Acupuncture: What is it, the main points of exposure


  • Strengths of acupuncture
  • When effectively acupuncture
  • Does the result of the treatment of the needleperature depends on the qualification
  • Weak sides of acupuncture
  • Acupuncture mechanism

  • AcupunctureOn the one hand, the acupuncture is a completely independent type of healing. On the other hand, it can also be attributed to bioenergy and physiotherapy. In the end, it does not matter on which shelf it is located — All classifications are conditional.

    How do you know, acupuncture — This is a treatment by stagnation into the body of special needles. These needles are thinner than those with which you are sewing holes in clothes, and therefore the unpleasant feeling during the procedure is minimized.

    You also know that the needles stick not to where it fell, but in places, called biologically active points of the body. These points are located not as hit, but systemically — on meridians. As well as chakras, nor meridians nor their points have no material structure. This means that, no matter, nor the eye, nor under the microscope, you will not see any difference between what is in the zone «Magic» points and what outside it — Neither the accumulation of nerve endings, nor any special cells, nor something else. But in contrast to the chakras, it is possible to determine the instruments of the point – Their electrical resistance is different from the resistance of other skin sections.

    Strengths of acupuncture

    Acupuncture — Effective treatment method. Not so rare «Instant cure». Especially with acute pain, the result is felt as they say, «At the tip of the needle». And one more plus — As a rule, the needleperature sessions are cheaper than sessions of the healers of other destinations.

    When effectively acupuncture

    The best acupuncture helps in dealing with pain. It works fine with radiculitis, neuritis, muscle pain and neck, tensile tensions, when delivering from addiction to alcohol, tobacco or drugs. There is nothing more efficient acupuncture when acute pain in the spine and joints. Chromating person after the procedure can leave dancing. Excellent advertising healer! But the cure for one session is infrequent. Typically, the patient goes to the end and not getting rid of pain. Not scary, sessions need a few. And when, finally, pain disappears, most likely, it will not soon appear again.

    In acute cases, treatment is carried out every day or every other day, in chronic 1-2 times a week. Well — 7-15 sessions. If after the fifth visits to the improvement did not come, continue acupuncture meaningless. So your body does not react to this method.

    The longer you are treated, the less chance of recovery.

    But it is in acute cases. If you are sick for several years, then recovery also takes time.

    Young patients are easier to help than the elderly, since young people are faster than self-regulation.

    Good to treat head, dental pain, spasms — biliary tract, ureters, uterus. Acupuncture sometimes reduces the size of the uterine fibromy, facilitates the current of asthma, helps with insomnia, speeds up the recovery in stroke. A little worse, but still treatable gastritis, cholecystitis, eczema, angina, chronic inflammation, hypertension. It is impossible to achieve a significant improvement in childhood authis, sluggish paralymps, diabetes, serious hormonal disorders.

    Akupuncture is contraindicated in cancer, extreme exhaustion associated with older age or any disease and when the patient is too excited.

    Does the result of the treatment of the needleperature depends on the qualification

    The most experienced reflexotherapists will get rid of you from about 7 out of 10 ailments, and the specialists of the middle hand rarely cope with something except for pain. Why?

    The philosophy of acupuncture treatment is difficult to fully understand its «not Chinese» . Need to remember a bunch of points — where they are at what depth, what testimony and contraindications for each of them. However, the overwhelming majority of acupuncturers use only ready-made recipes described in Special Literature.

    On the other hand, it is not necessary to believe in the myth, as if the Chinese know something to us incomprehensible. Most Chinese colleagues treat the same way as we — By template.

    Weak sides of acupuncture

    Patients often do not agree to treatment due to fear of needles. Light pain in the introduction of the needle must necessarily. We define on them first, whether they found the point right, and secondly, the point responded to the needle. Without this reaction, you should not hope for a good result. With sharp pains to get to the point easily. When chronic sometimes you have to search for it, a little moving the tip of the needle to the right and left, up and down. This procedure is unpleasant, but in the end, the needle is not dental borver.

    AcupunctureIf inactivity is present in treatment, then complications are possible. Sometimes after the introduction of the needle around it there comes a reflex spasm of muscles. It is not scary. After the easy massage, the needle loose free.

    If the needle has roughness, which often happens after frequent sterilization, then the muscle fibers are screwed at it. In a similar case, the needle pulls off her back.

    At the needlerapy session you will not always be comfortable half an hour to sit or lie in one pose. When you try it to change it, it can lead to a needle breakdown. The needle chip is most often removed by tweezers. If not — Need a surgeon.

    In two-three of the hundred patients during the first session, there is a state of light shock, seven; Dizziness appears, pallor, cold sweat, nausea. Sometimes even loss of consciousness, collapse. Deadly outcome after such a shock is not described. If you happen to you – do not be afraid. After 3-4 minutes, everything will pass, especially if the acupuncture recalls that, in this case, you need to hardly press the nail under the nasal partition or on the vegetative point of the auricle.

    Continue the session or not? If you are not scared to death, it is better to continue, however, after removing the needle, the reflexologist must let you go only when there is confidence that it really passed and you re-faint out on the street, God forbid also car.

    Quite often, after extracting the needle due to a randomly lean vessel arises a small bleeding. But since points are located away from large vessels, bleeding should not be long. It is easy to stop pressed this place by cotton.

    Extremely unpleasant for the patient if the needle hurt nerve — You will feel that you would like shock.

    And if the needle is punctured pleura or intestines, it is no longer a joke. In this case, urgent hospitalization is necessary in the surgical department. Therefore, in the legislation of most countries it is written that only a doctor can be an acupuncture. Not because the doctor does not be able to master this discipline, and due to the fact that the doctor will not allow complications. Although there are states in the USA, where it is enough to have an appropriate license to occupy an acupuncture, but medical education is not necessary. In Hungary, without medical education, you can only deal with ear acupuncture — There are no vital organs on the ear shell and complications are minimized.

    And of course, to the category of the biggest troubles, there is a AIDS infection or, more likely, viral hepatitis. The likelihood of AIDS infection is less because its virus dies at 80° With degrees — For sterilization, sufficiently light boiling needles. But hepatitis virus to die, you need 120° With degrees — simple boiling is not enough. To eliminate this complication, only disposable needles use in rich countries, and in countries the victory every patient buys his set of needles that will be used only for its treatment.

    Acupuncture mechanism

    I'm absolutely not sure that the aborigines of the old Guinea represent the mechanism of the boomeranga flight. But the ignorance of the laws of Luppynamics does not prevent them from practicing this flying weapon.

    And in acupuncture. The only honest answer to the question is the mechanism of its action: «Not determined». But we are not the natives with you, we must understand what is happening. No theory? It means you need to come up. And invented. I will try to state it.

    Acupuncture is a way to influence the energy processes of the body. The internal energy of each of us proceeds in a circle, through twelve major meridians, each of which is associated with any internal organ. This circle is as follows: Light — colon — stomach – spleen — a heart — small intestine — bladder — kidney — pericardium — Triple heater — Gall-bubble — liver — And again lungs. The circle closed.

    Is somewhat strange, it is not true, to know that energy gets straight into the small intestine, Acupunctureand from the heart to some triple heater. But this is we as weird, but for the Chinese, which they came up with, perfectly fine. After all, in unconventional treatment its own logic. So do not be surprised.

    Each of the twelve meridians have «Gentlemen set» Points. Most understandable of them toning and soothing (sedative). Thus, on the body of each of us, speaking schematically, there are 12 toning and 12 soothing points. As follows from the title, the needle, cavity, massage, massage or other types of exposure to the toning point increases the energy level in the corresponding meridian and in the associated body, and manipulation with sedatives, on the contrary, is removed this energy. Where? In another meridian. If, with bioenergy treatment, the missing energy is added from the outside, and the excess is simply ejected or burned on the candlelight, — When exposed to needles, energy can only redistribute, harmonize. If in some meridian, its excess is revealed, excess energy must be translated where it lacks it. And vice versa.

    To enhance the effect of exposure to tonic or soothing points on the meridians, there are point-amplifiers — Sympathetic (as if sympathizing) and the accompaniment (as if it will fall). Therefore, 12 + 12 adds to 24 previous. Already forty-eight plus 12 diagnostic points. Total sixty. This is a small gentleman a set of acupuncture points.

    And for extremely curious letters I will report that there are another 12 anti-obscal points, 12 stabilizing, connecting two meridian, there are veneeridian points and many, many other used acupuncturers in the measure of their readiness and desire.

    And one more mechanism explaining why acupuncture is effective in pain syndromes. It turns out to be an effect on acupuncture points leads to a release from the inner pharmacy of the organism of special semi-riquetic, similar to morphine, substances – Endorphins. Therefore, after competently spent acupuncture, it is possible without anesthesia to do operations.

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