When it is time «Become in the bell»


    When we need a doctor

    When it is time & laquo; beat in the bell & raquo;If you celebrate any of the following problems, but do not notice any other alarming symptoms, it is likely that you do not need to consult a doctor:

    • You forget the names,
    • Can't find keys, glasses and other important little things,
    • Can't find your car in the parking lot,
    • Can't remember what they wanted to buy in the store,
    • Can't get someone in an unusual setting

    The following symptoms require medical advice:

    • If you lost the road by driving the car by the usual route for you,
    • If you completely flew out an important business date,
    • If you again and again tell the same story with the same people for a short period of time (t. E. no short-term memories) if you sometimes confuse, which is an hour or where you are,
    • If you are not able to keep our financial calculations, even the most simple, or can not cope with your checkbook,
    • If you are experiencing a sudden or gradual change. Personality,
    • If you are experiencing a difficulty with the language (for example, when called objects),
    • If there is a sudden change to the worse of your artistic or musical abilities,
    • If the loss of memory prevents you productively work and / or fully fulfill your daily responsibilities (while maintaining physical health).

    We check the memory

    What is your memory? To get an answer to this question, use the following test.

    So the task comes down to the following. You must read 25 words for 1 minute, then close them and write them all over 5 minutes that you managed to remember, in any order: hay, key, plane, train, painting, month, singer, radio, grass, pass , car, heart, bouquet, sidewalk, century, film, fragrance, carpathians, himalayas, immobility, calendar, man, woman, abstraction, helicopter (words Better Book in two columns).

    After completing the task, calculate the number of written words and evaluate each word in 1 point. Now, by the amount of points, determine which category you can attribute yourself:

    • 6 points and less - your memory (first of all visiting) is not in the best condition, but it is not hopeless - regularly train the memory, helps the score in the mind;
    • 7 - 12 points - you are not so bad for memory, but you, apparently, do not know how to focus, and it prevents memorization;
    • 13-17 points - the results are quite decent and you can expect that in most cases the memory will not be submitted;
    • 18-21 points - an excellent result that proves that you have an outstanding memory;
    • Over 22 points - you have a wonderful memory.

    Memory capabilities

    What are the possibilities of human memory and is there a limit of its development? That the memory of a person can achieve a high degree of perfection, we have already spoken. What are the possibility of improving memory and will be able to achieve a high development of an ordinary person? Psychologists have noticed that up to 20 -25 years, the memory of a person is improving, until 40-45 years old remains at the same level, and then gradually weakens. From the amount of knowledge used by the person throughout his life, 70% are purchased under the age of 25.

    Learn to relax

    When it is time & laquo; beat in the bell & raquo;Bad work memory is often the result of a lack of attention. Without some minimum, nothing can be written in our brain, and therefore it is simply nothing to remember. The lack of attention may depend on various reasons, but it is especially often caused by concern.

    When something bothers us, we are absorbed by our care and all our thoughts converge the wedge of fear that we will forget about something. As a result, instead of focusing on the desired subject, we lose time and energy to anxiety.

    Fear before forgetting - one of the main reasons for malware failures. Our mind is in power of this undiscovery feeling, especially if there were failures before; He dramatizes the consequences «hole» In memory, even attempts to remember something, and as a result - dark concerns are confirmed by new failures.

    The memory has a paradoxical feature: the more we will rise, remember something, the more it eludes us. The obvious reason for this is the interference of attention.

    If you suddenly ask you the name of a flower in your garden, you will be embarrassed not to remember him immediately. And if it did not come up in memory right away, there will be a voltage and anxiety in the brain, and this will prevent you with the right answer.

    It is very important to get rid of this concern - with his disappearance memory will be unlocked, and you can remember what you need. And for this you need to calm down, relax.

    This is what says about relaxation Professor Etken, whose phenomenal memory has been the subject of study for many years: «I discovered that the bigger the bigger to remember something, the more I need to relax, and not at all at the concentration of attention, as is usually thinking. Initially, of course, it is necessary to focus on, but as soon as it becomes possible, you need to relax. So do very few. Unfortunately, this is not taught at school, where knowledge is acquired only by repeating».

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