Radio wave method of treating skin neoplasms


    Radio wave surgery

    Radio wave method of treating skin neoplasmsRadio wave surgery – This is an atraumatic cutting method and coagulation of soft tissues with high-frequency waves. Radio-salted incision is performed without physical manual pressure or crushing of tissue cells. From the finest wire, called a surgical electrode, high-frequency waves are issued. The fabric has resistance to their penetration and it highlights heat, under the influence of which the cells on the path of the waves are exposed to evaporation and tissue diverge.

    Radio wave coagulation and incision are performed without the destruction of tissues caused by the use of electrosurgical low-frequency devices. Since there is no injury, healing occurs without postoperative pain and scar formation (scar). A significant advantage is also the sterilizing effect of radio wave surgery.

    Thus, radio wave surgery makes it much easier, improves and accelerates surgical procedures. Radio adaging excludes burns. After radio wave and surgical manipulations, there are no such unpleasant postoperative consequences such as pain, edema, inflammation that so often appear after application «Traditional» means for similar surgical interventions, which causes rapid healing.

    Benefits of the method

    Removal of neoplasms by radio wave surgery has indisputable advantages over other surgical methods, such as electrocoagulation («migration»), cryodestruction (liquid nitrogen treatment), laser coagulation.

    The use of these methods has side effects in the form of a burn (in the case of cryodestruction - cold necrosis) surrounding healthy tissues, with the formation of a scarp and subsequently scar. The method of radio wave surgery is deprived of these drawbacks, since healthy fabrics are not damaged. As a result, wound healing after its use occurs on average twice as fast as after using other methods. It is also very important that the removed tissue is not heated, the cells from which it consists are not destroyed and suitable for histological examination.

    Thus, the main advantages of applying the method of radio wave surgery include:

    • fast treatment;
    • sparing cut;
    • the minimum destruction of the fabrics subject to
    • The practical absence of complications;
    • lack of bleeding;
    • Accelerated wound healing,
    • Virtually Crabless Healing of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
    • Excellent cosmetic effect.


    You can specify two main contraindications – This is the presence of a patient with a pacemaker (relative contraindication requiring precautions) and the categorical reluctance of the patient to cooperate with the doctor.

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