We treat the heart of herbs


    «Heart, you don't want to rest...»

    We treat the heart of herbsWhy we do not remember it, if it is great, and begin to speak only when the first signs of illness appear - pain, shortness of breath, heartbeat? Everyone will answer these questions in different ways, but the fact that it makes 100 thousand blows per day, and for 80 years of life - 2 billion 880 million shots - we need to know. After all, even in a calm day, it pumped from 13 to 23 thousand liters of blood. Such a wonderful machine and the world do not get. Heart of «transport network» Delivered in the cells of the body vital elements: nutrients, oxygen, mineral salts, water and other materials supporting the livelihoods of the body.

    But to make such a gigantic work, the heart should receive normal nutrition, live in a certain mode of work and rest must be trained. And all this in our hands. We can create normal conditions for the work of the heart, but we do not always create them. We love coffee or tea, and for the heart it is overload, it flashes faster. We assume tobacco or alcohol and forget that the toxic products contained in nicotine and alcohol are poisoning our heart, interfere with its normal operation.

    If we have not care about your heart for a number of years, if it constantly worked with overloads, did not receive a full and necessary nutrition, then with time the heart starts «hand over». Pains for breasts, shortness of breath, swelling and other troubles appear.

    And what actions we undertake? Validol, Corvalol, Nitroglycerin and other medicines that spoil the heart, make it work in unusual mode. But any medicine - a whip for the heart. And if the horse is driving the whip all the time, then how long it will endure? Of course not. The man in nature is lazy, it is easier for him to drink five, ten, a hundred tablets than to commit yourself to observe a certain regime, make yourself engage in the morning charge or run in the morning 2-3 kilometers.

    In this small article, you should not talk about the dangers of smoking and alcohol, about the troubles related to the overeating and seating lifestyle, I just want to remind those basic principles for which a person who wanted to see the doctors as long as possible.

    These are these principles:

    • Do not overeat;
    • Do not abuse oily, fried food, salted and sharp dishes, dramatically limit salt;
    • exclude alcohol and nicotine from his life;
    • To avoid stressful situations, abide by the regime of work and rest;
    • Do not forget about sports, freezing, water procedures, hardening;
    • Madely bring your diet to Vegetarian.

    What will help herbs

    We treat the heart of herbsA huge amount of medicinal plants is used in folk medicine for the treatment of heart disease and cardiovascular system. To tell about the methods of preparation and use of medicinal drugs from all these plants is impossible in such a small article. Therefore, only the main recipes in which widespread plants are used here.

    You can start with the preparation of drugs from individual plants,

    Hawthorn - a tablespoon of dry fruits brew a glass of boiling water, insist two hours in a warm place, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day before meals.

    10 g dry fruit hawthorn insist 10 days in 100 g of vodka, strain. Take to take up to 30 drops three times a day.

    Buzina Sibirskaya - Broth bark and roots drink with cardiosclerosis and pain in the heart, heartbeat, shortness, neurosis of the heart, insomnia. A tablespoon of chopped mixture brew a glass of boiling water, boil 10 minutes, insist 1 hour. Strain. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day

    Vasilek blue - Infusion of flowers are used with heartbeat attacks. 1 tablespoon of flowers brew a glass of boiling water, insist the hour, strain. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

    Bowbike Bolotnaya - Broth of young shoots and leaves drink in heart disease. Tablespoon of crushed twigs and leaves brew glass boiling water, boil 5 minutes, cool, strain. Decoction to take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

    Peppermint - Apply infusion of leaves. 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves brew glass boiling water, insist 1 hour, drink sicks during the day.

    Calendula medicinal - Infusion used in violations of the heart rhythm. 2 teaspoons of crushed leaves brew glass boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

    Motherwort - Indispensable for cardiovascular neurosis, hypertensive disease, angina, heart defects. 4 tablespoons poured 0.5 l kishzsa water (her grass takes), boiling 5 minutes. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.

    Tri-color violet - To facilitate heart pain and improved heart work, drink tea from violet flowers. Need to drink constantly and stubbornly.

    If 2-3 times a day to systematically chew lemon crust, the work of the heart improves.

    With heart defects - 100 g of red table beet rubbing on the grater and pour 0.5 l spring or well water. Take three times a day on 1/2 cup.

    Skip through a meat grinder of 3 lemon, a tablespoon of honey and 100 g of kuragi. Take an empty stomach in cardiopulmonary failure.

    Set the heartbeat

    You should pour 0.5 liters of water in a saucepan, boil on low heat, fall asleep 1 tablespoon Gorition Spring. Boil three minutes. Close the saucepan with a lid, let it brew 1 hour. Strain. Nasty drink three times a day for 50 g. Normal heartbeat is restored in a few days.

    «Angina pectoris» - Angina afraid of herbal

    We treat the heart of herbsTake 1 liter of honey, squeeze or scroll through a meat grinder of 10 lemons with a skirt, expose 10 heads of garlic (heads, not poles). Mix together and leave for a week in a closed dish. Drink once a day for 4 teaspoons, but not immediately drink, and slowly savoring, not in a hurry. Doves do not miss. Drink until the medicine will end - for two months.

    When angina, after a heart attack and - other heart disease: 10 tablespoons of the hawthorn, 5 tablespoons of the rosehip are put in the saucepan, 5 tablespoons of rosehip (fruits are neglected). Spoons are superimposed with top. Poured two liters of steep boiling water. Pan heat is covered, put for 24 hours in a warm place. Then the composition is filtering through the gauze. Take 200 g 3 times a day before meals.

    50 g of dried roots of a love to boil 10 minutes in a liter of water. Finish 1 hour. Infusion take 1/4 cup 4 times a day. Every day, infusion should be fresh.

    Lady of vintage deep

    We treat the heart of herbsOne pound butter, one pound of inner pork sala, one pound honey, one pound sugar, quarter pound cocoa (powder), eight yolks, three cup cream. Yolks, cream, cocoa knock together. Oil to Salo Heat in a saucepan. Then mix everything and boil on slow heat until it gets a mix of dough consistency (like pancakes). Cool and drink three times a day on the tablespoon.

    Lily of Maysky - Used in neurosis and heart defects, during water, epilepsy. In Western Europe, applies .With paralyams, to strengthen the nervous system.

    Tincture - Lily of the Lilyside Flowers Tightly Natoop in a half-liter bottle up to half. Pretend to top with alcohol or vodka. Bury for 10 days to the ground. Take from 5 to 15 drops, adding daily by drop.

    Infusion - 1 tablespoon of flowers pour a glass of boiling water. Finish 1 hour. Drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day.

    In case of diseases of the heart and vessels, 1 cup of edge flowers of sunflower pour 1 l of water, boil 5 minutes, insisted, cool. Strain and drink within two days for 6 receptions.

    With cardiosclerosis - 200 g of rowan bark boil on low heat 30 minutes in 0.5 liters of water. Take half an hour before meals on 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

    With cardiosclerosis - nine high. 30 g of dry crushed root for 0.5 liters of vodka. Finish 10 days. Drink 30-40 drops three times a day.

    Collect number 1 - in heart failure

    • Blood-Red Hawthorn Flowers - 5 Pieces
    • Bird Highland Grass - 3 parts
    • Grass horsetail - 2 parts

    2 teaspoons of the mixture poured a glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour. Accept during the day in 4-5 receptions in chronic heart failure.

    Collect number 2 - from heart failure

    • Blood-Red Hawthorn Flowers - 1 part
    • Mint leaves - 3 parts
    • Fennel fruits - 2 parts
    • Valerian roots - 4 parts

    A tablespoon of the mixture poured a glass of boiling water at night. In the morning flickering. Drink during the day in 4-5 receptions in chronic heart failure.

    Collect number 3 - at heartbeat and insomnia

    • Grass horsetail - 2 parts
    • Bird Highland Grass - 3 parts
    • Hawthorn flowers - 5 pieces

    1 tablespoon of the mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water, insist for 1 hour, filter. Take 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day with rapid heartbeat, irritability, insomnia.

    Collect number 4 - with heart defects

    • Tern flowers - 1 part
    • Hardext flowers - 1 part
    • Hawthorn flowers - 1 part
    • Palm grass - 1 part

    1 tablespoon of the mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour. Focus. Drink during the day for 3-4 receptions at heart defects.

    Collect number 5 - with neurosis and cardiac weakness

    • Grass horsetail - 2 parts
    • Yarrow grass - 1 part
    • Leaf Melissa - 1 part
    • Valerian root - 1 part

    1 tablespoon of the mixture poured a glass of boiling water. Insist 3-4 hours. Focus. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day with neurosis, heart weakness.

    Collect number 6 - with nervous excitement and insomnia

    • Yarrow grass - 3 parts
    • Melissa leaf - 1 part
    • Valerian root - 1 part

    1 tablespoon of the mixture insist in a glass of cold water 3 hours. Boiling in water bath 15 minutes. Focus. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day with heartbeat in nervous excitement, insomnia.

    Collect number 7 - at myocardium

    • Lily of Mayan - 10 g
    • Fennel Ordinary (Fruits) - 20 g
    • Mint pepper (leaves) - 30 g
    • Valerian Drug (root) - 40 g

    1 tablespoon collection pour glass boiling water, boil 10 minutes, strain. Take 50 g 3 times a day when myocardet.

    Collect number 8 - with hypertension

    • Licode root - 10 g
    • Valerian root - 10 g
    • Grass turn - 10 g
    • Fruits of dill fragrant - 5 g
    • Calendula flowers - 10 g
    • Grass Panzeri Wool - 10 g

    2 tablespoons of a mixture of brew 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil 10 minutes, strain. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day with neurosis, angina, atherosclerosis, hypertensive disease.

    Collect No. 9 - Universal

    We treat the heart of herbsVery effective collection used for heart disease

    • White rose (flowers) - 10 g
    • Dormon (Grass) - 10 g
    • Mordovnik - 10 g
    • Lipa (flowers) - 20 g
    • Raspberry (fruits) - 20 g
    • Coltsfoot - 20 g
    • Plantain - 20
    • Horsetail - 30
    • Dill - 30 g
    • Melissa - 30 g
    • Motherboard - 30 g
    • Hawthorn (flowers and fruits) - 40 g
    • Immorter - 50 g

    Cutlery spoon for brewing in 0.5 liters of water, insist 1 hour. Take 150 g 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. Course treatment - 1 month.

    In addition, it is necessary to take a large head of the bow, grate it on the grater and mix with goose fat. Rub this mixture in the chest area, neck in the evening before bed. The patient must also eat a daily tablespoon of a bowl with goose fat, preferably in the morning.

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