is broken, even a slight burn, cut can cause the formation of a long non-penetration.
Patients with Siringomysel absolutely contraindicated alcohol and smoking. They need regular and full nutrition, food rich in proteins (meat, fish, cottage cheese) and vitamins (fruits, vegetables), black bread containing group vitamins in.
Patients must observe the regime of labor and recreation, sleep at least eight hours a day.
Warring from physical overvoltages, it should be reminded about the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle. Very useful walking in the fresh air, hiking or ski (but not running!), light exercise without dumbbells and weights, cool shower, coniferous baths, sea bathing, strengthening and tempering. In some patients, only thanks to such measures, the development of the disease is suspended.