It is known for certain that Tiki accompanied the life of Alexander Macedon, Peter I, Napoleon, Michelangelo and many other geniuses
Treatment of herbs
Medicine has accumulated extensive experience in the treatment of nervous ticks. From simple sedatives to physiotherapy, massage and acupuncture. However, ticks are not so easy, because even the nature of this unpleasant phenomenon is not clear to the end.
Usually neurologists begin treatment with the most soft effects of impact: phytotherapy and psychotherapeutic techniques.
Among the phytotherapeutic treatments for teak can be allocated as follows:
Take 2-4 green geranium leaf, put on a sore place, and from above - linen rag and tie a warm handkerchief. During the day, leaves can be changed on fresh.
- Arab doctors use noble laurel leaves for these purposes as a specific treatment for teak.
- Apply as well as a means of treating teak baked marine bowls. Substitutional teas from individual herbs or fees contribute to the weakening of the nervous tick. You can take soothing herbs in the form of powders in small doses (on the tip of a teaspoon), drinking water.
- The heath ordinary in the form of the infusion or powder soothes the nerves, it acts sleeping bags, in buggy and constancy; Broth - 1 st. L. On a glass of water - used in rheumatism, brain spasms, atherosclerosis, circulatory disorders. Stimulates cardiac activity.
- Valerian Drug - Infusion 1. L. Grinding roots in a glass of boiling water, take 1 st. L. 2-4 times a day. Take no longer three weeks.
- Ivan Tea (Cypria) - Infusion 1. L. dry leaves in a glass of boiling water; take the whole infusion in several receptions during the day.
- Peppermint - Infusion 1. L. dry leaves in a glass of boiling water; take the whole infusion in several receptions during the day.
- Ordinary Oils - Strong Soothing, Paintaking and Rising Life Tone. Drink in the form of DF or Balar - 1 st. L. Herbs on a glass of boiling water, drink during the day.
- Thyme creep, Bogorodskaya grass - take in the form of infusion or brave - 1 st. L. on a glass of boiling water, tincture (10%) take 15 drops 3 times a day.
- Melissa Dosage - Used in the form of welding in tea in fresh or dried - 1 st. L. on a glass of boiling water.
- St. John's wort the grass is used with headaches, but in the event that blood pressure is not increased. Brew 1 st. L. herbs on a glass of boiling water drinking during the day.
Tips parents
Do not boost! When parents first notice teaks in a child, they begin to ask him questions: «What is it you like? Why are you blinking all the time?» Children begin to look for excuses to their state and are even more nervous. Do not focus on the problem of the attention of the whole family, and go to the doctor.
Do not arrange scandals at school. Children today are very cruel. Noticing that with their peer «something is wrong», they will probably begin to tease him. It is difficult for parents to affect the situation, especially since the clarification of the child's conversations only will evade the situation. The best you can do – On time to take a child to a doctor who will help to cope with ticks.
Do not register yourself for a child's illness. Usually parents, encountered with the problem of children's teaks, feel very guilty: «I didn't pay attention to him. I didn't buy him a book that he asked me». Do not blame yourself. If the schoolchild has a predisposition to ticks, sooner or later they will still appear.
Change your lifestyle. Ask yourself questions: Do we eat right, is it all good in relations between the members of our family? Avoid stress. Sign up in the sports club with the whole family. Baby will especially use swimming and skiing. These sports strengthen the nervous system and improve the mood. Try to reduce children with a TV and a computer to a minimum.
Sometimes the treatment of ticks is delayed. Be patient. Support a child, and the result will not make yourself wait.
Give them a run
There is a theory that explains the nervous ticks by the reaction of the child's body for prohibitions and restrictions that relate to its motor activity. Most often it happens when children go to the first class and face the stiffenses of schoolfold. Previously, the child could run and play and play all day, and now forced to sit at the desk.
It is not surprising that the muscles of the face, hands and legs begin to decline involuntarily. And if nervous overvoltage is added here, ticks become chronic. Try at least at the weekend to arrange the days of health outdoors for the whole family: run in the park, ride bicycles, participate in rolling games.
Geniyev's disease
It would be absolutely wrong to believe that teaks somehow suppress human intelligence. Often patients suffering from teaks, – Persons are very outstanding and even in something outstanding: poets and composers, sculptors and commander.
And, according to some specialists, the deliverance of a person from Tika can deprive his natural ability to write, compose, solve the mathematical tasks and the problems of the universe and in general to be even unlike anything else. Perhaps this interesting version will receive confirmation in the future, when scientists will finally find out the nature of Tikov.
As for the past, it is known for certain that teaks accompanied the life of Alexander Macedonsky, Peter I, Napoleon, Michelangelo and many other geniuses.