Elder dementia is the Beach not only old people, but also young people, because the elderly relative, in a similar condition, requires almost constant care. What you need to know about senile dementia to recognize and, if possible, prevent it - read in our article.
All this, according to modern doctors, - the first signs of the so-called senile dementia.
Elder dementia in medicine is considered a mental illness. Sannity A person loses imperceptibly, at first only complaints about the worsening of memory.
In the first stage of the disease, nervousness, greed, intolerance. Elderly people lose the ability to adequately own themselves, critically treat both to themselves and to others. They begin to demand more attention to their personality, become childish capricious and offended. Often show arrogance, exaggerating former merits.
In some cases, no complaints of low mood, unpleasant sensations in various parts of the body patients do not prevent - rather observed elements of euphoria, colarming. On the contrary, they love to boast by their boyfall and physical endurance. Sometimes they become highly sexy. But in some cases, the opposite picture is observed: patients complain about headaches, unpleasant feelings in different parts of the body, reduced mood, become evil, grumpy, grumpish, complain about insufficient attention to them, require medical care, turn to many specialists.
All this, as we said, accompanied by complaints of memory deterioration. The patient with difficulty perceives new information, forgets the names. Interestingly, he may not remember that he ate for breakfast, but in detail to tell about the events of the fifty-year old ago. Memory Disorder entails the appearance of new features in behavior. Forgetting where they put money or things, old men become a changeful and suspicious, thinking that in the house there were thieves. Such a kind of thought make them hide money and things, sometimes in the most unsuitable places.
Along with memory weakens attention. Disorder manifests itself in two types:
- Constant distractions, the inability to focus. Bright example - senile fussiness. Usually, with such a disorder of attention, a person cannot bring to the end began, throws one, starts another, in a hurry to go to the third.
- Inertness, accuracy of attention. The patient is lost when the situation is changed, the subjects of the conversation… Often, he appears tico-shaped twitching of various muscle groups (for example, shake hands), seed gait.
Studies show that with senile dementia, the number of memories and their brightness are directly dependent. Those belong to childhood, sometimes much brighter than the events of the recent past. Although sometimes only one thing «stuck» In memory, returns again and again. Any offense or a bright page of life remain in memory in the form of a kind of island, despite the almost complete absence of other memories.
At the same time, false perception of surrounding persons arises. For example, the neighbors in the chamber of the patient calls the names of their long-time acquaintances, believing that he is in service, and they are his colleagues.
Over time, the condition worsens - the sick loses the ability to understand the elementary things, the meaning of speech. Euphoria becomes more distinct - an elderly person is easily excited: infected with laughter, claps in his hands, it starts to dance. Often he dresses like a young, makes a bright makeup, flirty hairstyle…
Often, at this stage, nihilistic nonsense appears (complaints about irreparable violations of bodies, on the absence of stomach, heart, legs, heads, and even on… death). There is a strong depression, which is accompanied by a continuous crying and complaints that they are poorly related to the patient, they robbed, do not feed and t. D.
As weathered increases, a number of new symptoms appear, extremely characteristic of these psychosis. The brightest is the symptom of stereotypical zeal. It is usually expressed in the fact that patients with a concerned and focused species stereotypically perform aimed actions: whipping the pillows, shifted from place in place bedding, furniture moves. It is very characteristic of the symptom of washing, observed from laying patients: they all the time they are mistaken in the hands of the sheet or the edge of the blanket.
Sleep becomes superficial and short. In some cases, its rhythm is shot: insomnia arises at night and drowsiness during the day. Sometimes consciousness is confused at night, people cease to navigate in the environment, make ridiculous actions, for example, bonfire in the middle of the room, in bed, in the closet. Often, at the same time, they see bright visual hallucinations, which are images associated with a former profession. The patient can even keep a random conversation with former colleagues. Psychiatrists call such a professional nonsense.
Such symptoms more often appear on the border of the next stage - mental and physical marasm.

Undoubtedly, patients with senile dementia are required. Today, medicine offers enough funds that allow you to easily facilitate their existence. But the main thing is that such patients need, - a calm family situation and the spiritual heat of loved ones, which is sometimes more valuable for any medical drugs. And if your husband, wife, the parents struck this ailment, do not disregard them and be indulgent to them.
In the treatment, the preparations of iodine and bromine, sleeping pills in case of excitement and insomnia, also warm baths. In all cases, where it is allowed by the patient's condition, it is necessary to take his attention to any suitable type of labor, at least the easiest. Psychiators have long been noticed the fact that patients with senile dementia disease may not appear until they remain on the usual work. But the loss of interest in life and the lack of cases lead to a rapid decay of intelligence.