Causes of wet throat

The selection process of the sputum of the mucous membrane is natural and physiological. But in some diseases, the amount of mucus exceeds the permissible rate than causes discomfort and discomfort.

Causes of wet throat

Diseases of the throat, throat, ENT, MOKROT, cold

The reasons why mocked throats can accumulate, quite a few:

  • Most often, the wet in the throat appears with such acute ENT diseases as ARVI with rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, hymorit, adenoitis, sinusitis, angina;
  • Chronic diseases such as bronchial asthma and bronchitis, may also be the cause of the allocation of a large amount of mucus;
  • Bacterial infections caused by such pathogens as staphylococcus and streptococcus;
  • other respiratory diseases;
  • Using too cold or hot food, sharp spices, pickles, fermented milk products can also cause the accumulation of wet throat in some people;
  • Allergic rhinitis and sinusites are always accompanied by rich sputum release;
  • Some pathology and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are often the reason for the appearance of a large amount of spillas in the throat;
  • Smokers and those who abuse alcoholic beverages often suffer from wet throat;
  • Often the appearance of sputum may arise due to inhalation of dust, smoke, combustion and harmful products. In this case, the victim develops pharyngitis, which can go into a chronic form if you do not start treatment in time;
  • Reduced immunity and frequent heartburn During pregnancy, women can also lead to the accumulation of sputs in the throat.

Treatment of wet throat

By itself, the sputum, accumulated in the throat, is not a disease, but a consequence. To get rid of the presence of mucus, it is necessary to find the cause of the disease and correctly diagnosed. In the diagnosis of the patient, it must describe in detail all its feelings of the otolaryngologist. It is possible that after the oral consultation and inspection, the doctor will immediately prescribe treatment. In some cases, the diagnosis may be needed by sputum.

With respiratory diseases

Diseases of the throat, throat, ENT, MOKROT, cold

In some cases, for more effective treatment, you can resort to the folk remedies for the fight against the mocroid. The course of the treatment of herbs should last at least 2-4 weeks, even if the sputum goes before, otherwise the problem may return.

So, the most effective means in the occurrence of wet throat:

  1. Mix the grated radish with honey (2 st. L.) And let them stand. When the radish stops enough juice, strain it and take 1 st. L. 3 times a day after meals. Within an hour after reception do not drink anything and do not eat.
  2. 2-3 Aloe twigs Grind in a blender and mix with honey in a 1: 1 ratio. Take 1 st. L. Funds 2-3 times a day after meals.
  3. Litter jar of pine cones Push out 1 cup of sugar and insist 1 month in the sun. When the cones will be allowed juice, strain it and put it in a dark place. Take 3-4 times a day. Collect the cones are recommended from June 20 to 23.
  4. Pour into half the row of 1 st. L. chamomile, hunter, plantain and calendula, pour the grass with boiling water and insist for 15 minutes on a water bath. Then straighten the grass, add 1 st. L. Honey and bring the tincture of boiled water to 500 ml. Take 1 st. L. 3 times a day 1 hour after meals.

Additional recommendations

Diseases of the throat, throat, ENT, MOKROT, cold

So that treatment to eliminate sputum from the throat was effective and rapidly, a number of recommendations must be carried out:

  • Take as much liquid as possible, it contributes to the discharge and removal of mucus;
  • Sign up for a massage, it helps the fastest removal of sputum;
  • take baths 2 times a day, if possible, visit the pools, if it is not contraindicated with your diagnosis;
  • Make inhalations with potatoes and soda, they soften cough and remove swelling;
  • more walk in the fresh air;
  • Try not to be near the plants causing you allergic;
  • Replace feathers on hypoallergenic fillers;
  • If you smoke, throw this bad habit, do not exacerbate your condition;
  • Get the air humidifier and use it in the heating season;
  • more often spend wet harvesting of residential premises and office in which you work.

In the event of a sputum sputum, our site recommends not to delay the visit to a specialist, otherwise the treatment will delay for a longer time, and the disease will go into a chronic form.

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