Classes of hippotherapy

The horse is an amazing animal, distinguished by good nature, nobility, sensitivity. It can be a man devoted to another. People since ancient times began to notice that communication and walks with horses positively affect mental and physical condition. Therefore, rehabilitation and human treatment with horses began to be widely used in medical practice.

Hippo translated from the Greek means «horse». Therefore, the method of psychological treatment with the participation of horses under the guidance of the instructor was called hippotherapy. Sometimes the term richterapia or Lwe (therapeutic riding) is used. In Russia, this technique is officially recognized in medicine, and in a number of countries is considered an alternative direction of treatment.

General information about hippotherapy

Diseases, Hippotherapy, Horse Riding, Horse, Prevention of Diseases, Horse Management

Hippocrates also responded positively about horse riding, calling her «Natural exercises». During the First World British, a horse ride was used to restore soldiers who have different consequences of injuries of the musculoskeletal system. And in Russia, Raittepia began to develop since 1991. During horse classes, a psycho-emotional sphere and body is involved, as almost all muscle groups are included in traffic. The course of occupations with horses continues at least six weeks. First, the duration of classes is about 10 minutes, gradually increase it to 30-60 minutes. It is necessary to come to hippotherapy two or three times a week. With heavy illness, classes continue from 2 to 5 years. The cost of one session varies from 300 to 500 rubles. Sometimes payment is made in a month, then it ranges from 2500 to 5000 rubles. In some regions, in recent years, funds have been allocated for the organization of rehabilitation measures with horses, therefore, in such cases, classes are held for free. The main criterion in the selection of horses coming into the hipotherapists becomes their character. Horses choose obedient, calm and friendly. Not suitable for classes are stubborn, grave, nervous, biting individuals. Another no less important criterion is endurance and physical health, because during the passage of classes, the horse must carry the instructor and patient. Training lasts two or three years. Instructor usually has higher psychological, medical or pedagogical education. Ippotherapists love horses, they have excellent riding skills. Currently, hippotherapy centers exist in Moscow, Voronezh, Penza, Samara, Volgograd, St. Petersburg, Ulyanovsk and other cities, in Russia their number is already over 30.

When hippotherapy benefits?

Diseases, Hippotherapy, Horse Riding, Horse, Prevention of Diseases, Horse Management

Horse riding is contraindicated with diseases such as:

  • osteoporosis, osteomyelitis, in which the bones are fragile, brittle;
  • hemophilia, epilepsy;
  • exacerbations of multiple sclerosis;
  • kidney disease, disorders of the hip joint function, obesity;
  • Allergy to wool horses.

Our site recommends people who have serious illnesses, first consult specialists if they decided to do horse riding.

So that classes brought the maximum effect

Diseases, Hippotherapy, Horse Riding, Horse, Prevention of Diseases, Horse Management

In addition to the horse and the patient at the lesson are present:

  • Konovod - holds a horse around the ultrasound and directs her movements;
  • The doctor is a hippotherapist responsible for treatment;
  • instructor, junior medical staff;
  • Assistants - hold a person in the saddle, if he cannot do it independently due to illness;
  • Parents of children engaged in falls from falls.

For hippotherapy to bring positive results, it is important to create certain conditions for classes and comply with a number of rules.

  1. Classes are held under sensitive doctor's control. If required, it corrected loads and exercises.
  2. You need to start with small loads, then gradually increase them.
  3. The patient must show interest in classes, actively perform tasks.
  4. Well combined with hippotherapy massage, physiotherapy, medical physical education.

Let us dwell on the basic principles of hippotherapy for children:

  1. Riding a horse must necessarily bring joy, strengthen health, unobtrusively teach a little man to a humane attitude to four-legged friends.
  2. When developing a set of exercises, an individual approach is required when the features of the psyche, the main disease, the age of the child are taken into account.
  3. The complex must be safe, the safety net is required to prevent possible injuries.
  4. Classes must be regular.
  5. The period of rehabilitation will be long, because normalize the work of patients with the authorities is possible only with prolonged exposure. Therefore, parents and children need to be patient.
  6. Requires a variety in classes, but most of the healing complex must be done constantly, and some exercises and tasks are desirable to periodically change.
  7. No need to load the body in a short time, more benefit will be with long-term courses, when each session does not bring fatigue and drip.
  8. Heavy exercises are better alternating with more easy.

Even stroking the smooth warm leather horse, the sorting of silky mane give a person a feeling of peace, tranquility, comfort. This improves mental state, mood. A sense of unity arises between the animals and man - the positive energy from the horse moves to the patient, cleans its biofield, sets up for harmony with nature. Many cases are known when patience, regular training and positive attitudes helped children and adults to improve health.

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