In recent years, breast cancer occupies a leading position among cancer.

The greatest risk of getting the RMH aged 55-65. Upon early month, earlier 13 years, the risk of RMW increases by 2-2.5 times. Promote the development of RMG late menopause (after 55 years), long-lasting climethe.
Mastopathy with atypical proliferation of the epithelium increases the risk of 3 times.
Oral contraceptives slightly increase the risk only with continuous use of more than 10 years.
With ovarian cancer Risk of rchs 2 times higher.
Eating 50 ml of alcohol daily increases the risk of RMW 1.7 times.
RMW in blood relatives on the maternal line — 2 times.
Genetic predisposition — BRCA1 B BRCA2 genes.
Potentially raise the risk of high-calorie diet, obesity, hypothyroidism, liver disease, hypertensive disease, diabetes.
Fortunately, there are factors that reduce the risk of RMG: early first childbirth (up to 18 years), breastfeeding in young age reduces the risk of RMW in menopause.
For a risk group, a specialist survey has been recommended, starting from 20 years, with a mammary ultrasound, the determination of the SA-125 level. The survey must be held at least 2 times a year.