Skin cancer: general information, causes and symptoms of the disease. Learn all about skin cancer for effective treatment and disease prevention.

To the group of diseases under
The name of the skin cancer includes malignant neoplasms of basal cell and
Flattelling type, melanoma and tumors, forming on skin pickles.
The most common view is basal cell species, the rest
There are significantly less often.
Causes and symptoms of skin cancer
Skin cancer most often
develops on open, unprotected parts of the body, about 70% of all
recorded cases fall on the area of the face. Most malignant
formations are located on the nose, forehead, in the corners of the eyes, at the temples and in the ear
Causes of skin cancer
Accurate causes of appearance
PlateLocks and basal cell forms of cancer today medicine
Unknown. While only factors causing increased risk
development of this disease. Among them: excessive amounts of sunlight,
affecting the surface of the skin, radiation irradiation and hit
Chemicals-carcinogens (including components of tobacco smoke).
Skin cancer does not have sex
Preferences — Men to this fear are subject to the same way as women, while
With age, the probability of tumor appearance increases. Also, doctors are called
one of the risk factors reduced immunity, motivating this high
The incidence of skin cancer among patients with AIDS in the period of immunosuppressive
Hereditary factor has
meaning when determining the possibility of disease development. Official Medicine
Selects a group of so-called precancerous diseases: Bowen's disease,
Solar keratosis and other.
Skin cancer symptoms
In various forms, skin cancer looks
like erosion, knot or plaque on the skin. In most cases, neoplasm is not
worried patient, some can form ulcers accompanied by
bleeding and pain.
Skin cancer complications
The main complication of cancer
leather are metastases, and with a flat-stitch type of disease, the probability of their
Education is much higher than with basal cell cell. Mostly secondary
Foci appear in lymph nodes — With this course, the forecast is greatly worsening.
Treatment and prevention of skin cancer
Skin cancer in no way
admits self-medication, so when suspicious formations appear
The only right solution will be visited by a dermatologist.
Diagnosis and treatment of disease
To diagnose skin cancer used
Histological studies of affected areas. To confirm the diagnosis and
Detection of metastases may require an additional inspection of narrow
Skin cancer is treated in most cases surgically:
- excision of the tumor;
- cryodestruction of education;
- electrocoagulation.
As an additional method, radiation therapy can also be used.
Timely diagnosis and treatment of cancer allows 95% of patients to live for more than five years after complete recovery.
The only method
The prevention of the ailment is to reduce risk factors. Refusal of smoking and
Contacts with chemical carcinogens, restriction of sunshine
Light, active use of sunscreen and feed creams for leather — in most
cases of these measures enough to prevent the development of the disease. Persons, whose
Relatives suffered cancer, permanent control of oncologist. Long
non-healing wounds and scars, diseases from the group predrakov also require
Careful medical observation and timely treatment.