Saying that by taking certain measures, you can with a 100% guarantee to avoid any disease, it would be wrong. However, significantly reduce the risk of developing one or another age. What are the prevention of pancreatic cancer prevention? Read this in this article.
Pancreatic cancer and its stage

Cancer tumors are most often located in the head of the pancreas (75% of cases), less often - amazing her body and tail.
The precancerous states include chronic pancreatitis, cysts and benign pancreatic tumors. The incidence of pancreatic cancer can be associated with tobacco, diabetes mellitus, asbestos. The risk of pancreas carcinoma significantly increases in patients with the hereditary forms of pancreatitis.
Syptomatics of cancer of the pancreas head can be divided into two periods. In the early stage, the disease is little concern for patients, and they do not seek medical care. The first alarming symptom of the disease is most often pain in the epigastric area and hypochondrium sometimes gives in the back (stuffing pains), with increasing intensity at night. In the future, a progressive reduction in body weight without a clear cause, heaviness in the opposite region after meals, general weakness and loss of abilityability.
In the second period, with a progressive increase in the tumor, a leading sign of the pancreatic head cancer - jaundice appears - jaundice. It begins to gradually, then quickly increases to a significant intensity of the color of the skin with a greenish-brown tint. Join the strong itching of the skin and discoloration. Because the head of the overall bile duch of the head does not stop, in addition to the jaundice, severe digestive disorders arise: the full loss of appetite, especially for meat and fat, nausea, belching, vomiting, diarrhea, increase the dehydration of the body, cachexia (sharp decline in body weight).
Touch tumors in the early stages is difficult and becomes possible with significant tumor sizes or when metastasis.
The body cancer or the town of the pancreas is less common, and it is manifested in the later stages, since the tumors of such localization cause mechanical jaundice only in 10% of cases. When the localization of the tumor in the tail and body of the gland is especially expressed by pain syndrome due to the germination of the tumor of the surrounding iron of numerous nerve plexuses.
Metastasizes pancreas cancer early, more often in regional lymph nodes and liver. It is also possible to metastasis in lungs, bones, peritoneum, pleura, adrenal glands, etc.
Pancreatic Cancer Prevention
How to warn pancreatic cancer? First of all, you should remember the general measures for the prevention of cancer.
In developed countries, there is a tendency to slow down the growth of morbidity and a decrease in mortality from malignant tumors, both due to prevention and by improving early diagnosis and treatment.
Earlier in the USSR, mass prophylactic examinations of the population were carried out on a state scale: women from 30 years old and men older than 35 years. At the same time, a significant number of patients with malignant tumors. At these inspections, up to 10% of all the primary diseases and even more precancerous diseases were revealed. This significantly affected the decrease in cancer mortality.
With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the depletion of health care, a decrease in the standard of living of the population, the late detection and treatment of the increased amount of precancerous diseases leads to an increase in the incidence of cancer among the population.
In general, it is possible to give such tips on the prevention of cancer at all:
- What to do? - Pass prophylactic inspections. To contact the doctor about any diseases and health disorders. Strictly carry out all the recommendations of doctors for examination and treatment of diseases, primarily those that may be prepubrase. Live a healthy and full life.
- What not to do? - All the rest. First of all get rid of bad habits, do not smoke. And, in the second - not to score a head out of abundance about a possible cancer, if you lead a healthy lifestyle.
As preventive measures to prevent cancer of the pancreas itself, follows:
- Eliminate the influence of harmful factors of the external environment, professional harm (asbestos dust).
- Conduct timely treatment of chronic pancreatitis, diabetes.
- Pass systematic preventive inspections in the presence of cyst and benign pancreatic tumors, the heredity of heredity of the hereditary forms of pancreatitis.