Basal cell leather cancer, or basaloma


  • Who more often sick basaloma?
  • What does basal cell skin cancer look like?
  • As Basaloma is diagnosed?
  • How to treat basaloma?
  • How to protect yourself from the basal cell leather cancer?

  • Basal-cell leather cancer, it is carcinoma or basaloma, is detected in 90% of cases of diagnosis of oncological diseases of the skin. The tumor is characterized by slow growth and almost complete absence of metastasis, that is, it does not apply to the human body. However, despite the seeming harmlessness, it can germinate deep in tissue, causing their destruction and the appearance of very painful symptoms.

    Who more often sick basaloma?

    Basal cell leather cancer or basalomaBasal-cell skin cancer is equally common in men and women, there are no gender preferences at the tumor, but its addiction to blue-eyed and cease-skinned people are obvious. The main reason for the development of basaloma is the damage to the skin as a result of the impact of ultraviolet rays, so people with pale, thin skin are most susceptible to the disease. A special role is played by cases of decrease in immunity, which are a starting mechanism in the development of all cancer, including skin cancer.

    According to research of scientists ultraviolet radiation is the main cause of the development of skin cancer. Basaloma Most often suffer from tan lovers, ready for all days to not fall on the beach under affectionate sunshine, as well as frequent visitors to solariums, preferring body beauty to their own health. Others are also not insured against cancer, except those who are used to from childhood to cover their body from head to legs with dense clothes that protect against penetrating malicious sunlight.

    The emergence of the disease has a great influence of human accommodation in conditions of increased insolation. So, the prevalence of basalomas in the southern states of the United States is incommensurable higher than in the northern regions. High incidence among residents of Australia, South Africa — There are more than all cases of skin cancer.

    Basaloma — Tumor, which most often amazes people over the age of 45-50 years. But it does not mean that children and young people can irresponsible to their health, neglecting the use of sunscreen. It has been established that this kind of cancer «naming» In the young years, in the mature age, he makes itself felt by external manifestations.

    What does basal cell skin cancer look like?

    What does basal cell skin cancer look like?Tumor most often appears on open areas of the body — on the face or on the neck. Only in 20% of cases doctors find education on the body and limbs. For basalomas characterized by two growth options: superficial and invasive, that is, the inner.

    The development of surface basaloma begins with the appearance on the skin of the small, the size of the match head, the dense tubercle, absolutely not different in color from the surrounding fabrics, and there is no itching, pain or other unpleasant sensations.

    The nodule grows slowly, a few months later, and perhaps even years, it reaches 1 cm in the diameter. In its center the processes of decay begin, a blood circular crust appears, under which bleeding erosion or yazvet detects. If the tumor growth processes prevail over the decay processes, it reaches quite large sizes, has a flat, peeling surface and does not penetrate the tissue deep.

    Basalomas with internal growth resembles an ulcer, destroying the skin, muscles and other fabrics up to the bone, but despite this, the tumor does not metastasizes that he pushed many scientists to abandon the interpretation of basalomas as skin cancer.

    As Basaloma is diagnosed?

    Accurate diagnosis of the disease requires biopsy of tissues and their subsequent histological and cytological research. Sometimes the doctor first removes the tumor and then sends it to the study, but more often for analysis, a scraping or a small piece of fabric is taken at first.

    How to treat basaloma?

    Treatment of basaloma is to complete the removal or destruction of the tumor. So that after the operation there is no cosmetic flaws, doctors carefully choose the methods of influence, taking into account the localization of education, the nature of its growth. The age of the patient is also taken into account and the presence of related diseases, and even its attitude to a possible postoperative log.

    Modern methods of formation of basalomas:
    • Mechanical destruction of the tumor — scraping and migration. This method is more acceptable for the treatment of small tumors characterized by superficial growth.
    • Cryodestruction of the tumor, that is, its freezing with liquid nitrogen.
    • Micrographic Surgery for Mosku, implying tumor removal under a microscope.
    • Removing basaloma with laser.
    • Radiation therapy applied only in cases where the tumor is characterized by internal growth and its full removal of surgical methods is impossible.

    How to protect yourself from the basal cell leather cancer?

    The best way to prevent basalomas — Skin Protection from Direct sunlight.

    • It is recommended to maximally reduce the time of staying in the sun, especially at noon.
    • If necessary, go out on the street in the day in the sun to wear closed clothes and a widescard hat.
    • On open areas of the body, it is necessary to apply a sunscreen with a high degree of protection SPF.
    • If there are any formations on the skin regularly visit the dermatologist and pass prophylactic inspections.

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