What is catatonic syndrome


Catatonic syndrome

What is catatonic syndromeCattonic syndrome - a condition in which violations in the motor sphere prevail: inhibition (stupor) or excitement.

A catatonic stupor is manifested by immobility, an increase in muscle tone and silence (a refusal of speech - a mutism). Sometimes there is a symptom of an air (mental) pillow - the head of the patient for a while, sometimes for a long time, remains raised above the pillow. If all these symptoms are spoiled, a subcutter states.

The variants of the stupuses can have the same patient to develop in stages in the sequence as described below.

Stupor with wax flexibility phenomena (catalepsy). The state of immobility, in which any change in the patient's poses is maintained more or less a long time. The phenomena of wax flexibility appear first in the chewing muscles, then consistently in the muscles of the neck, upper and lower extremities. Wax flexibility disappears in reverse order.

Negative stupor - complete immobility of the patient, and any attempt to change the position causes a sharp tension of muscles with counteraction.

A stupor with a stupor is the ascent muscle tension in which the patients are constantly in the same position, more often than the so-called intrauterine, often observed symptom of the trunk: the lips stretched forward with tightly compressed jaws.

Cattonic arousal. Excitation options can have the same patient to develop in stages in the sequence as described below.

Ecstatic (confused-pathetic) arousal. Patients take theatrical postures, sing, declare poems, the expression of delight, mystical penetration, ecstasy prevails on the face. Speech is dying, inconsistent.

Excitation can be interrupted by episodes of a stupor or subcode.

Impulsive arousal. Patients commit unexpected actions, aggressive, suddenly jump out somewhere they run, strive to hit others, fall into a frantic rage, they are frozen and again become excited. The speech prevails a stereotypical repetition of the traces of the heard (echolalia) or spontaneously pronounced (verbigeration).

Gebafrenic arousal - foolishness, grimacing, ridiculous, meaningless laughter. Patients jump, shriven, inappropriate, flat joke (clown).

Silent (silent) arousal - chaotic, meaningless, unfinished excitation with aggression, fierce resistance, application and surrounding severe damage.

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