We turn around the clock in the evening hoping to fall asleep? Wake up at night and learn without sleep? And the morning is similar to the awakening between the hammer and the anvil? After reading the article, you will learn about the so-called «Sleep hygiene» and find your ways to cope with problems.
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Hygiene sleep
What is sleep hygiene? This is almost a science on how to cope with various problems associated with sleep: Starting from rare difficulties with evening fall asleep and awakening at night and ending with a tightened insomnia. This also includes the ability to quickly wake up in the morning, and freshness during the day. Sleep hygiene is your habits, your evening and morning rituals, these are actions that help or interfere with you to sleep and sleep calmly, that is, any factors that may affect sleep anyway. And all this can be controlled to secure a full night rest.
Sleep science can be divided into four main components on which the quality of sleep depends:
- Daily rhythm.
- Age.
- Stress-forming factors.
- Social and recreational substances such as nicotine, alcohol, caffeine.
Daily rhythm
Our whole life is subordinated to the twenty-eating cycle. And no less important factor than the quantity and quality of sleep is how to be set to sleep. The more dimensional and stable your daily rhythm, the better sleep. The twenty-eating cycle can be violated with a whole set of different circumstances, such as daytime radiation, a violation of the usual waste time to sleep, exercise, and especially insecurity from light (this parameter includes and intersection of time zones during travel, and a vision of a computer monitor immediately before bedtime, and long luminous day).
Age plays a very significant role in sleep. After forty years, human sleep is changing, becomes more superficial, and therefore night awakening are studied compared with the period of youth. They not only directly affect the quality of sleep, but also interact with other factors causing the excitation of the nervous system, such as a hangover, which, if we used alcohol shortly before sleep, appears deeply at night. It turns out that, the more often the person wakes up at night, the higher the probability that in the morning he will wake up tired.
Stress-forming factors
Various sources of stress, such as the deadlines for the delivery of projects and reports, exams, family conflicts and problems at work, can interfere in the evening or calmly sleep deep at night. Of course, to abstract from these problems and «turn off», time required, and other ways does not exist. If you are used to working up to the moment when you need to go to bed, or right before bedtime, you think about the events of the past day, you plan to work for tomorrow (familiar, is not true?), you just can't instantly switch the body into sleep mode.
A person needs to create a certain waste ritual to build a kind «bridge» Between the tension of the day and the ability to fully relax at night; especially for children. The duration of rituals can vary from ten minutes to an hour. Some for liberation from thoughts that have accumulated in a day helps to draw up a list of stresses and ways to work with them.
If you add a period of relaxation to such a means of complacency, for example, half an hour with a light book or a warm bath, it will be much easier for you to sleep. And do not try to look at the time! Incidentally moving forward the arrow will only annoy and add excitation instead of removing it.
Social and recreational (regenerating forces) substances
Acceptable in society substances with different action, such as nicotine, alcohol and caffeine, can actually have a much greater impact on you than you believe. Caffeine who has a property linger in the body up to fourteen hours, increases the number of night awakens and reduces the total time of your sleep. Both can indirectly influence your vigor and efficiency during the day. The action of nicotine is similar to caffeine with the only difference that in small doses nicotine soothes, and in large contributes to the excitation of the CNS.
As for alcohol, at first when it is used you can be clone into sleep, and if you stop in time, you can quickly and firmly sleep. However, penetrating into the blood and participating in the metabolism, alcohol causes an intensification of the nervous system, which can last from two to three hours after the final removal of alcohol from the body. Such excitement explosions disturb sleep, often causing too vivid dreams, increased sweating and headache. Nicotine in combination with caffeine and / or alcohol is able to provide you with restless sleep and unpleasant feeling after awakening: you can feel completely broken and tired, not to mention hangover.
It is important to understand that an insufficient number and unsatisfactory quality of sleep can cause very serious problems, both short-term and long-term. Many studies have proven the importance of sleep and demonstrated that the defective dream is extremely adversely affecting the productivity of work and attentiveness.
It is worthwhile only one and a half hours, as the level of your care the next day will decrease by about a third. Strong drowsiness worsens the memory and ability to think and process information, and in addition, greatly increases the risk of obtaining production injury. Long insensitive from such violations as apnea (respiratory stop), as a result, often flows into pressure increase, heart attacks and strokes.
Summing up all the above, we offer several brief tips to help you relax, immerse yourself in sleep and sleep, do not wake up, but the next morning feel fresh and cheerfully.
- View TV, eating, emotional clarification of relationships Let them remain outside the bed. Use the bed only as a place to sleep and have sex. Otherwise, it may begin to be associated with other activities, which will cause problems with falling asleep.
- Twist night noise, lighting and uncomfortable temperature temperature. Your assistants can be earpluging, dense curtains on windows, electric blanket and air conditioning or fan. The slightest noise or extra light can spoil the quality of your sleep. Try to keep the bedroom temperature not higher than 24OC and not lower than 13 oC.
- Try to exclude drinking or at least shorten its number after eight in the evening, so as not to jump at night at the request of the bladder.
- Avoid sleep during the daytime, but if you still have to sleep in the afternoon, take a sleep for sleep no more than twenty-five minutes no later than eight hours after awakening. If you are experiencing difficulties with evening fall asleep, daytime sleep is categorically contraindicated.
- If you need to get up at night, do not blind yourself with a bright light. Use little night light.
Nicotine is an exciting substance, and it should be avoided both immediately before bedtime and during night awakening. Smoking before bedtime, you can feel the relaxation that does not cancel the fact that the stimulator gets into the blood, which can start acting, waking you up in the middle of the night.
- Caffeine is also a heartwork stimulator and present in coffee, tea, carbonated drinks and various medicines freely sold in pharmacies. It is necessary to stop the use of caffeine at least four to six hours before the waste. If you drank too much caffeine drinks shortly before sleep, be careful: you risk getting a headache that will prevent you from sleeping.
- Although alcohol is a tool inhibiting nervous activity, and can help you fall asleep, metabolic processes that flow in the body to remove alcohol from it, capable of provoking a hangover during sleep. It is the night hangover that causes additional awakening and is directly related to increased sweating and nightmares.
- Easy snack shortly before sleep can help you fall asleep while tight dinner late in the evening hinders sleep. Avoid protein products, and for thickening hunger, use carbohydrate and dairy products. The milk contains the amino acid L-tryptophan, which, as evidenced by the research data, helps the body to fall asleep. So the best choice in order not to go to sleep on an empty stomach, a glass of milk will become a glass of low-fat crackers.
- If you feel about people who have a tide of strength after physical activity, it is not necessary to carry out the exercises shortly before sleep. In this case, you better exercise in the morning or in the afternoon (preferred aerobics workouts: running, walking and others).
- Is your favorite sleeps (cat, dog or someone else) with you? Animal stay in bed can be the cause of your awakens (for example, because your sleep becomes more sensitive because of the presence under the side of a small creature, which can be crushed, or your favorite is fierce and is comfortable ... Perhaps your beasts are better to move to the floor or in a cozy own house?
Compliance with these simple rules can radically change the quality of your sleep. To stay healthy and successfully exercise your daily activities, a person needs to wake up cheerful and fresh and not to peel his nose during the day. If compliance with the rules of sleep hygiene does not help you, it is worth consulting a doctor or a doubt specialist to eliminate or identify a serious nervous system disorder that prevents a full-fledged sleep.
Touch «What prevents me from falling down?»