Myths about homeopathy


  • Myth number 1. Homeopathy is the treatment of herbs, the same as phytotherapy.
  • Myth number 2. Homeopathic drugs — Weakly active drugs. To feel at least some relief, you need to take it for a very long time.
  • Myth number 3. Homeopathic treatment — These are psychotherapy, peculiar hypnosis, suggestion. So that it helps, you need to believe.
  • Myth number 4. Homeopathy and traditional medicine «do not like» each other. It is impossible to combine them.
  • Myth number 5. Homeopathic drugs must be taken often, and for a complex scheme. It is only available to those who do not work and sit at home all day.
  • Myth number 6. Homeopathic treatment is not all useful. There are contraindications, allergic reactions. It can provoke the strongest exacerbations of the disease.
  • Myth number 7. Homeopathic preparations are absolutely harmless, so everyone can choose the treatment.
  • Myth number 8. Taking homeopathy, you will have to abandon your favorite products and stick to a strict diet.
  • Myth number 9. Starting once treatment of homeopathy, it is impossible to throw him. Reception of drugs must be continued for a very long time, almost all life.
  • Myth number 10. Homeopathy — frozen, not developing science. Modern homeopaths are treated in the same way as they treated their predecessors of two hundred years ago.
  • Myths about homeopathyMyth number 1. Homeopathy is the treatment of herbs, the same as phytotherapy.

    "Homeopathic" The drug makes way to prepare. The raw materials for him can be any natural substances: plants, minerals, animal fabrics. Now there are more than four thousand homeopathic preparations.

    Myth number 2. Homeopathic drugs — Weakly active drugs. To feel at least some relief, you need to take it for a very long time.

    Homeopathy begins «work» With the first adopted dose. After 7-10 days, the therapeutic effect is manifested with a special force. In the depth of exposure to the pathological process of homeopathic preparations are comparable with potent drugs: antibiotics, analgesics, hormones, tranquilizers, and t.NS.

    Myth number 3. Homeopathic treatment — These are psychotherapy, peculiar hypnosis, suggestion. So that it helps, you need to believe.

    In homeopathy can be trusted or not to believe who like, — It does not affect the result. Homeopathic remedies are treated and newborn, and patients in coma. Homeopathy is successfully applied even in veterinary.

    Myth number 4. Homeopathy and traditional medicine «do not like» each other. It is impossible to combine them.

    Many allopath doctors believed in homeopathic preparations and began to apply them or direct their patients in homeopathic centers . Homeopathy in our country has strengthened so much that became an independent subject in medical institutes. By the way, to become a homeopath, a doctor's diploma is needed. As for the combination of homeopathic and allopathic preparations, they are not always contrary to each other, and homeopaths are not in a hurry to cancel the familiar medication, combining two types of treatment.

    Myth number 5. Homeopathic drugs must be taken often, and for a complex scheme. It is only available to those who do not work and sit at home all day.

    With influenza, ORZ, other acute diseases of homeopathic medicines, you must really take a few days. And in chronic diseases, an individual treatment scheme is prescribed, composed so that the patient is convenient to take medicine: one — several times a day, another — several times a month. The main thing is that the reception was regular.

    Myth number 6. Homeopathic treatment is not all useful. There are contraindications, allergic reactions. It can provoke the strongest exacerbations of the disease.

    Homeopathic treatment has no contraindications, does not have side effects, it does not cause allergic reactions. This is his feature and indisputable dignity. Therefore, it can be applied from the first hours of human life and to deep old age. It will not harm pregnant and lactating women, it can be prescribed during allergic diseases — bronchial asthma, swelling of quinque and others. If necessary, it can be combined with the reception of other drugs (the exception is antibiotics and drugs from mint). Sometimes at the beginning of homeopathic treatment there is a slight exacerbation of the disease (it happens in a third of patients), which quickly passes. By the way, this is a good sign, indicating that the disease will soon be able to win.

    Myth number 7. Homeopathic preparations are absolutely harmless, so everyone can choose the treatment. Now in any pharmacy there is a wide range of homeopathic remedies - from diarrhea, from constipation, from nerves, from worms. In the extreme case, you can consult with a neighbor, which has long been treated with homeopathy, or plenty of a popular brochure, or take advantage of old issued by someone recipes.

    Abroad, where homeopathy is very common, drugs are released strictly by recipes. These are strong medicines, and only a homeopath should be assigned to them specifically for you developed scheme. The doctor must objectively evaluate the results of the treatment and from time to time to adjust the appointment, seeking complete recovery. For the same disease, homeopaths use different drugs or different doses of the same drug. Real treatment until complete recovery is possible only under the supervision of a specialist.

    Myth number 8. Taking homeopathy, you will have to abandon your favorite products and stick to a strict diet.

    When receiving homeopathic preparations, no changes to the usual power will not have to make. You can not give up coffee, tea, alcoholic beverages (in reasonable doses).

    Myth number 9. Starting once treatment of homeopathy, it is impossible to throw him. Reception of drugs must be continued for a very long time, almost all life.

    Treatment of treatment is very individual. One is enough one month, another — For several years. But the need for life admission does not happen.

    Myth number 10. Homeopathy — frozen, not developing science. Modern homeopaths are treated in the same way as they treated their predecessors of two hundred years ago.

    Homeopathy — This is a slim and accurate medical discipline. She really is a little more than two hundred years. But only the basic principles opened by Gannamean remained unchanged in it. She herself is in continuous development, in finding new medicines. Computer programs have been developed to help objectively assess the health status of the entire body and choose individual homeopathic preparations.

    Homeopathy cures a variety of diseases: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (constipation, dysbacteriosis, cholecystitis, bile-stone disease, pancreatitis, hemorrhoids), LOR-organs and respiratory organs (bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, otititis, allergic rheore, hymorite). Any diseases of the joints, spine, heart, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia are treated.

    Very effective homeopathy in gynecological diseases – perfectly without surgery «Spass» Moma uterus, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, the menstrual cycle is settled. Any diseases of the thyroid and mammary glands are treated. Homeopathy «Decides» and urological problems - such as, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, weakness of the bladder sphincter, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, impotence. Helps homeopathy and with eye diseases – Cataract, glaucoma, progressive impairment of vision. Skin diseases are perfectly treated: neurodermatitis, psoriasis, acne rash, allergic dermatoses. The technique of a stable weight loss is successfully applied, based on the use of individually selected homeopathic preparations.

    The essential advantage of homeopathy is that it successfully treats a combination of different diseases without causing side effects. Therefore, in some cases it remains the only, non-alternative treatment method.

    Dropping all myths, treat homeopathy!

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