Treatment of bee poison


  • Concept of treatment by the bee poison
  • Indications for therapeutic measures
  • Contraindications for the use of bee poison

  • Concept of treatment by the bee poison

    Although the bee poison in large doses can cause a heavy overall reaction, anaphylactic shock, up to death, in selected therapeutic doses, it is a valuable drug in the treatment of patients with the most different diseases.

    Despite the long-standing use of the bee poison for medicinal purposes, he almost did not find applications in scientific medicine. It is largely due to the soreness of the polenium and the difficulties of dosage during bite. Currently, the pharmaceutical industry produces a range of purified drugs of bee poison, which are introduced into the body in injections, rubbing, inhalations, and T. D. And yet it is believed that the introduction of fresh poison gives the best healing effect than the reception in the form of drugs. Therefore, treatment is widely applied at present.

    Almost all the preparations of the bee poison are not intended for intake, since the poison is destroyed by the enzymes of gastric and intestinal juices. The use of bee poison for medicinal purposes is based on its anti-inflammatory, anti-breaking and desensitizing action.

    Indications for therapeutic measures

    Treatment of bee poisonCurrently, the method of apitherapy was developed and the main indications were established for the use of bee poison as a healing agent. Contraindications for apitherapy.

    Apitherapy is carried out most often to reduce pain and inflammatory phenomena in the joints and in the muscles of rheumatic and other origin, with neuralgia, osteochondrosis of the spine, hypertension, migraine, with sluggishly healing ulcers and wounds, with thrombophlebitis, obliterating endarteritis and a number of other diseases.

    The therapeutic effect of the bee poison with refriterating endarterite is based on the antispasmodic and vasodilating effect of the bee poison on the vessels, as well as an painful effect and reduction of blood clotting.

    The bee poison is widely used in the treatment of a number of articular diseases, especially inflammatory nature. In the treatment of this pathology, inflammatory phenomena and pain decrease, the mobility is restored in the joints. The painful effect occurs immediately after therapeutic procedure and keeps up to several days. To secure the effect, treatment courses are recommended to repeat. The best therapeutic effect of the bee poison has in cases where there are no profound anatomical changes in the joints.

    With rheumatoid arthritis, apitherapy is an effective means and for remote results.

    Good results apitherapy gives a bronchial asthma. If the time of the attack of bronchial asthma is known, then the bee poison is introduced in 1-3 hours before the attack. Poison small dose. Apitherapy should be carried out carefully, since the patients with bronchial asthma are very sensitive to all kinds of irritation. The course of treatment can be long (up to 6-10 weeks). Most patients with apitherapy gives a positive result. Chopsy attacks stop or warned. All patients note an expectorant effect that occurs after receiving the bee poison. Everybody has an improvement in the overall state, sleep normalization and a decrease in neurotic manifestations. The use of supporting therapy ensures a satisfactory condition of patients.

    A good therapeutic effect is noted in patients with diseases of the peripheral nervous system, with radicular syndromes. Methods for treating the bee poison of patients with trigeminal nerve neuralgia.

    Apitherapy successfully applies with the functional diseases of the central nervous system, for example, when climacteric neurosis. As a result of treatment, the feeling of tides disappears, sleep, mood, appetite are improved, vegetative manifestations are reduced, blood pressure is normalized. There are data on the successful use of apitherapy in patients with chronic inflammatory proceedings of uterine.

    The mechanism of therapeutic effect of the bee poison is largely due to its stimulating effect on the function of adrenal glands involved in the production of hormones, increasing nonspecific protective mechanisms of the body.

    Contraindications for the use of bee poison

    The versatile effect of the bee poison on the human body makes it possible to apply it for a wide variety of diseases. But at the same time, apitherapy is not a panacea from all diseases and has a number of contraindications. For example, the bee poison is not prescribed in diseases of the liver, kidneys and pancreas, with diabetes, tumors, tuberculosis, with heart failure, in infectious diseases, sharp depletion, idiosyncraysia to poison.

    Before holding the course of apitherapy, it is necessary to be carefully examined to identify contraindications. In the process of treatment, a periodic study of urine and blood is necessary.

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