Onychomicosis is a complicated name means nothing but a nail fungus. On the one hand, medicine has accumulated sufficient experience in the treatment of onchomicoses, on the other - those who have come across this problem, know: get rid of the fungus nails is not so easy. Why? About this, as well as on the principles of treatment of this river, read this article.
Achievements and problems in onychomicosis therapy. - That's right, quite according to scientific, are called performances and articles of doctors dedicated to the treatment of fungal diseases of nails. Indeed, there are noticeable achievements that strongly advanced treatment of nail fungus. They made modern therapy of mycoses much more efficient, safe and convenient for a doctor and patient. But problems remain: for example, the resumption of Mikosa after successful at the beginning of treatment. Not all doctors turn out not only 100%, but even 70-80% cure. That is, many people with a fungus nail have some kind of treatment, but it does not help them or the effect of it is only temporary. Such patients, according to recent studies, can take at least 1/3 of all those who applied to the doctor for help against nail fungus.

Doctors - because often do not take into account modern features of onychomicosis - many years of common and severe illness. Not all doctors own modern techniques for the treatment of fungal infections. Not all doctors have to trace the effectiveness of the treatment of mycoses in cooperation with the patient.
Patients are to blame in the unsuccessful treatment of the nail fungus because:
- First, they too late pay attention to the condition of the skin and nails stop. In the early stages, the fungal disease stop is easy to cure, but these early stages are often rewicted;
Secondly, they avoid contacting the doctor, and instead, they try to cure nail fungus on their own, which manages very few;
- Thirdly, they do not comply with the treatment scheme of the nail fungus, finding it too long and burdensome for themselves. In addition, after the end of treatment, many patients completely forget about the prevention of re-infection with fungus.
What to do: Treatment and prevention of onychomicosis
Currently, there are a large number of antifungal drugs that can cure fungus and improve the status of the nail plate.
The effectiveness of treatment depends on several factors: the correctness of the selection of the drug, compliance with therapy terms (treatment lasts several months) and its principles (proper use of medication, shoe treatment), the initial state of the patient's body (decrease in immunity, elderly age, severe common diseases, such as sugar Diabetes complicate the treatment process).
Modern medicine offers antifungal drugs:
- 1-to receive inside (in the form of capsules, tablets) - they are not only actively acting on the fungus, stopping the development of mycosis, but also delay in nails for a long time, which reduces the term of treatment. Such preparations are usually taken within 2-4 months, and in the most progressive schemes (pulse therapy) - a few weeks (with periods of rest for the body, that is, not constantly).
- 2-for external use (local forms) - nail polishes and plasters with peeling effects, creams and ointments.
In the launched and severe cases of onychomicosis, combined schemes are used - combinations of outdoor and internal treatment.
In any case, an efficient and adequate treatment regimen will be selected only by a dermatologist.
An important point in the process and after treatment, the nail fungus is and disinfection of everything, with which the fungus comes into contact - floors should be processed, walls, bathrooms, shower, bathrooms, and personal belongings: underwear, shoes, skin care and nails.
Walls and bottom of the bath should be treated with a mixture of equal parts of the washing powder and chlorine lime or chlorine (powder need to be washed in 30 minutes). Shoes are recommended to handle formalin solutions (25%) or acetic acid (40%). It should be thoroughly wiped with a moistened tampone insoles and side seats. Then put a tampon in the shoe sock, and the shoes itself are placed in a hermetically tied cellophane package for 24 hours. After shoes are ventilated to destroy odor. Lingerie, stockings, socks, tights can be disinfected by 15-20 minute boiling in 2% soyl soda solution. Then they should try to stroke the hot iron. Manicure scissors are disinfected by immersing in alcohol and burning over the flame of the burner, and in the salons in special high-temperature sterilizers.
And yet the most effective in the fight against the nail fungus is primary prevention. To avoid infection with fungus nails in the family, it suffices to comply with simple hygienic rules and use only your shoes. In general use, we should not walk barefoot. In order to prevent the likely disease, you can use antifungal agents - sprays and aerosols, with the help of which it is convenient to process the skin of the sole and interpal folds. But the main thing is to always follow the health of the legs, wearing a comfortable, not close and not causing high sweating shoes, and regularly courtesy by the skin of the feet and nails.