Seeing the diagnosis «arachnoiditis» Many patients fall into depression and even make themselves disability. However, this diagnosis is quite a full life. We offer some useful tips to help ease life with arachnoid.
With arachnoid, it is recommended to eat more products rich in group vitamins in.
Liver. It contains vitamins B2, RR, pantothenic acid, B6, choline, B12. It can be used in boiled or stewed form.
Kidney. Very useful product with a given disease, although, specific smell and taste of kidney dishes are often an obstacle to their wide use in nutrition.
Bakery products. As vitamins are concentrated in the embryo and shells of grain, then the coarse bread, which preserved these elements, the richer of vitamins. Most effectively use bread and bakery products from a vitaminized flour.
Beekeeping products. These include not only honey, but also pollen, apilax (uterine milk) and others. However, they should not be used in large quantities, as this can lead to the development of allergies.

Evening seating from the TV will only worsen your condition. Watch TV With your disease, you can at a distance of at least three meters from the screen. Closer to you sit just can not!
If you have a mobile phone, then you should not wear it in your pockets of your clothes, it is better to keep it away from the body.
This disease is further aggravated if a person stubbornly stares and constantly argues with someone.
It is very important for you to do some creative work, but not counting on with gratitude. Creativity should delight in itself, without any assessments from.
And another advice that may first seem to you strange, but the facts say that this method is valid. You need to buy a tear-off calendar, where the so-called lunar days are indicated. Each of them begins at different times, since the moon moves around the Earth uneven. The most important thing for you is to see in the calendar when the third lunar day begins. It is on this day that you need to go to the hairdresser and stop. But only in the third lunar day! Usually after three months, many begin to feel much better, and after a year headaches almost cease to disturb.
Such a simple way saved very many from painful headaches. And it doesn't even be sure that it will help. The main thing is to strictly make a haircut only in the third lunar day and never more. Science is not entirely clear what factor works in such cases, but it works, and that's it. A little sequence - and your condition will begin to improve.
Council for relatives
Your task is to provide in the house a favorable contributing to the recovery atmosphere, try to have a good mood to have a good mood, and do everything to maintain the will of the will to cure.