Rubphing, Holotropic Breath and Vaewishn — These respiratory psychotherapeutic techniques not only harmonize the inner world and create a positive mood, but also contribute to the overall health recovery.

Respiratory techniques have deep roots in history and are often used by shamans
For entry into a special state of consciousness, called Trans. However, if
reasonably and under the control of specialists to use these techniques of respiratory
Gymnastics, you can get considerable benefit from them for your own health.
For whom are intended
Hyperventiy techniques respiratory gymnastics? First of all, for those people,
who are experiencing constant stress, often fall into depressive states,
emotionally unstable and tend to thicken the paint, for those who are even small
problems are deprived of sleep, appetite, gifted by headaches and do not give
focus on important things. Creating a positive mood,
Hyperventive respiratory techniques allow a man with new eyes to look
on the world and free from painful sensations. They help relieve overweight
or score the missing, and also contribute to the treatment of anemia.
From hyperventive breathing techniques
Three are known:
- rebetes;
breath; - Vaewishn.
Rebbe — This
Pretty old psychotherapeutic technique of respiratory gymnastics, giving
Start two other technicians — Holotropic breathing and methods Vaewishn. IN
The difference from the ribbean, the holotropic breathing is complemented by the action of encouraging music
and target work with the body. Vaewishn — This is a kind of meditation and
Concentration on the respiratory process, leading to reflex hyperventilation
What is the basis of the action of hyperventive
Respiratory muscles
a person is subject to his consciousness, so the respiratory process can be controlled,
arbitrarily changing the depth and frequency of respiratory movements. Men under the power
increase the breathing frequency of 8-9 times, women — at 5-6 times. With conscious
Increase the ventilation of the lungs in the process respiratory
Gymnastics, The center of breathing, located in the brain, is trying to take
Breathing under control, reflexively throwing special hormones into blood — Endorphins
And Enkephalins. These substances have the ability to influence
Emotional state of man and improve his mood, blunt pain,
stimulate memory and mental processes. Similar acts possess
narcotic substances, but they brake out of their own «Gormons
happiness», hyperventive techniques, on the contrary, stimulate education in
brain endorphins and enkephalins, while increasing intensity
Functioning of the whole organism. Besides, breathing exercises contributes to strengthening respiratory muscles and
makes the process of breathing more holistic.
What happens in the body when hyperventilation
Light hyperventilation occurs involuntarily during stressful
situations where the body needs to be mobilized to solve the problem. Frequent
Breathing and removal of carbon dioxide causes an increase in skeletal tone
musculatures, narrowing of peripheral blood vessels, occurrence
Tingling in the tips of the fingers, dizziness and euphoria.
In fact,
hyperventilation can accompany a number of diseases, for example, bronchial
asthma, neurosis, phobias, depression, it occurs in people in tense situations,
Pregnant women, singers and musicians playing wind instruments.
It is impossible to confidently
Say hyperventilation — This is good or evil for the body. After all, with all her
With a positive action, it can lead to incapacity and panic in an extreme situation. However, it is safe to argue that when used
use under the guidance of an experienced specialist She is able to work wonders,
Opening the new parties to consciousness, opening deep psychological injuries and
eliminating diseases arising against the background of depression.
In all respiratory
Gymnastics, Based on the technique of hyperventilation of the lungs, used
Connected breathing, without clear pauses and transitions between inhale and exhale. Similar
Breath is also called holistic or integration. During classes in some
Training may occur nausea, vomiting, faint condition. therefore
Before training, there is always a test for the portability of hyperventilation, which
lies in in-depth breathing for 20-30 minutes.
Remember! Hyperventive techniques respiratory gymnastics intended
For short-term use in emergency situations. Education technique
hyperventilation should be carried out only with the consent of the attending physician using
Methodist or instructor.