Spot Massage with Vegeta Dystonia


  • Massage Points for Vegeta Dystonia. 1st group
  • Massage Points for Vegetary Dystonia. 2nd group
  • Massage Points for Vegetary Dystonia. 3rd group

  • Massage Points for Vegeta Dystonia. 1st group

    Spot Massage with Vegeta Dystonia
    Massage of the 1st group of points are performed when the lower extremities are cold. Points 1, 2, 6, 7 and 9 are massaged by a toning method for 30—60 seconds using deep pressure and vibration techniques.

    When exposed to all other points of this group, we use a soothing method and taking easy pressing with rotation clockwise.

    The duration of massage of each of these points is 2-5 minutes. Within 14 days, acupressure sessions * are carried out daily; After the 7-day break resume the course.

    one. Yun-Quan. Impact is made alternately on both sides in the sitting position.

    2. Dove. Symmetrical, located at the inside edge of the base of the nail of the thumb. Simultaneous self-massage is carried out in a sitting position with lowered legs.

    3. Point Tai Chun. Massage the same as the point of da dun.

    4. San Yin-Jiao. Impact is carried out in the same way that points 2 and 3.

    five. TsDU-San-Lee. Method of self-massage is similar.

    6. Point Jean-Gu. Array alternately on the right and left, accepting the situation sitting.

    7. Dot. Act simultaneously to the right and left in the sitting position.

    eight. Sin-Jian point. Self-massage is carried out in the same way as in the case of point 7.

    nine. Point Fu-Liu. Array similarly to points 7 and 8.

    10. Point Yin-Shi. Symmetrical, located on the inside of the thigh on 3 tsun ** above the patella. Impact on it is produced simultaneously on both sides in the sitting position.

    eleven. Dot. Massage the same way 10.

    When the upper extremities are colder, it is recommended to apply the massage of the 2nd group of points.

    Massage Points for Vegeta Dystonia. 2nd group

    Spot Massage with Vegeta Dystonia
    Points 2-4 for 3-5 minutes array with a soothing method using light pressure and rotation. All other points of the 2nd group affect the toning method for 30-60 seconds using deep pressure and vibration techniques.

    The duration of the course is 12 days, then make a 7-10-day break, after which 12 daily sessions of point massage are carried out again.

    one. Duck. It is massaged by taking a position sitting and slightly tilting ahead.

    2. Point Shao-Shan. Impact on it is produced alternately on both sides, putting a hand on a flat surface with the back side down. A similar way to massage points 3 (Zhong Chun), 4 (Shao-Chun), 5 (Yu-Ji), 6 (Lao-Gong, located in the middle of the palm), 7 (Shao-Fu, localized on the palm surface of the brush between IV and V Muzzle Bone) and 8 (leschu).

    People suffering from vegetative dystonia often experience a feeling of burning in the area of ​​the sole. Eliminate this symptom helps soothing massage of the 3rd group of points. At the same time, use the admission of easy pressure, alternating it with slow rotation clockwise.

    Massage Points for Vegeta Dystonia. 3rd group

    Spot Massage with Vegeta Dystonia
    The duration of exposure to each point is about 5 minutes.

    one. Yun-Quan. The impact is made alternately on the right and left, being in the sitting position.

    2. Yin-gu. The patient takes the position of sitting and bends his knees at right angles. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

    3. Zyu-Quan. Its applied similarly to the above-described point Yin-GU.

    4. Point of Nay-Tin. It affects simultaneously on both sides in the sitting position. Also use points 5 (XIA) and 6 (Tun-GU, located on the back of the foot).

    7. Yin-Lin-Quan. Symmetric, is on the inner side of the leg for 2 tsun below the patella. It is massaged at the same time on the right and left, accepting the sitting and stretching the legs.

    After 12 daily sessions, the course will temporarily stop. At the end of the 7-day break, point massage sessions renew.

    * Akupressura - acupressure.

    ** Tsun - Chinese inch; accepted equal to 1/30 meters, hesitated (depending on different approaches to calculus) from ≈ 3.33 to 3.73 cm.

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