Therapeutic properties of beekeeping products


  • pollen
  • Royal Milk
  • Bee wax and propolis

  • pollen

    Flower pollen - Natural concentrate of all necessary for the normal development of the organism. In total, more than fifty different biologically active substances have been discovered in pollen, which provide a versatile effect on the human body. In folk medicine, flower pollen is used as a medical agent with multilateral properties. Recommended pollen to the patient anemia, inflammation of the prostate gland, powerlessness.

    Clinical and experimental studies of therapeutic properties of flower pollen indicate that it has a good therapeutic effect in the following diseases:

    • pernicious anemia
    • gastritis
    • colitis (inflammation of the large intestine)
    • constipation
    • hypertonic disease
    • neurosis
    • Inflammatory diseases of the nervous system
    • gout
    • Disorders of the endocrine system

    Recently, scientists attract another product produced by a honey bee, - Perga, which bees are prepared from pollen. Perga is effective under a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hepatitis, endemic zob, atherosclerosis, prostate adenome, neurosis, depressive states, insomnia, gout. Very indicative in the action of pollen and Perga is the general consecration effect.

    Royal Milk

    Therapeutic properties of beekeeping productsThe working bees of pharyngeal glands produce a special high-quality substance with which they feed the larva of the future uterus. This substance and got the name of the uterine milk. Pumply milk bees are prepared from Perg. For medical purposes, it is obtained from unsigned satellites laid by bees in summer, when selecting the module.

    Fresh uterine milk is a yellowish-white liquid of sour cream-like consistency, an acidic taste.

    The chemical composition of the royal milk is very complex. It contains 65% water, 14-18% protein substances, 9-19% of carbohydrates, 1.7-5.7% fat, growth factors, sex hormones, mineral salts, microelements, many vitamins.

    The uterine milk has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect. It is very useful as a tossing agent of exhausted and weakened patients. Good results were obtained when appointed uterine milk with low-powered children.

    Royal milk normalizes blood pressure. A good therapeutic effect is observed during angina and after the myocardial infarction suffered.

    The uterine milk causes an improvement in the state of patients having malignant tumors. It is believed that the anti-cancer effect of the uterine milk is associated with its radioactive properties.

    It has been established that the uterine milk has a beneficial effect in some mental illness, accompanied by depression phenomena. A good effect is noted when prescribing it to women with impaired psyche in the period of Klimaks.

    Most researchers note the beneficial effect of the uterine milk on older people. Pronounced action It has in fatigue, leading to an increase in physical and mental performance.

    Bee wax and propolis

    Wax is produced by special wax glands located on the underside of the abdomen of the working bee. Allocate the wax only young bees.

    Bee wax finds use in medicine. It is part of some plasters, ointments, creams. The wax is well absorbed by the skin and gives it a smooth and gentle look, so it is widely used in cosmetic medicine.

    Propolis is a resinous adhesive adhesive of dark green and bitter taste, easily rolling into lumps and possessing a pleasant specific smell resembling the smell of birch. Over time, propolis acquires darker, even black painting and becomes more dense, losing the smell. The source of propolis is resinous substances collected by bees from various plants.

    The chemical composition of propolis is complicated. It contains resin, balsams, essential oils, waxes, pollen. Propolis is well soluble in alcohol and bad in water.

    In folk medicine, propolis has long been used as a therapeutic agent in the treatment of wounds. Has a strongly pronounced local analgesic effect.

    Propolis also has a bactericidal action. Propolis preparations are recommended for receiving inside with pneumonia, angina and even with complex treatment of tuberculosis. Propolis ointment prepared on vaseline oil is recommended for inhalations with inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract.

    It has been established that propolis contributes to strengthening the enamel of the teeth, warning the development of caries.

    Currently, there is no doubt that all products produced by a honey bee are great value for medicine.

    Bee poison, honey, uterine milk, wax, pollen, Perga, propolis - Beautiful natural medicines. All of them are complex in the composition of substances, and therefore have a versatile action on many functions of the human body.

    With skillful use, all beekeeping products may be very useful in the treatment of certain diseases.

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