Solitary bone cyst


  • About solitary bone cyst
  • Manifestations of solitary cysts
  • The flow of solitary cysts

  • About solitary bone cyst

    The solitary (youthful) bone cyst is observed mainly in male people (the ratio of boys and girls 3: 1), most often aged 10-15 years. Adults are rarely detected, mainly as not revealed in the past.

    Manifestations of solitary cysts

    Long tubular bones are almost always affected, usually shoulder or hips. The disease, as a rule, flows without any manifestations, sometimes patients complain about the pain appearing from time to time or have a small swelling. In most cases, the first clinical manifestation of the solitary bone cyst serves a fracture, more often without a displacement, which arises due to a slight injury or without it.

    When examining a patient with a solitary bone cyst, the thickening of the end of the affected bone is detected, painless when feeling, dense. When pressed on the wall considerable by the size of the cyst, the flexing of the thickened bone is possible. Movement in the joints of the limbs is usually preserved in full. With the damage to the femoral bone and the bones of the leg of the man begins to lick.

    The flow of solitary cysts

    Solitary bone cystThe flow of solitary bone cyst has certain stages. Active bone cyst is located in the field of the end of the bone. In this case, the blur is expressed, repeated fractures arise, the immobility of the corresponding joint is gradually developed. Stage duration - 8-12 months.

    In the process of growth of the child, active bone cyst goes into passive. Gradually cyst shifts in the direction of the center of the bone, decreasing in size. Such bone cyst proceeds asymptomatic. Duration of the transition phase 6-8 months.

    After 1.5-2 years, the solitary bone cyst shifts to the central part of the bone and does not manifest itself. However, the bone strength decreases, which is a factor contributing to the occurrence of fractures, which, fuse, contribute to the decrease in the volume of the cavity, T. E. Her closure. Gradually, a small cavity or bone seal remains on the site of the bone cyst.

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