How to choose Phytotea


    Is it possible to appoint a physician yourself?

    How to choose PhytoteaHerbs, mostly deprived of pronounced side effects, has long been used by people for self-medication. Of course, we are talking about a dilettanic selection of algorithm «Means from the head», «Means from a runny nose» and T.NS. «Phitchy» - This is a pharmacy drug of a non-receptible vacation, having an annotation of testimony and contraindications. That is, a person, oriented, as a rule, an unambiguous conclusion may be made by the title about the purpose of this Pita. As a rule, such a fluid contains several plants, the combination of which is verified from the point of view of influence on this or that pathological process.

    When it comes to choosing to self-medicate vegetable raw materials, then it is necessary to be more cautious here. For this several reasons. First, the reception of a separate plant can be much more likely to lead to side effects. Secondly, the purpose of one plant, as a rule, does not respond to all necessary areas of treatment, especially in the case of the treatment of chronic pathology. Thirdly, the plant, unlike a pure medical drug, contains a whole set of biologically active substances, and in this connection has a variety of types of activity.

    How to choose phytquia?

    How to choose PhytoteaTea selection algorithm if you are not pharmacist.

    • Step one. As soon as it came to mind the thought of becoming grass on his own, and you have already come to the pharmacy, then ask to show me ready herbal mixes focused on the treatment of my problem. If there are no, then I go to another pharmacy. If available, then look step number 2.
    • Step two. We read contraindications (exactly contraindications!) To all the proposed fitching and we are looking for, and whether there are diseases and states in them. If you find those (for example, pregnancy), then I retain this tea to the side and no longer return to it. If there are no contraindications, then go to step 3.
    • Step Third. Carefully read the testimony, to which only now has the queue. It's one thing as tea is called, another thing that is written in the instructions. For example, tea is called «Do not be sad!». We think this is a means of depression, and read in the annotations in the testimony «Deliverance from unwanted pregnancy». An example is naturally invented. If this happened exactly, then given tea aside aside and no longer return to it. If the testimony coincided with our diagnosis, then I will turn to step No. 4.
    • Step fourth. We look at how the manufacturer recommends accepting its superserving. In what form, in what one and daily dose, as often and, finally, how long. We are trying to impose all this on your life schedule, try on your taste addictions and t.D. If any parameters contradict to you so much that you cannot adapt to them, then this phytope is returned to the pharmacy worker. And with the remaining options, we turn to step No. 5, and the last.
    • Pitch fifth. We look at how much this miracle is worth. Naturally recount for treatment. Suppose 1 package contains 20 filter bags, and costs 50 rubles. The manufacturer recommends accepting decoction from one bag three times a day for a month. Thus, I need 30 x 3 = 90 filter – packages, which is 90: 20 = 4.5, and recalculate to the whole, 5 packages of the drug. In monetary terms, this will be 5 x 50 = 250 rubles.
      Here look at your wallet, speak «OK!» and, satisfied, decrease to be treated.
      However, if you say not «OK!», but «Wow!», then the algorithm is docked with the transition to another pharmacy.

    Is it possible to use violence constantly? What kind?

    Some and the same phytquias are constantly impossible. If you take different herbs constantly in different reasons or to maintain the health and prevention of diseases or their exacerbations, then you can. However, here it is best to find time and consult with a professional phytotherapist.

    Is it possible to lose weight, quit smoking or drink alcohol only with a cooking?

    It is categorically impossible! No one has yet made such a miracle. About smoking and alcoholism I generally doubt that you can cure it. Methods, of course, are available. However, the treatment is so problematic that it is not always even a professional seeks a good effect. As for weight loss, sometimes violence gives effect, and, as a rule, the temporary, which is most often implemented not by the normalization of metabolic processes, and at the expense of non-physiological influences: strong relief of the chair, strengthening the urinary, impairment of fats in the lumen of the small intestine, and etc. Obesity – The problem of endocrinologist, with a visit to it and you need to start.

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