What is hallucinations


  • Hallucinations
  • Diagnosis of hallucinations
  • Emergency assistance in the attack of hallucinations

  • Hallucinations

    During hallucinations, the patient perceives objects that
    Reality do not exist as the real objects of the surrounding world.
    Distinguish auditory, visual, taste, olfactory hallucinations and
    Hallucinations of a coherent feeling. More often than others are varied
    Hearing hallucinations. Patients hear calls, knock, separate unclear
    Sounds, words, phrases, conversations of one or more faces. Voices are there
    Loud and quiet, familiar and unfamiliar, the content of them is more often unpleasant
    For the patient: they scold him, threaten, claim to punish or
    cause any harm to the patient or his loved ones. Often audacious
    hallucinations are imperative (ordered), and often the patient
    They unconditionally obey.

    Vigilant hallucinations as well
    diverse: from the vision of sparks, smoke, flame to more complex when
    Before the eyes of the patient, colorful paintings of the war, fire,
    Flooding and pr. Visual hallucinations can be frozen,
    fixed or, on the contrary, constantly changing how on stage or in
    movie. The content of them is predominantly unpleasant, only in some
    Cases of visual hallucinations cause a sick feeling
    Pleasure. Taste hallucinations usually coexist with
    olfactory: patients feel smells rotten, feces, pus, food
    Acquires disgusting taste. With general feeling hallucinations (or,
    how they are otherwise called, bodily hallucinations) patients are experiencing
    Unpleasant sensations in different parts of the body: it seems to them that they are broken,
    Tweed, passes electric current and t.NS. In contrast to the described
    True hallucinations with so-called pseudogalucinations occur
    the same phenomena, but they have the character of alienity, violence, «Motion». Often the patients say that they hear voices not on
    distance from ourselves, and inside the head, «inland ear» Or see
    something not before your eyes, but behind the eyes, «inner ocom».

    Diagnosis of hallucinations

    What is hallucinations
    It is almost important to distinguish hallucinations from illusions. If the patient
    It seems that the cabinet standing in his room changed its outlines and became
    similar to the bear or hanging on a coat hanger it seemed
    outlines of the human figure, then these are illusions. But if the sick
    argues that he sees animals, people, etc., Indicating at the same time in the empty
    space, or declares that he hears the voices of some people when
    There is no one near anyone, in these cases we are talking about hallucinations. Illusions
    - Distorted perception of a really existing object. With illusions
    man, making sure his mistake, willingly agrees with what he
    This «It seemed»; With hallucinations, all attempts to prove the patient
    The fallacy of his statements turn out to be unsuccessful.

    If illusions
    There are healthy people when, for example, a frightened person
    It seems that he sees the attached figures around the corner, then hallucinations
    are an undoubted sign of mental illness and require
    emergency care. By the behavior of the patient, you can attentive
    observation establish the presence of hallucinations. It has great
    practical value, because there are cases when patients, fearing
    premises in a psychiatric hospital or for some nonsense
    considerations, try to hide, dissimulate their hallucinatory
    Experience. Hallucinating patient focuses, alert. He
    intently peers into space, something intense
    listens or silently moves his lips, answering his imaginary

    Sometimes hallucinations in the patient occur episodically. IN
    these cases they are short-term and important not to miss the period
    Hallucination. Mimica patient often complies with content
    hallucinations and reflects surprise, anger, fear, horror, less often joy,
    Admiration, delight. With more pronounced hallucinations patients out loud
    meet hearing voices, stuck your ears, clamp the nose, grumble
    Eyes or disgust spooled food, hide under the blanket,
    Fight from imaginary monsters. Under the influence of ordering (imperative)
    Hearing hallucinations Patients often jump out of the window, pop up
    on the go from the train, attack others. In an isolated video
    hallucinations are relatively rare. Usually they are
    part of various psychopathic syndromes, most often
    Combining with different shapes of nonsense.
    The appearance of hallucinations, especially at the beginning of the disease, usually shakes
    the patient is accompanied by a sharp excitation, fear, anxiety that
    Causes the need to provide urgent therapy.

    Emergency assistance in the attack of hallucinations

    Built under the general principles of excitation and treatment
    hallucinatory-delusional states. At the same time, it must be considered
    The nature of the disease in which hallucinations develop. So,
    visual hallucinations during feverish condition (feverish
    Delium) or with white hot (alcoholic delirium)
    require different therapeutic tactics aimed at treatment
    Diseases in general. Proponial assistance should provide security
    patient and surrounding, prevent dangerous actions caused by
    Fear, anxiety, excitation. Therefore, measures for the supervision of patients
    acquire paramount importance, especially when acute
    hallucinatorial state. They do not significantly differ from alcohol
    Events when delirium. Medical assistance is aimed at reducing the excitation and affective disorders.

    In psychiatric institutions needed in cases where
    Hallucinatorial (hallucinatory-delusional) syndrome is not due to
    Serious somatic disease. In the latter case, treatment with
    compliance with all precautionary measures should be carried out with
    the participation of a psychiatrist doctor in place or translated into a psychosomatic
    Department. Transportation of patients is carried out in accordance with
    The basic principles of transportation of patients with impaired psyche.

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