Hemangioma is a fairly common vascular disease, manifested in the form of a benign neoplasm, which may occur under the skin or on its surface. How treatment is carried out? Answer to this question you will find in the article.

Surgical treatment of hemangioma is shown at deeply located vascular tumors, when it is possible to remove hemangioma entirely, within healthy tissues, without significant cosmetic damage. The operational method of treatment with hemangioms is advisable to use and in cases where the use of other methods of treatment seems to be obviously inefficient.
Hemangiomas of complex localizations are subject to radiation treatment, primarily tumors of such areas, where other treatment methods cannot be used, for example,. Radiation therapy is also shown at simple hemangiomas of a large area.
Exposure is carried out by separate fractions at intervals from 2-4 weeks to 2-6 months.
Diatheroelectro-agagulations are subject to only small, point hemangiomas in cases where the tumor is located in areas inaccessible to another treatment method.
Bleeding can be considered an indication for electrocoagulation. The electrocoagulation of extensive and deep hemangioms do not apply.
Sclerosing treatment is shown at small, deeply located vascular tumors of complex localization, especially when treating small cavernous and combined hemangioms and nose tip.
70% alcohol or other drugs are used for sclerosis.
Disadvantages of sclerosing therapy are soreness and duration of treatment. The advantage of injection therapy to other conservative treatment methods is its simplicity, which makes this method especially valuable.
One of the new methods for the treatment of extensive hemangiomes of external covers in children is hormonal treatment.Hormonal treatment is carried out prednisolone. Hormonotherapy is a fairly effective method of treatment with hemangiom, however, with its high efficiency (98%) of the desired cosmetic result, it is almost impossible to achieve. This method perfectly stops the growth of vascular tumor. Hormonal therapy is no longer an independent, but auxiliary method of treatment.
Application of low-temperature impact. Cryogenic treatment is subject to all simple hemangiomas of a small area, any localization.
The testimony for the microwave cryogenic treatment method is the presence of cavernous and combined hemangioms with a pronounced subcutaneous part, more often - complex localization that cannot be disabled or poorly treatable in other methods. Methods of microwave cryodestruction is quite simple, carried out in outpatient conditions and does not require anneasiating. The region of hemangioma is irradiated with microwave field with subsequent immediate cryodestruction.