Yoga is not only standing on the head and the possession of the lotus. Yoga is «lazy», For example, yoga for fingers. Special name - wise yoga.
When we hear the word «yoga», We present a rug, sophisticated exercises with incomprehensible name «Asana» and a lot of sweating. Yoga how we think, — This is something complex, requiring special body and soul training.
But yoga is different. Yoga for beginners can be so simple that it causes bewilderment: Surely bending the fingers in a certain way can have at least some useful effect? May and renders! Wise yoga — A set of exercises in which only brushes take part. But this complex is able to calm the nerves and correct the health of different organs. This is the simplest and effective treatment of yoga, which many of us are missing.
Hands as a health conductor
Palms, like the feet, contain many nerve endings. Hands are sensitive and require a particularly careful relationship. Gymnastics for brushes and fingers is used as part of the medical and physical culture complex. It is no coincidence that children are recommended to play as much as possible with peas and croups, dig in the sand and play with blades. Developed petty motorcy stimulates the rapid development of the brain. But not only the kids useful to develop the sensitivity of the hands. Yes, adults are no longer as useful as small, picking up in buckwheat and sort out beads. But those who have the size of the legs unchanged, the set of exercises of wise yoga will be extremely useful.
Mudra Yoga talks about how to connect hands properly in special combinations — wise. Westers restore the normal flow of body energy, return the lost power of the energy flow, send «rays» Health into damaged parts of the body and organs. Thus, the very treatment of yoga is happening for lazy — no muscle tension, no painful stretching.
It is best to take away for wise yoga a little time in the morning and in the evening, because for the perfect performance of the exercise you need peace of mind and silence. But if you do not work out half an hour a day, you can make wise even in the workplace or on the go. Ensure that your brain has not been engaged in the execution of your brain while performing exercises. Focus on sending all its positive energy into the hands.
All listed exercises are extremely simple and recommended as yoga for beginners. Each mudra is performed at least fifteen minutes. You must conveniently settle down (it is better to sit or lie, but you can stand or stand, if you are comfortable and you can exercise without breaks, without distracting).
Indications: Any problems with throat, voice, larynx, colds
Execution: Hug your entire right hand |
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Indications: anxiety and emotional stress, longing and depression.
Performance: on both hands – Connect the pads of the index and |
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Indications: infectious diseases, inflammation, decrease in immunity
Execution: Make out of the usual hands «Castle», Palm |
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Saving life
Indications: Any heart problems, heart attacks, tachycardia.
Performance: on both hands – bend index finger so |
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A life
Indications: Low performance, fatigue, fatigue, apathy,
Execution: Both hands – connect |
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Indications: stress, distrust, low self-esteem. Mudra raises Execution: Both hands – Connect large and ring fingers with low pressure pads. Straighten the remaining fingers. |
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Indications: Pain of any etiology, poisoning, body intoxication,
Execution: Both hands – Pillows connect |
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