Atheroma: methods of treatment


  • What is atheroma
  • Manifestations atheroma
  • Treatment atheroma

  • What is atheroma

    Atheroma - a frequent problem that meets in people of any age
    and both floors. What is the essence of this disease? Is not
    tumor, and cyst, i.e. atheroma is «Bag», having
    capsule and filled with thick yellowish masses often having
    Nasty smell.

    Atheroma refers to the so-called epithelial cysts of the skin,
    which can be divided into several species depending on their
    Microscopic structure (epidermal or epidermoid cyst,
    Deroid cyst, trichamemal cyst, multiple steatocystoma).
    According to their clinical manifestations and treatment, they are practically equivalent,
    Therefore, in the future, for simplicity, we will clarify them

    Many authors believe that atheroma is a hereditary disease.

    Manifestations atheroma

    As atheroma manifests itself clinically? It can be located in
    many places of body, more often on the face, scalp, body, to
    hands on scrotum. Often atheroma is the multiple. In case of inspection
    Atheroma is a tumor formation of a rounded form,
    Soft consistency in size from 5 to 40 mm and more. Leather over atteroma
    Usually not changed, however, in the case of the connection of the secondary infection
    may have a reddish hue. Atheroma moving together with others
    Fabrics, painless. Atheroma can stay small on
    for many years, or increase. Sometimes atheroma communicates with
    the surface of the skin through a small hole through which they can
    Separate atheromatous masses. Often atheroma caught up except
    This may take place a gap atteroma to subcutaneous tissue.

    Treatment atheroma

    Atheroma: methods of treatment
    If the atheroma is small and does not bother the patient, then it can not
    delete. In other cases, surgical treatment is shown. Atheroma
    Remove under local anesthesia 1% solution of novocaine or lidocaine.

    Method number 1. The incision is performed in the place of the greatest swelling of the atteroma.
    The contents of the atheroma are extruded on the napkin. After that capture
    Capsule of cysts with two clamps and remove it or scrape the cavity
    Cysts acute spoon.

    Method number 2. Carefully cut the skin, trying not to damage the atheroma capsule.
    Shift the skin from the atheroma, after which, pressing the fingers on the edges of the wound,
    Atheroma is deprived.

    Method number 3. This method is most often applied. First over atteroma
    produce two fade cuts that should cover a hole
    cysts. The edges of the skin is captured by clamps and, carefully sipping
    for them, fed under the atheroma branches of the curved scissors. Running and cleaning
    scissors, atheroma deepen from surrounding tissues. Bleeding usually
    insignificant. After removing the atheroma to subcutaneous tissue
    impose individual resinking seams. On the skin to prevent
    Wound edges applied vertical mattress sutures fine
    Atraumatic thread. Seams are removed after 7 days.

    Treatment of infected atheroma. The atheroma is opened, remove purulent contents and atheromatous masses.
    After the sacrament of inflammation, the atheroma is removed in the way 1 or 3.

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