Treatment of liver cirrhosis

More Ancient Indian medical letters mention the disease, similar to the symptoms similar to the one today is known to many. And in the XV century, the brilliant Leonardo da Vinci, studying the anatomy of a person, determined the changes of the organ associated with this insidious pathology.

In 1819, the inventor of Stethoscope, Frenchman Rene Laennek, first described the clinical characteristics of the disease and voiced the name of the mysterious illness - liver cirrhosis. Today, the disease is already not confused with anything, the highest mortality from diseases of the digestive organs (except oncology) is observed among people suffering from cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is mainly susceptible to people older than forty years old, the men have suffered from the disease twice as more often than women.

Redhead but not cautious

Liver cleansing, liver, liver cirrhosis

Cirrhosis - liver deformation by scarring due to infectious diseases, intoxication, metabolic disorders. From cirrhosis predominantly suffer liver disease «Staining» In a yellowish color (hence the name - translated from Greek «kirros» means «ginger», «Lemon yellow»), kidneys and lungs.

Cirrhosis of the liver - chronic and progressive pathology, which is reversible, if diagnosing it at an early stage. Hepatocytes, liver cells are dying due to local inflammatory process. In their place are formed «Dead» Plots of connective tissue that surround the surviving cells. The remaining hepatocytes are actively divided, but they cannot fulfill their work due to the violation of the integrity of the body structure - so the liver failure arises.

Causes of cirrhosis

By origin, cirrhosis is isolated:

  • As a result of viral liver disease (in the risk area - patients with chronic Hepatitis S, IN);
  • due to improper nutrition;
  • due to chronic alcohol intoxication. One of the most important causes of the disease - more than 40% regularly consulating spirits of people inevitably fall into cirrhosis of the liver;
  • cholestatic (distinguished by a strong jaundice and painful skin itch);
  • as a continuation of toxic hepatitis;
  • genetically inherited;
  • developing on background Tuberculosis, Syphilisa, brucellosis;
  • Due to the autoimmune hepatitis - the hyperactive immune activity of the body, the result of which inflammatory processes in the tissues of the liver are becoming;
  • due to the birth of children without bile ducts;
  • Due to the lesion of the liver with a long use of drugs;
  • Other etiology, in particular, arising from unknown reasons (cryptogenic).

Stages of the disease

Liver cleansing, liver, liver cirrhosis

Life refusal to drink alcohol - the best start in the treatment of liver cirrhosis. The mode must be gentle, and the physical activity of limited. Bed regime is very important (thanks to the horizontal position, the liver is active, which contributes to the acceleration of regenerative processes). The patient is prescribed food intake within the table number 5 (lack of fried and oily food. Daily energy value on average 2700 kcal). The purpose of such a diet is to ensure full nutrition of the patient, which contributes to the normalization of the liver activity and activating the selection of bile at a convenient mode for the patient organ. In compliance with the diet in the liver, glycogen accumulates, a fat and cholesterol exchange is being drawn up, a bonement is stimulated.

The basis for the treatment of the liver cirrhosis is preparations that improve metabolism In hepatocytes and normalize membranes of hepatic cells - cocarboxylase, essential phospholipids. In the eccho-ascitic syndrome, the use of native concentrated plasma and 20% albumin solution is shown. In the active stage of viral cirrhosis, glucocorticoid hormones are prescribed. A promising direction in the fight against the disease is stem cell transplantation.

Liver transplantation is extreme way out of the situation when the patient threatens hepatic coma and death. The donor body can be obtained from a deceased person who had a healthy liver, or from a living donor, whose liver part of the liver is transplanted by the patient. For a donor person, such an operation is not dangerous - due to its unique regenerative capabilities, the liver restores 85% of its initial mass.

Therapy is aimed at normalizing the operation of the digestive system, getting rid of intestinal dysbacteriosis, elimination of chronic inflammation in the abdominal organs. The treatment of dyspeptic disorders, ensuring full nutritional nutrition, accompanied by vitaminotherapy and enzyme preparations, which do not contain bile acids (pancreatin, mesim forte).

Patients with an inactive form of liver cirrhosis in special medication therapy do not need enough basic therapy.

General Tips for patient cirrhosis

Liver cleansing, liver, liver cirrhosis

Forget about a hurry - you have to quit everything, as soon as you feel fatigue. You can not lift gravity that can cause bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

Follow the work of the intestine, the good stool frequency is at least 1-2 times a day. To achieve such a result will help the drug-appointed drug with the content of lactulose (dofalak), the dose of which hesitates from three teaspoons to one or two canteens per day (individually assigned).

Mircetov recommends limiting or completely eliminating salt from its diet, especially if there are prerequisites for edema and ascites. Liquid can be used no more than one and a half liters per day. Take a rule every day to measure your weight and waist amount at the navel level (an increase in the parameters is a signal of fluid delay in the body).

Special attention is paid to balanced nutrition and the correct regime of the day.

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