Medical starvation at home and confusion in terminology


  • Rules of medical starvation at home
  • Menu after starvation
  • Terminological errors

  • Medical starvation in comfortable home conditions Many consider the only option to purify the body. Contact a specialized clinic — difficult, you need to spend on this vacation, and not free is pleasure.

    If you cautious, do not rush anywhere and not count on an instant result, fasting can be carried out anywhere, if only you knew why you need it. (By the way, we decided to mention how food fasting is confused with light ultraviolet fastness, protein starvation and sugar technological starvation.)

    Rules of medical starvation at home

    Medical starvation at home and confusion in terminologySafety Rules for Fasting House — Consultation with the doctor, the right entrance to starvation, gradual output and thoughtful menu after.

    Medicinal starvation at home need to start in advance, even before the actual start. About a week before the first day of fasting, you need to go to a strict diet of fish, birds and vegetables. You need to drink at least two liters of water per day. Treat a sufficient ascetic menu in advance after fasting. If after the hungry days to pounce on food and there is the same thing you eat now, you can not reduce all the advantages of starvation, moreover, disrupt the metabolism and start cheating.

    Fasting is needed very gradually, it is better to abandon dinner on the eve of. During starvation should be at home or at least to the maximum to reduce the amount of work and home affairs. Because for the untrained organism the absence of food — Stress, it is desirable to enlist the support of all households and carefully monitor your condition. If symptoms appear, not specified as normal (dizziness, weakness, nausea and feeling of hunger are normal), it is worth stop fasting and start an output.

    Complete fasting needed with fruit and / or vegetable dilute juices. The main rule — The exit period must be equal to the deadline for fasting. That is, if you are hungry for a week, you should also go out too seven days.

    Menu after starvation

    When fasting is held in the clinic, you do not need to take care of the right food. At home, the diet after starvation needs to be thought out in advance. The basis of it, as well as in the preparatory period, must be vegetables, low-fat poultry meat and lean fish. For breakfast, porridge on milk (but without oil), fruit. Fatty food is better not to use at all.

    Paul Bregg, founder of improving starvation, said that alcohol, coffee, refined sugar — The biggest enemies of a person who are reduced to zero all the positive effects of starvation. On the second in harmful place, he put the red meat and offered whether it was possible to abandon the products of animal origin. We will not be so categorical and only call you to reasonable nutrition. But alcohol, chocolate and coffee still need to exclude.

    Terminological errors

    What is light starvation?There are two types of starvation — Dry and water. If you hear about «Exotic» Facilities, such as sugar, light, protein and others, know: they have no relation to cleansing the body.

    Light starvation — This disease is developing against the background of lack of sunlight. It is ultraviolet insufficiency that reduces immunity. Light fasting people working in the dark (for example, miners), residents of northern latitudes (especially with polar night) and those who spend whole days in the office, leaving him only in the dark day.

    Protein starvation — disadvantage in the body of a protein coming from outside. Protein deficiency is fraught with the appearance of a huge amount of diseases, because it is the protein — Main building material for organism cells.

    Sugar starvation is generally not related to medicine. Sugar starvation speak solely in relation to the wicker of sugar beets. You can only smile that some people seriously try to find information on how to hover on sugar (by analogy with starvation on water).

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