Insomnia - Intellectual Satellites


  • From insomnia – shovel?
  • Seeded preparations: a closed circle
  • Unmixed means of combating insomnia

    From insomnia – shovel?
  • Insomnia & ndash; companion intellectualsInsomnia is almost always the result of chronic overwork. We will not consider the case when insomnia is a consequence of a psychiatric disease. After all, rest is the process of active (including sleep). And even in order to fall asleep, the person needs strength. However, with insomnia, we are talking about overwork not physical, but intellectual. With physical fatigue, it is just easier: if a person, for example, has become spawned well, he will fall asleep as the head of the pillow touches. But when there is a brain in a constantly excited, overloaded state - then it is very difficult to fall asleep.

    In general, it can be said that insomnia - the privilege of people with intelligence. The one who does not seek to overload his brain, the one who in life, roughly speaking, do not care, is almost never experiencing problems with sleep... And those whose brain is simply physically unable to cope with the proposed load and constantly working in the exhaust mode, and there are difficulties with falling asleep.

    Moreover, a modern person with its automated and mechanized life more often falls into a trap of intellectual overwork in the absence of an overwork of physical. Today we are catastrophically lacking the movement in most work sitting, plus many many move in cars, and public transport can not be considered a special source of physical activity - even in peak hours. And intellectual problems are becoming more difficult. That is why, by the way, the problem of insomnia is most common in large cities, where the physical exertion is minimum - due to the developed network of transport and a large level of automation, and personal problems are more. Yes, and a working day, as a rule, it is more tightly filled with intellectual load, and brain overloads are not uncommon.

    The state of intellectual overwork becomes a constant companion of those whose life is painted literally to minutes. Undoubtedly, the more you have time to do, the more, it seems, get dividends. However, in practice, often it turns out that, planning your own day before the failure, you are faster than this failure. Because things not finished today remain for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and there is another portion of meetings and tasks, and so on... In an effort to catch in several places at the same time, a person begins to strain - and as a result, the quality of the scheduled important affairs is suffering. At the same time, in communication with people, you are tense more than it would be necessary; Charged is immeasurably stronger; The feeling of annoyance from the fact that you misunderstood, comes more often; And in the evening the brain is unable to switch to sleep after a whole day of work in the exhaust mode. And this condition is copied for months and years, and gradually sleep duration is reduced.

    This situation is perhaps psychologically the most simple. In order to find a way out of it, you must first of all literally teach yourself to plan your own holiday. Moreover, more than once a year to break out a week to Canary, and consider the need for rest in the plans for every day. Allocate the main thing in your affairs: what you need to have time first. In case you feel that some meeting takes you not only for a hour - two times, but also a bunch of nerves - let them no longer be in your plans for this day. Better for the day to spend one meeting with benefit than to fault two or three.

    However, the overwork of the brain can be achieved not only with the help of an unnecessary dense working day. Any concern, which one way or another dismisses you, may cause insomnia. This is an unhappy love, and problems of lack of money, and an unresolved scientific task, and sexual troubles, and difficulties with children, and the loss of a loved one, and much more, the like. However, if you think about it, then the reason in all these cases is the same: the overwork of the brain. Because, what would be the problem, if it makes you think about her day and night - then your brain is constantly in work. And it works with a larger load than usual. And since you are not able to switch, when the night comes, the brain does not fall asleep, because a signal is constantly going to him: work, work, work! At the same time, by the way, the brain is unable to do any useful work: all his forces go to the processing of that psychological discharge that deprives you of sleep. And if a person is forced to work at night - this is not insomnia.

    Insomnia is a state at which you just sit all night and literally do not know what to do, do not find yourself places, but to fall asleep - can't. And as a result and do not rest, and do not use this time with the benefit for your affairs.

    Sedable drugs: a closed circle

    Sometimes in order to turn off the brain, so-called sleeping pills are used (sedative psychotropic drugs). Their action is based on making your brain, sorry, dumber to give a damn on your problem, he would turn off from her and allowed you to fall asleep. But it may be that the level of your overexcitation will be such that the intense work of your brain will not stop after a small therapeutic dose of sleeping pills - and you will have a dose to increase literally to the state of anesthesia. In this case, it is not about holidaying during sleep. Your brain is not forced to rest, but to deal with that poison that you fed it.

    Sleep with sleeping pills - only the illusion of sleep, self-deception, and it does not give a feeling. As a rule, after sleeping pills, a person wakes up broken, does not feel that he slept and rest. And if the sleeping pills have to take daily (especially so-called soft - less pronounced, but more than a longer action), then you do not even get rid of the effects of this drug: a person who forced every night to use sleeping pills during the day and continues to walk over. And most importantly - your brain is not able to actively work on the problem that prevented you to fall asleep. As a result, the problems wen down, the condition can go to depressive, insomnia will still increase. You will increase the dose of sleeping pills - and all first, only by increasing.

    Therefore, such drugs should be taken only on the appointment of a doctor (and at the same time not enough doctor for the throat, demanding to write to you sleeping bags), and only when all the underfloor agents from insomnia did not help. And such funds are.

    Unmixed means of combating insomnia

    Physical fatigue. To this end, doctors recommend a small walk before bedtime; it's even better to walk with a dog - she will sure make you run!

    Switch to less exciting and more pleasant sensations. Look before bedtime your favorite movie, read your favorite book, listen to your favorite music, take a relaxing massage session.

    Well acts gentle soothing intimate caress - but in no case there is no mechanical sex by anything and sometimes even through force!

    Inclusion of physiological sleep mechanisms. Here will help a fragrant bath (just not too hot - to calm down and not excite!), tea cup (not coffee!) and a glass of milk (not vodka!). And one of the most effective recipes from insomnia - drink a glass of warm milk slowly through the straw. As you know, with sucking, a sedative mechanism is included, which a person operates at the reflex level: that is why the child's child has so quickly so quickly and falls asleep... Interestingly, this mechanism works in other areas: for example, the soothing effect of smoking arises precisely because the smoker sucks a cigarette in the mouth, and not at all because of the impact of nicotine. By the way, Nicotine himself refers to stimulating means, so trying to burn yourself intense smoking at night - the occupation is initially useless.

    In case you fall asleep with difficulty, take a honey before bedtime. Already 20 minutes after reception it enters blood. In chronic fatigue, traditional medicine recommends a 1 teaspoon of honey before bedtime, with the addition of a small amount of lemon juice on a half-table of water. As it turned out, those who suffer from chronic fatigue, it is impossible to wash in bed with soap. Soap is a strong alkaline solution and, getting such a large dose of alkali with water through the skin, a person feels fatigue, and his skin itches. But if you need to wash with soap, then rinse with acidic water, and it does not matter - whether you take a full bath or only my head. For acidification, you can add some lemon juice or apple vinegar to water. The disadvantage of iodine in the body is also the cause of fatigue. Therefore, the gifts of the sea are very useful, and best of all - sea cabbage.

    Dill and hops also include the folk remedy for insomnia.

    Dill, (seeds). 50 g of dill seed cook 15 - 20 minutes on a small fire in 0.5 liters of wine Cahors or Portwine, insisted, hurting, 1 hour. Strain, squeeze. Take 50 - 60 g before bed. Folk remedy. Harmlessly ensures good sleep.

    Hop, 2 teaspoons of hop cones on 1 cup boiling water. Insist, shutting, 4 hours, strain. Drink a glass at night from insomnia. 1 piece of crushed chips of hops on 4 weights of vodka or 50° Alcohol. Insist 2 weeks in a dark place, strain, squeeze. Take 5 drops of tincture on 1 st. spoonful water. Take 2 times a day before meals. Take the second time. Used in insomnia.

    Hop. Powder from crushed bumps of hops can be simply taken overnight as a soothing and sleeping pills.

    Valerian medicinal. Valerian infusion: st. Spoon of crushed root pour a glass of cold boiled water, insist 6 -8 hours, strain. Take. spoon, children - on a teaspoon 3 times a day.

    Hop. Fill the pillow with fresh hop bumps, put in a dense fabric and store in the closet. If the insomnia occurs to sleep on the pad, pre-shake it. Success is guaranteed even at the hardest insomnia.

    But these are just the mechanisms for removing the excitement at the moment, and they will not work for a short time. And if you want to get rid of the insomnia, you need to decide that problem that does not give you to fall asleep (or at least to take it off the relevance). And do not think that you are not in order with your head - you just give your head too much load, and maybe not quite in the case!

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