Near and vision


  • Why «sick» Spectative nerves
  • How to find out the eye of the optic nerve
  • Fighting for vision

  • Why «sick» Spectative nerves

    Near and vision

    Neuritis is inflammation of the nerve. The optic nerve is the main nerve of the eye. He directly connects the organ of view with the brain. It is on it that the obtained visual information is constantly transferred.

    Many of us probably on our own experience or on the example of loved ones managed to know what neither. The most common are neuritis facial nerve, intercostal or nerves hands and armpits. Who at least once in his life collided with such a notch, knows well that it is conjugate with extremely intense painful sensations. Fortunately, it does not apply to the neuritude of the optic nerve. This disease is usually not accompanied by pain (the visual nerve is not adapted for transmission «painful» information). But the disease has other symptoms.

    As we know, inflammation is always accompanied by a decrease in the function of what is inflamed. In this case, part of its functions will lose the visual nerve. And these functions - transfer information to the brain. Consequently, if they are broken, then the brain «picture» will suffer. Therefore, the main symptom of the obstruction of the optic nerve is a violation of sight.

    Calling neurith can a variety of reasons. During severe infection, the causative agent can be bacterium or virus (staphylococcus, pneumococcus, influenza virus, syphilis, etc.). At the same time, bacteria or viruses, spreading through the body, are introduced into the nerve or its shell (it can not only do bacteria, but also their toxins) and inflammation.

    It should be noted that some diseases, such as angina, can lead to the neuritude of the visual nerve indirectly. The causative agent that caused angina, does not apply anywhere. However, inflamed almonds send a massive stream of nerve pulses to the brain, and this stream can «Swan» visual nerve signal. In addition, the visual nerve itself can start inadequately react to chaotic pulsation flows, as a result of which his shell swells occurs, that is, in fact, inflammation is started. In addition to viruses and bacteria, the cause of neuritis can be a variety of exchange disorders (gap, diabetes and others), as well as systemic diseases (such as blood system diseases, some renal diseases).

    How to find out the eye of the optic nerve

    As already mentioned, the main symptom of neuritis of the optic nerve is a violation of sight. He is usually the only. Distortion of the picture is manifested by the loss of sharpness, clarity. Outlines of objects are blurred. Phenomenon very often arises «Tunnel vision» (There is no peripheral vision, the look seems to go through a long tube). Also a very characteristic symptom of neuritis of the optic nerve is the loss of perception of any color (a kind of sudden attack of daltonism). Sometimes the picture described is complemented by dark spots located arbitrarily in sight. According to the listed symptoms, neuritis is very similar to the inflammation of the retinet (retinit). However, if the retinit is characterized by a sudden, lightning rise symptoms like «lightning strike» in the country «Full health», then when you never the symptoms grow slowly, almost always for several days (and not hours). In any case, the final diagnosis can be put by the doctor after the instrumental examination (research of the eye dna).

    Fighting for vision

    Neurry optic nerve is a dangerous disease that requires an extremely serious approach. The treatment is used by the usual set of powerful anti-inflammatory funds. In the first place - hormones in the form of droplets and ointments, in rare cases - in the form of injections. In addition, paracetamol, Effergangan and others are used.

    Recovery period is very important. When acute inflammation already subsided, the regenerative processes begin on the site of the pathological focus. Often they lead to the formation of the scar, and this, in turn, will postpone or damage or hurt «link» (Spectative nerve). So that the scar is not formed, the so-called is actively applied «Solving therapy», which lies in the appointment of a wide range of vitamins (especially those needed nervos - groups B and PP) in the form of droplets and with electrophoresis. Also, vasodilatory drugs are also appointed (if the vessels are expanded, it means that the nerve is bustling better, and hence, the death of cells and the substitution of their scar will occur).

    Autohemotherapy is widely used (the introduction of its own blood, taken from the vein, intramuscularly to the buttock), however, it is most effective in the fight against bacterial - viral lesion.

    If the treatment has begun in a timely manner and carried out in full, then in the overwhelming majority of cases, vision on the affected eye can be restored (though, sometimes some reduction occurs). Otherwise (if the treatment has been late), the atrophy does not succeed and, unfortunately, the eye can go blind.

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