Tool diagnostic methods for intestinal cancer


  • Based on what the doctor puts the diagnosis?
  • RectorOnososcopy
  • Barium enema
  • Colonoscopy
  • Ultrasonic scanning
  • CT scan (computed tomography)

  • Based on what the doctor puts the diagnosis?

    Tool diagnostic methods for intestinal cancerMost people start with the fact that visit their family physician (general practitioner), which will examine you and prescribe the passage of the necessary tests or X-ray examination. Perhaps your doctor will also find you need to direct you to this goal to the clinic for consultation and treatment to a specialist.

    Before proceeding with an objective examination, a clinical doctor will familiarize himself with your illness. Probably, he will begin with a rectal study. To do this, putting the rubber glove, he will introduce your finger into the rear pass to grope any swelling or bloating, if any. This procedure causes several unpleasant sensations, but painless.

    To verify your overall health status, you will likely make blood test and x-ray examination of the chest. You may also be asked to bring a sample feces to research on the subject of blood in it.

    Listed below the study are used to diagnose thick and rectum cancer.


    This test allows the doctor to examine from the inside the rectum or the colon it can be carried out either an outpatient basis or in hospital conditions.

    For testing you will be asked to lie down, «Curled by Kalachik», And the doctor will carefully enter you into the back pass the thin tube. The tube is connected to a small manual pump, with which the air is pumped into the intestines. Proctoscope — This is a short tube designed for the length of the rectum; RectorOnoskope — A tube of a more significant length that can go further and allow to examine the intestine at a greater length. The presence of a lighting device inside the tube allows the doctor to detect any sect of the intestine with a deviation from the norm. If necessary, you can painlessly take a small sample of cells (biopsy) for microscopic examination.

    Conducting rectoscopy or rectoroscopy tests can cause some discomfort, but you can go home immediately at the end of any of them.

    Barium enema

    We are talking about a special x-ray study of Tolstoy and rectum. It is carried out in the hospital in the X-ray.

    For its proper, it is important that the intestine is emptied to obtain a clear picture. On the eve of the day assigned to test, you will need to take a laxative and drink a large amount of fluid.

    In the morning on the day of the test you can not have anything or drink. In various hospitals, the rules for preparation for this test can be somewhat different from each other, but your doctor will give you instructions that you will need to follow.

    Before the dough to ensure complete intestinal cleansing, you may make the intestine. To do this, you will be asked to lie down the side and gently enter the tube to the back pass, and then water will be introduced across the tube. You will be asked to detain in yourself for a few minutes, after which you can go to the toilet.

    In order to put the barium enema to obtain double contrasts, in the same way, as when washing the intestines, a mixture of barium and air is introduced into the rear passage of the patient, which is ensured by a clear image in the pictures. It is very important to detain this mixture until all the necessary X-ray pictures are made. After that, the doctor can observe the passage of the Barium on the intestinal on the X-ray screen, which will allow it to detect any deviation from the norm, if any.

    This test is pretty tedious and can cause some discomfort, so it's not bad so that someone spent you home, if possible.

    Within two or three days after this test you may not have to notice that your feces have become white. This is explained by the fact that from your body there is a barium, so there is no reason for concern. In addition, the barium can cause constipation, so it is possible that within a few days after the test you have to take a light laxative.


    If the doctor finds it necessary to examine the colon from the inside throughout its length, he will spend a test called colonoscopy. This test is usually carried out outpatient, and it lasts approximately one hour.

    Tool diagnostic methods for intestinal cancerFor a colonoscopy, the intestine must be absolutely emptied. This means that within a few days before the test, it is necessary to carefully comply with a certain diet. Preparation is similar to the one that is conducted in front of the test «Barium enema». The relevant instructions will be given to you.

    Before the dough, you probably give a soft soothing remedy, so that you feel easier to relax. Then you will take a convenient stayed pose on the side and the doctor cautiously brings you into the rear pass the flexible tube (colonoscope). Since this tube is made of flexible fiber, it easily overcomes the coloration of the colon, so that it can be examined throughout the length. A light bulb provided inside the colonoscope allows the doctor to detect any area with a deviation from the norm and any tumor.

    During the test you can take pictures and take sampling from the inside of the colon (biopsy). The colonoscopy can determine some discomfort, but the calming remedy will help you feel more relaxed.

    Most patients are ready to go home after an hour two after the test. But it is also not bad if you agree with someone to take you home.

    If, based on the results of the tests, it will be established that you have a colon cancer, your doctor can find needed additional tests, in order to find out whether the metastase tumor gave or not.

    Additional tests can, in addition, help the doctor make a decision on the most appropriate thing for you type of treatment.

    Ultrasonic scanning

    Sound waves are used to carry out this test in order to obtain an image of the liver and the inside of the abdominal cavity. This test is conducted in the office with a scanning device.

    After you have taken a comfortable position lying on the back, the gel layer is applied to the surface of the abdomen. Then there is a small device resembling a microphone that generates ultrasonic waves. The computer converts reflected sounds into the image on the screen.

    Ultrasound can be used to determine the size and position of the cancer. This study is painless, and it takes only a few minutes.

    CT scan (computed tomography)

    Scan CT — A variety of x-ray research. Make some number of images of a certain area and introduce them to a computer in order to get a detailed picture of the body from the inside.

    On the day of scanning, at least 4 hours before the designated time, you can not have anything or drink. A few hours before scanning, you will be given a drink a special fluid, which manifests itself under the action of X-ray radiation, and then — Once again directly in the X-ray office.

    Before the scanning procedure itself, the same fluid will be introduced into the rear pass through the small tube. Although it can cause a few unpleasant feeling, but due to this it is possible to ensure a clear image.

    After the patient took a convenient position, you can proceed to scanning. By itself, this test does not cause painful sensations, but when it is held for 30-40 minutes, it is necessary to lie at all. Immediately at his end, most patients can go home.

    The result of tests conducted will be ready in a few days, and before your departure home you will be appointed the day of the next visit to the doctor. Obviously, this period of waiting will be difficult for you, good, so that during this time you supported a close friend or relative.

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