What is polyneuropathy? What are its reasons and signs? How is this ailment? Answers to these questions you will find in this article.
Peripheral nerves in human body provide the connection of the executive body of the central nervous system. So «Thought of moving», converted to a real manifiable action. But what does the term himself mean «Polynereropathy»?
Under Polyneropathy implies a large group of diseases associated with damage to the peripheral nerves, most often, the nerves of the limbs.
Such damage to nerves is often developing in diabetes, chronic liver and kidney diseases, atherosclerosis, poisoning of various substances, alcoholism.
Among the reasons for polyneuropathy can be distinguished both chronic intoxication (alcohol, drugs, lead or arsenic, medicine) and diabetes, lack of vitamins (B1, B12), malignant tumors and endocrine diseases.
Polyneuropathy develop differently. In diabetes, atherosclerosis, first of all, small blood vessels are damaged, nourishing nerves, and the nerves themselves are usually damaged with intoxications, rather, their shells are usually damaged. But most often these mechanisms are combined.
Characteristic signs of the disease is a violation of motor functions, pain, a decrease in tactile sensitivity (sometimes it happens on the contrary. Increased sensitivity to touch), sensation «crawling goosebumps», tingling, gradually deteriorating not only tactile sensitivity, but also painful, as well as vibration. There are signs of nutritional disorders and nails: thinning of the skin; the appearance of trophic disorders reaching ulcers; Nail fragility.
It should be noted that polyneuropathy is found more often, which is a complication of diabetes mellitus. The most common cause of the development of polyneuropathy is alcoholism.

In addition, since polynereropathy is rarely an independent disease, it is necessary to identify and subsequent treatment of the main disease.
In the treatment of polyneuropathy, it is desirable:
- Maintain vital functions of the body.
- Correction of system and metabolic disorders.
- Remove Possible Toxic Factors
- Fill the deficit of vitamins and nutrients.
- Adequately monitor pain syndrome.
- Conduct the correction of vegetative dysfunction and prevent somatic complications.
- Exercising active phased rehabilitation, including therapeutic gymnastics, massage, physiotherapy methods.
- Provide physiological support for the patient and much more.
It must be remembered that care for your health, it is, first of all, love for yourself!